Closed SoniXtrA closed 3 years ago
Actually i agree, there is almost no solution, (maybe some deeply intgrated software-packages) in this field, or like amacube for roundcube, abandoned.
I am not a programmer, most stuff i added were fixes, some minor changes, so a full rewrite to be PHP7.3+ or now better 8.0 compatible, would be out of my possibilities.
But give me some time, i need to have a closer look what amount needs to be changed to be compatible
Done a bit research, some coderefactoring could be done using rector-php, but replacing the pear/db part with pdo cannot be done in the same/similar automatized way.
But actually most of the calls are almost similar:
function db_connect() is mainly this with PEAR/DB:
$dsn = $this->dbType . '://' . $this->dbUser . ':' . $this->dbPass. '@' . $this->dbHost . '/' . $this->dbName;
$db = DB::connect($dsn, true);
if (DB::isError($db)) {
echo $db->getMessage();
return $this->db = $db;
which would be written with PDO:
try {
$dsn = $this->dbType . ':host=' . $this->dbHost . ';dbname=' . $this->dbName;
$db = new PDO($dsn, $this->dbUser, $this->dbPass);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
$db->exec("set names utf8");
return $this->db = $db;
Above structure shows, it would be possible to rewrite the database layer, the most important calls would be:
$this->db->execute($q, $values);
lets see if i can manage this
Continued to examine the migration of PEAR/DB -> PDO, and collected some samples.
NOTE: these are only sample codes, not tested, and may need to be implemented in different parts of the mailzu-code, not as a single function (like the check_for_error() which needs its own rewrite )
Current read-type DB function is roughly the following:
function get_some_database_data()
global $conf;
$rval = array();
$query = "-- SOME SELECT QUERY";
// Prepare query
$q = $this->db->prepare($query);
// Execute query
$result = $this->db->execute($q);
// Check if error
$this->check_for_error($result, $query);
// In case the resulting count of rows matters
$this->numRows = $result->numRows();
// Process resulting rows
while ($rs = $result->fetchRow())
// $rval_array gets constructed by processing per row resultset $rs
// Free up the result
// return data
return $rval;
IMPORTANT: NEVER USE fetchAll() for a rowcount
// In case the resulting count of rows matters
$this->numRows = (int) count($q->fetchAll());
The PDO variant would be then:
function get_some_database_data_pdo()
global $conf;
$rval = array();
$query = "-- SOME SELECT QUERY";
// Prepare query
$q = $this->db->prepare($query);
// Execute query
$result = $q->execute();
// Check if error
if ( $result === false ) {
echo "Error: ". implode(' ', $q->errorInfo() );
return false;
// REMOVED rowcount example, its a memory-hog
// Process resulting rows
while ( $rs = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) )
// $rval_array gets constructed by processing per row resultset $rs
// return data
return $rval;
An example of write-type DB function is:
function update_msgrcpt_rs($mail_id, $mail_rcpt, $flag)
// If its a pending message, do not set the rs flag to 'v'
$cur_msg_array = $this->get_message($mail_rcpt, $mail_id);
$msg_status = $cur_msg_array[0];
if ($msg_status['rs'] == 'p' && $flag == 'v') return true;
$query = 'UPDATE msgrcpt SET rs=?'
. ' WHERE mail_id=?'
. ' AND rid=(SELECT id FROM maddr WHERE email=?)';
$values = array($flag, $mail_id, $mail_rcpt);
// Prepare query
$q = $this->db->prepare($query);
// Execute query
$result = $this->db->execute($q, $values);
// Check if error
$this->check_for_error($result, $query);
return true;
This function would be then rewritten as PDO like this:
function update_msgrcpt_rs_pdo($mail_id, $mail_rcpt, $flag)
// If its a pending message, do not set the rs flag to 'v'
$cur_msg_array = $this->get_message($mail_rcpt, $mail_id);
$msg_status = $cur_msg_array[0];
if ($msg_status['rs'] == 'p' && $flag == 'v') return true;
$query = 'UPDATE msgrcpt SET rs=?'
. ' WHERE mail_id=?'
