gmuth / ipp-client-kotlin

A client implementation of the ipp protocol written in kotlin
MIT License
66 stars 9 forks source link

Project import not load #1

Closed BrianGiannini closed 3 years ago

BrianGiannini commented 3 years ago

I tried to implement this lib on an Android project in the gradle app file with : implementation 'de.gmuth.ipp:ipp-client-kotlin:1.4' But it seems that it's not recognized :

Failed to resolve: de.gmuth.ipp:ipp-client-kotlin:1.4

Is this project still up ? How I can import it properly ?

gmuth commented 3 years ago

I've updated section Artifacts in the documentation. What maven repos are used by your build?

The artifact'de.gmuth.ipp:ipp-client-kotlin:1.6' is only available in this github maven repo:

maven {
  url = uri("")
  credentials {
     username = "login.."
     password = "token.."

Obviously my tests use my account, which has read permissions. I would hope that any github account is authorized to read the repo as well. Please configure your github account and token and try again.

BrianGiannini commented 3 years ago

But why do we have to add those credentials? Could it just be uploaded on a public maven repos?

gmuth commented 3 years ago

This is just how GitHub Packages work right now. Maybe they support public access in the future. Using a library from GitHub Packages within an Android Application works well. The library is currently not available in other repos.

You can also git clone the latest sources and install the library into your local repo: gradlew publishToMavenLocal

gmuth commented 2 years ago

The library is now publicly available at maven central.