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Error Message for compilation of ccsd3aacgt3B101100.f #28

Open acandac opened 3 years ago

acandac commented 3 years ago


I am trying to compile the newest version of libcchem on OS: OpenSuse Leap 15.0 compiler : gfortran v7.4 math library : mkl communication library : openmpi

command line for compilation: gfortran -c -fdefault-integer-8 -g -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -O2 -std=legacy -fno-var-tracking-assignments -w -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -funconstrained-commons -Werror=uninitialized -Werror=align-commons -Wtabs ccsd3aacgt3B101100.f

Error message I get :: gfortran: internal compiler error: Killed (program f951) Please submit a full bug report, with preprocessed source if appropriate. See for instructions. unset echo

Is there any workaround for that compilation problem?


Jenk. file ::


Compilation configuration for GAMESS

Generated on cadd0atjenk

Generated at Sun Sep 20 16:42:40 +03 2020


setenv GMS_PATH /usr/local/gamess setenv GMS_BUILD_DIR /usr/local/gamess

Machine Type

setenv GMS_TARGET linux64 setenv GMS_HPC_SYSTEM_TARGET generic

FORTRAN Compiler Setup

setenv GMS_FORTRAN gfortran setenv GMS_GFORTRAN_VERNO 7.4

Mathematical Library Setup

setenv GMS_MATHLIB mkl setenv GMS_MATHLIB_PATH /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.5.281/linux/mkl/lib/intel64 setenv GMS_MKL_VERNO 12

parallel message passing model setup

setenv GMS_DDI_COMM mpi setenv GMS_MPI_LIB openmpi setenv GMS_MPI_PATH /usr/local/openmpi-3.1.3

Michigan State University Coupled Cluster

setenv GMS_MSUCC true

Please match any manual changes to the

GMS_MSUCC flag in /usr/local/gamess/Makefile

before running make


setenv GMS_LIBCCHEM true setenv GMS_LIBCCHEM_GPU_SUPPORT true setenv GMS_CCHEM_HF true setenv GMS_CCHEM_MP2 true setenv GMS_CCHEM_RI true setenv GMS_CCHEM_CC true setenv GMS_HDF5_PATH /usr/local/gamess-cuda-lib/hdf5 setenv GMS_CUDA_BOARD pascal setenv GMS_CUDA_PATH /usr/local/cuda setenv GMS_LIBCCHEM_LIBINT true setenv GMS_LIBINT_PATH /usr/local/gamess-cuda-lib/libint setenv GMS_LIBCCHEM_LIBS -ldl setenv GMS_EIGEN_PATH /usr/local/gamess-cuda-lib/eigen-3.3.7 setenv GMS_BOOST_PATH /usr/local/gamess-cuda-lib/boost_1_72_0 setenv GMS_GA_PATH /usr/local/gamess/libcchem/externals/ga/lib64

Intel Xeon Phi Build: none/knc/knl

setenv GMS_PHI none

Shared Memory Type: sysv/posix

setenv GMS_SHMTYPE sysv

GAMESS OpenMP support: true/false

setenv GMS_OPENMP false

Please match any manual changes to the

GMS_OPENMP flag in /usr/local/gamess/Makefile

before running make

GAMESS LibXC library: true/false

setenv GMS_LIBXC false

Please match any manual changes to the

GMS_LIBXC flag in /usr/local/gamess/Makefile

before running make


Added any additional environmental variables or

module loads below if needed.


Capture floating-point exceptions

setenv GMS_FPE_FLAGS '-ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow'

saromleang commented 3 years ago

LIBCCHEM has not been tested with MSUCC so I would not recommend building them together.