. ' AND rid=(SELECT id FROM maddr WHERE email=?)';
$values = array($flag, $mail_id, $mail_rcpt);
// Prepare query
$q = $this->db->prepare($query);
// Execute query
$result = $q->execute($values);
// Check if error
if ( $result === false ) {
echo "Error: ". implode(' ', $q->errorInfo() );
return false;
return true;
I'm keeping an eye on this, too. I can't currently do it myself due to being swamped with other things but I'll contribute fixes if I see anything on the way. It seems like a more or less straightforward task.
E.g. in the write segment I'd recommend leaving error checking as it is and replacing the $this->check_for_error call with
return $this->check_for_error($result,$query);
and setting
function check_for_error($res,$q) {
if ( $res === false) {
echo "Error: ". implode(' ', $q->errorInfo() );
return $res; //just in case a count or something is returned
Makes more sense to centralize error management, should be a logger there instead of "echo" in your face.
Looking at get_some_database_data_pdo() it is so memory hungry, loading everything twice, doesn't amavis have some huge queries? Does this currently actually work?
Looking at get_some_database_data_pdo() it is so memory hungry, loading everything twice, doesn't amavis have some huge queries? Does this currently actually work?
Oh, NO! Do Not copy-paste these codes please.
The PDO variants were written only to demonstrate the similarities and possible code-migrations, but i never intended to use them unconditionally or without any prior performance-checks.
What you experienced was warned about in the php-docs, using fetchAll()
is a memory-hog, so beter skip that.
@Corfiot i edited my comment to warn others about the codes being not 1:1 usable, or even tested.
Did not expect that someone will see this thread so quick, just planned to use these notes to implement a database-class myself in the coming weeks.
The rewrite of the database related classes raise the issue that lot of classes have each other "cross include_once()-ed", so a reimplementation how all the classes are loaded, and used is also on plan
Done a bit research, some coderefactoring could be done using rector-php, but replacing the pear/db part with pdo cannot be done in the same/similar automatized way.
But actually most of the calls are almost similar:
function db_connect() is mainly this with PEAR/DB:
$dsn = $this->dbType . '://' . $this->dbUser . ':' . $this->dbPass. '@' . $this->dbHost . '/' . $this->dbName; $db = DB::connect($dsn, true); if (DB::isError($db)) { echo $db->getMessage(); } $db->connection->set_charset('utf8'); $db->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); return $this->db = $db;
which would be written with PDO:
try { $dsn = $this->dbType . ':host=' . $this->dbHost . ';dbname=' . $this->dbName; $db = new PDO($dsn, $this->dbUser, $this->dbPass); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage(); } $db->exec("set names utf8"); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE,PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $this->db = $db;
Above structure shows, it would be possible to rewrite the database layer, the most important calls would be:
$this->db->prepare($query); $this->db->execute($q); $this->db->execute($q, $values);
lets see if i can manage this
I started yesterday to rewrite database access in the exactly same way as written with PEAR. => DBAuth seems to be fully functional (except logs in files through "check_for_error" function) => DBEngine is ok for parsing quarantined mails or to read a mail to check headers ... But, ATM, I can't delete or release a mail. Thus, the "check_for_error function" is not fully functional to correctly check what's going wrong in file log ... And i'm not a developer :), I just want to help if I can ...
Regards, Sxa
@SoniXtrA check_for_error is not more than a check on the boolean for example $result = $q->execute(); then you have $result true/false, and in case the $result is FALSE, the errorInfo() is printed/logged etc.
"Delete" is mainly an SQL UPDATE, to set the RS status "Release" needs connection to Amavis over TCP, and an SQL UPDATE to set the RS status
@Corfiot - my fault, i did not read the docs correctly, PDOStatement class has one property $queryString
so i did not need to pass more than 2 parameters. Fixed function below
I'm keeping an eye on this, too. I can't currently do it myself due to being swamped with other things but I'll contribute fixes if I see anything on the way. It seems like a more or less straightforward task.
E.g. in the write segment I'd recommend leaving error checking as it is and replacing the $this->check_for_error call with
return $this->check_for_error($result,$query);
and settingfunction check_for_error($res,$q) { if ( $res === false) { echo "Error: ". implode(' ', $q->errorInfo() ); } return $res; //just in case a count or something is returned }
Makes more sense to centralize error management, should be a logger there instead of "echo" in your face.
