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CVE-2021-32740 (High) detected in addressable-2.7.0.gem #143

Open mend-bolt-for-github[bot] opened 2 years ago

mend-bolt-for-github[bot] commented 2 years ago

CVE-2021-32740 - High Severity Vulnerability

Vulnerable Library - addressable-2.7.0.gem

Addressable is an alternative implementation to the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard library. It is flexible, offers heuristic parsing, and additionally provides extensive support for IRIs and URI templates.

Library home page:

Path to dependency file: /Gmright/Milestones/Gmright-market/Commerce/Net_holder/Blue-sky/Gemfile.lock

Path to vulnerable library: /var/lib/gems/2.5.0/cache/addressable-2.7.0.gem

Dependency Hierarchy: - github-pages-204.gem (Root Library) - jekyll-theme-midnight-0.1.1.gem - jekyll-3.8.5.gem - :x: **addressable-2.7.0.gem** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: 38ca8e4f9b8cdbfb059dcdeec3d6283b57fb6dff

Found in base branch: master

Vulnerability Details

Addressable is an alternative implementation to the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard library. An uncontrolled resource consumption vulnerability exists after version 2.3.0 through version 2.7.0. Within the URI template implementation in Addressable, a maliciously crafted template may result in uncontrolled resource consumption, leading to denial of service when matched against a URI. In typical usage, templates would not normally be read from untrusted user input, but nonetheless, no previous security advisory for Addressable has cautioned against doing this. Users of the parsing capabilities in Addressable but not the URI template capabilities are unaffected. The vulnerability is patched in version 2.8.0. As a workaround, only create Template objects from trusted sources that have been validated not to produce catastrophic backtracking.

Publish Date: 2021-07-06

URL: CVE-2021-32740

CVSS 3 Score Details (7.5)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: None - Integrity Impact: None - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version


Release Date: 2021-07-06

Fix Resolution: addressable - 2.8.0

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mend-bolt-for-github[bot] commented 2 years ago

:heavy_check_mark: This issue was automatically closed by WhiteSource because the vulnerable library in the specific branch(es) was either marked as ignored or it is no longer part of the WhiteSource inventory.

mend-bolt-for-github[bot] commented 1 year ago

:information_source: This issue was automatically re-opened by Mend because the vulnerable library in the specific branch(es) has been detected in the Mend inventory.