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Does ENDING really need to "nap" for 2 seconds? #20

Open ehermes opened 4 years ago

ehermes commented 4 years ago

First, some context: I am developing a geometry optimization code, Sella, which can interface with a variety of electronic structure theory packages through the ASE library. I would like to benchmark my code using AM1 (or other semi-empirical) calculations on small molecules, but currently none of the free packages supported by ASE can perform AM1 calculations (with the exception of CP2K, a periodic DFT code which gives energies and forces that are not in quantitative agreement with other codes). I would like to add to ASE the capability to drive GAMESS calculations, but I'm running into problems with my desired workflow.

For very small/fast calculations (e.g. semi-empirical AM1 on a small molecule), the actual time to achieve convergence can be significantly less than one second. In this case, the wall-time of a calculation is dominated by the 2-second nap that occurs in ENDING. This hampers workflows which involve running many sequential calculations.

Running the calculation with time rungms water.inp 00 1 1 produces the following timing information on my machine:

real    0m2.527s
user    0m0.184s
sys     0m0.252s

When I set IDELAY=0 in ENDING, I get the following timing:

real    0m0.482s
user    0m0.207s
sys     0m0.176s

This does not seem to cause problems, even when I increase the number of CPUs used (I realize this system is so small that parallelism does not help).

Compilation configuration for GAMESS

Generated on S1033085

Generated at Mon Feb 10 08:15:31 PST 2020


setenv GMS_PATH /home/ehermes/build/tmp/gamess setenv GMS_BUILD_DIR /home/ehermes/build/tmp/gamess

Machine Type

setenv GMS_TARGET linux64

FORTRAN Compiler Setup

setenv GMS_FORTRAN gfortran setenv GMS_GFORTRAN_VERNO 7.4

Mathematical Library Setup

setenv GMS_MATHLIB openblas setenv GMS_MATHLIB_PATH /opt/OpenBLAS/lib setenv GMS_AMD_BLAS_PATH

parallel message passing model setup

setenv GMS_DDI_COMM mixed setenv GMS_MPI_LIB openmpi setenv GMS_MPI_PATH /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi

Michigan State University Coupled Cluster

setenv GMS_MSUCC false

Please match any manual changes to the

GMS_MSUCC flag in /home/ehermes/build/tmp/gamess/Makefile

before running make


setenv GMS_LIBCCHEM false setenv GMS_LIBCCHEM_LIBS -ldl setenv GMS_EIGEN_PATH
setenv GMS_GA_PATH

Intel Xeon Phi Build: none/knc/knl

setenv GMS_PHI none

Shared Memory Type: sysv/posix

setenv GMS_SHMTYPE sysv

GAMESS OpenMP support: true/false

setenv GMS_OPENMP false

Please match any manual changes to the

GMS_OPENM flag in /home/ehermes/build/tmp/gamess/Makefile

before running make

Singularity Setup

setenv GMS_CONTAINER_PATH /home/ehermes/build/tmp/gamess


Added any additional environmental variables

or module loads below if needed.

################################################ setenv GMS_FPE_FLAGS '-ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow'

colleeneb commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the note. This seems like something we can change, but we'll look into it and get back to you.

saromleang commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the issue. This is a very unique use-case of GAMESS. As for now, given that you have a solution to reduce the delay in ENDING, I don't think anything further needs to be done.

There would need to be an increase in the number of high-throughput use-cases for us to consider removing the 2 second delay in ENDING.