gnames / gnfinder

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As a curator I would like to hit ` Ammonoencyrtus autone sp. nov.` #142

Closed mjy closed 1 year ago

mjy commented 1 year ago

Using gem 'biodiversity', github: 'GlobalNamesArchitecture/biodiversity', branch: 'pipe_approach' # '~> 5.1', '>= 5.1.1' the following block of text returns the genus, but not species name (nor does the web-version find it).

Holotype in MZUCR, paratypes in NHMUK.

                                      Ammonoencyrtus autone sp. nov.
                                                  (Hab. E 194)

DIAGNOSIS. Female (length about 2.3mm): area above mouth margin dark brown; mesoscutum
and scutellum orange with a weak metallic sheen; all coxae pale orange; legs otherwise pale orange
except dark orange-brown hind basitarsus; head about 7.2X as wide as frontovertex; pedicel wi
dimus commented 1 year ago

Part of #143