I started to write the DBEngine.class.php, and i realized, the check_for_error() needs indeed a better rewrite, so here is my approach:
* Checks to see if there was a database error, log in file and die if there was
* @param bool $result result boolean
* @param object $q statement object
function check_for_error($result, $q)
global $conf;
if ( $result === false ) {
$err_array = $q->errorInfo();
$this->err_msg = 'Error['.$err_array[1].']: '.$err_array[2].' SQLSTATE='.$err_array[0];
CmnFns::write_log($this->err_msg, $_SESSION['sessionID']);
CmnFns::write_log('There was an error executing your query' . ' '
. $q->queryString, $_SESSION['sessionID']);
CmnFns::do_error_box(translate('There was an error executing your query') . '<br />'
. $this->err_msg
. '<br />' . '<a href="javascript: history.back();">' . translate('Back') . '</a>');
} else {
if ($conf['app']['debug']) {
CmnFns::write_log("[DEBUG SQL QUERY]: ".$q->queryString);
return false;
Did Started my rewrite for PDO, and done a bit rector upgrade to PHP 7.4 in fe8366c754d75c028ccc4c07d5664439c96de8ec
Please be careful this is untested code! have a look at the branch mailzu-ng-rector Please be careful this is untested code!
But i could test only on a system with mailzu on it where i have only PHP7.2, so i have some backward changes, but also some coding fixes in DBEngine soon.
There are lot of fixes, and i was able to get behind the issue of not Deleting/Releasing reported by @SoniXtrA some PEAR/DB stuff lett in lib/Quarantine.lib.php, and error reporting was switched off in messagesProcessing.php thats why there was no error-log. im on it tofix those bugs
There are lot of fixes, and i was able to get behind the issue of not Deleting/Releasing reported by @SoniXtrA some PEAR/DB stuff lett in lib/Quarantine.lib.php, and error reporting was switched off in messagesProcessing.php thats why there was no error-log. im on it tofix those bugs
Wow :) :) :) lots of thanks ! => I will test rector branch tomorrow on my debian. Tell me if you prefer I wait for a more stable release or what you want I could test ... really thanks for everything !
@SoniXtrA current state of branch mailzu-ng-rector contains hopefully all important changes for switching to PDO. The rector-php changes to switch PHP7.4 contain non-backwards-compatible class variable typings, and utilizes the is_countable() function, for my tests i had to revert the var ... declarations, and the is_countable changes.
Lucky me: The test was done on a PHP7.2 that had no pear initially installed, so i can also tell whats still required from PEAR to function properly. Also keep in mind to have configured safeMode to 0 that avoids the use of the bundled pear stuff.
$conf['app']['safeMode'] = 0;
To install required PEAR modules as root:
pear install Mail_mimeDecode
pear install Net_Socket
As a result you will get these pear modules: Mail_Mime
( includes Mail_mimePart
) Mail_mimeDecode
So I tried to use "mailzu-ng-rector"... => new config file modified with my DB infos and pear modules already installed. Accessing mailzu web page give me many errors concerning some PHP variables in "Pager.class.php", declared as followed ; ` // Application set variables var ?int $cur_page = null; var $query_string; var $tot_pages; var ?string $page_var = null; var ?string $limit_var = null;
// Application variables with user modify option
var ?int $limit = null;
var ?int $tot_records = null;
var bool $print_limit_select = true;
// User modifiable variables
var string $prev_link = '«';
var string $next_link = '»';
var $limits = array(10, 25, 50, 100);
var int $view_pages = 3;
var string $table_width = '100%';
var string $table_align = 'center';
var ?string $link_class = null;
var ?string $tb_class = null;
var ?string $tb_style = null;
var ?string $text_class = null;
var ?string $text_style = null;
So removed every "?
I tried to access a quarantined mail and tried to delete it. I got the following error :
There was an error executing your query: Error[1242]: Subquery returns more than 1 row SQLSTATE=21000
I tried to release a message and I got the same error ...
