gmt-china / china-geospatial-data

China Geospatial Data for GMT
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更新中国地区新生代岩浆岩分布,热流分布,区域重力异常及磁异常分布 #53

Open SeisPider opened 2 years ago

SeisPider commented 2 years ago


core-man commented 2 years ago

Sounds good

seisman commented 2 years ago


SeisPider commented 2 years ago


seisman commented 2 years ago


SeisPider commented 2 years ago
  1. 布格重力异常 Reference: Bonvalot, S., Balmino, G., Briais, A., M. Kuhn, Peyrefitte, A., Vales N., Biancale, R., Gabalda, G., Reinquin, F., Sarrailh, M., 2012. World Gravity Map. Commission for the Geological Map of the World. Eds. BGI-CGMW-CNES-IRD, Paris

  2. 地表热流 Reference: Jiang G, Hu S, Shi Y, et al. Terrestrial heat flow of continental China: Updated dataset and tectonic implications[J]. Tectonophysics, 2019, 753: 36-48.

  3. 磁异常 Reference: Brian Meyer; Richard Saltus; and Arnaud Chulliat. 2017: EMAG2v3: Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid (2-arc-minute resolution). Version 3. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Accessed [date].

  4. 新生代岩浆岩分布: 数字化自文中图件 Reference: Pan B, Liu G, Cheng T, et al. Development and status of active volcano monitoring in China[J]. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2021, 510(1): 227-252.

seisman commented 2 years ago

3. 磁异常 Reference: Brian Meyer; Richard Saltus; and Arnaud Chulliat. 2017: EMAG2v3: Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid (2-arc-minute resolution). Version 3. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Accessed [date].

GMT 已经内置了磁异常数据:

seisman commented 2 years ago
  • 布格重力异常 Reference: Bonvalot, S., Balmino, G., Briais, A., M. Kuhn, Peyrefitte, A., Vales N., Biancale, R., Gabalda, G., Reinquin, F., Sarrailh, M., 2012. World Gravity Map. Commission for the Geological Map of the World. Eds. BGI-CGMW-CNES-IRD, Paris

这个网页里已经提供了可供 GMT 使用的网格文件数据,可以直接下载使用,所以我们应该没必要整理到这个仓库里。直接在这里 加一个链接就够了。

SeisPider commented 2 years ago


seisman commented 2 years ago

2. 地表热流 Reference: Jiang G, Hu S, Shi Y, et al. Terrestrial heat flow of continental China: Updated dataset and tectonic implications[J]. Tectonophysics, 2019, 753: 36-48.

地表热流数据是在文章的附件里。直接下载附件的 csv 文件就可以画了。我们直接在 中加个链接即可,没必要整理到 china-geospatial-data 中。

seisman commented 2 years ago


seisman commented 2 years ago

4. 新生代岩浆岩分布: 数字化自文中图件 Reference: Pan B, Liu G, Cheng T, et al. Development and status of active volcano monitoring in China[J]. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2021, 510(1): 227-252.

@SeisPider 你是指这篇文章里的哪张图?我没有找到相关图片。