gmunguia / markdown-it-plantuml

:herb: :book: plantuml diagrams in your markdown
MIT License
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Support for inline SVG #18

Open gavinmcfarland opened 5 years ago

gavinmcfarland commented 5 years ago

Thanks so much for creating this markdown-it plugin!

Would it be feasible to add support for inline SVG? This would allow authors to style the SVG using CSS to match the branding of their site.

gmunguia commented 3 years ago

This plugin doesn't really deal with generating the images. This feature would probably require adding a library to the plugin that does PlantUml to SVG conversion, which I guess would be quite involved.

I'm open for suggestions if someone finds a clever way to do this.

trajano commented 3 years ago

You're requesting SVG already I think, but instead of putting it in an tag just write out the SVG directly.

Mind you only modern browsers support this. But by doing this it will give us the capability of putting in links in the SVG.

I think the tricky bit is the fetch call to get the data because rules are not allowed to be async.

trajano commented 3 years ago

In my case I needed this for VuePress where I wanted links. So leveraging what you already had without modifying your plugin directly (I did initially by adding the src value to the token itself)

module.exports = {
  chainMarkdown(config) {
    config.plugin("plantuml").use(require("markdown-it-plantuml"), [
        render: (tokens, idx) => {
          const src = tokens[idx].attrs
            .filter(attr => attr[0] === "src")
            .map(attr => attr[1])[0];
          return `<EmbedSvg src="${src}" />`;

and the component

  <div v-html="raw">asdf</div>

export default {
  props: {
    src: String
  data() {
    return { raw: "" };
  async beforeMount() {
    this.raw = await fetch(this.src).then(response => response.text());
jrtitus commented 1 year ago

VuePress 2.0 (beta) with Vue 3 implementation of @trajano's code (exactly what I was looking for tonight; thank you, sir):

/* src/.vuepress/config.js */
import { defineUserConfig } from "@vuepress/cli";
import markdownitPlantUML from "markdown-it-plantuml";

export default defineUserConfig({
  extendsMarkdown: (md) => {
    md.use(markdownitPlantUML, {
      render: (tokens, idx) => {
        const [src] = tokens[idx].attrs
          .filter((attr) => attr[0] === "src")
          .map((attr) => attr[1]);
        return `<EmbedSvg src="${src}" />`;
<!-- src/.vuepress/components/EmbedSvg.vue -->
  <div v-html="raw"></div>

<script setup>
import { ref, onBeforeMount } from "vue";

const props = defineProps({
  src: {
    type: String,

const raw = ref("");

onBeforeMount(async () => {
  raw.value = await fetch(props.src).then((response) => response.text());
Mister-Hope commented 10 months ago

The basic problem is actually markdown-it does not support async render methods, so as long as the text2svg conversion happens through network, we can not get svg codes directly.

I am trying to add plantuml into vuepress-plugin-md-enhance and meet this issue as well.