For deleting a message, in mailzu.log, I got the following trace :
[DEBUG SQL QUERY]: SELECT msgs.time_num, msgs.secret_id, msgs.subject, msgs.from_addr, msgs.spam_level,,,, msgs.content, msgs.quar_type, msgs.quar_loc FROM msgs INNER JOIN msgrcpt ON msgs.mail_id=msgrcpt.mail_id LEFT JOIN maddr AS sender ON LEFT JOIN maddr AS recip ON WHERE AND msgs.mail_id=? [DEBUG SQL QUERY]: SELECT msgs.time_num, msgs.secret_id, msgs.subject, msgs.from_addr, msgs.spam_level,,,, msgs.content, msgs.quar_type, msgs.quar_loc FROM msgs INNER JOIN msgrcpt ON msgs.mail_id=msgrcpt.mail_id LEFT JOIN maddr AS sender ON LEFT JOIN maddr AS recip ON WHERE AND msgs.mail_id=? Error[1242]: Subquery returns more than 1 row SQLSTATE=21000 There was an error executing your query UPDATE msgrcpt SET rs=? WHERE mail_id=? AND rid=(SELECT id FROM maddr WHERE email=?)
Hope this will help you
All the best SxA
@SoniXtrA these errors i got with PHP7.2 so i will push a branch tonight, which i used to test.
Reading your eadit, i just said: " i knew i it, oh yes" :D
Guys, We should be doing 7.4+. If not 8.0
If you check the recent changelog, you will see, the goal is at least 7.4, but as it contains some small not backward compatible changes, and i can tell you from experience, that there are still many mailservers which are not that up-to-date, and an upgrade is not easily possible, for those systems the most recent PHP is 7.2 or 7.3.
This project is not a success because of being bleedingedge, but because it still works. I have no problems having a pre7.4 and a 7.4+ 8+; in parallel.
But i would ask you to test this branch and provide feesback, patxhes that were done on 7.4 +
@SoniXtrA i have to apologize. I am organizing the issues, and have read the starter description of your issue again, and you clearly stated your php version was 7.3. I was wrong to suggest you the 7.4 branch. I will upload my 7.3 compatible branch as soon as i get home.
@SoniXtrA did some tests to start over with rector to make changes to php 7.3 instead and compared to the mostly working code that rector proposed changeset would possibly cause problems. So i really will need to get home and do my refactoring by hand
@SoniXtrA i have to apologize. I am organizing the issues, and have read the starter description of your issue again, and you clearly stated your php version was 7.3. I was wrong to suggest you the 7.4 branch. I will upload my 7.3 compatible branch as soon as i get home.
No worry, really 😊👍
@SoniXtrA please grab the branch mailzu-ng-php72 and try to test it
@SoniXtrA please grab the branch mailzu-ng-php72 and try to test it
Sorry I made a mistake, I closed the issue but it wasn't what I want to do :( So I tested the new branch...
with the following logs :
[DEBUG SQL QUERY]: [DEBUG SQL QUERY]: SELECT msgs.time_num, msgs.secret_id, msgs.subject, msgs.from_addr, msgs.spam_level,,,, msgs.content, msgs.quar_type, msgs.quar_loc FROM msgs INNER JOIN msgrcpt ON msgs.mail_id=msgrcpt.mail_id LEFT JOIN maddr AS sender ON LEFT JOIN maddr AS recip ON WHERE AND msgs.mail_id=? [DEBUG SQL QUERY]: SELECT msgs.time_num, msgs.secret_id, msgs.subject, msgs.from_addr, msgs.spam_level,,,, msgs.content, msgs.quar_type, msgs.quar_loc FROM msgs INNER JOIN msgrcpt ON msgs.mail_id=msgrcpt.mail_id LEFT JOIN maddr AS sender ON LEFT JOIN maddr AS recip ON WHERE AND msgs.mail_id=? Error[1242]: Subquery returns more than 1 row SQLSTATE=21000 There was an error executing your query UPDATE msgrcpt SET rs=? WHERE mail_id=? AND rid=(SELECT id FROM maddr WHERE email=?)
If I want to release it, I get the same error :
with the following logs : `[DEBUG SQL QUERY]: SELECT msgs.time_num, msgs.from_addr, msgs.mail_id, msgs.subject, msgs.spam_level, msgs.content,, msgs.quar_type, FROM msgs INNER JOIN msgrcpt ON msgs.mail_id = msgrcpt.mail_id LEFT JOIN maddr AS sender ON msgs.sid = LEFT JOIN maddr AS recip ON msgrcpt.rid = WHERE msgs.content in ('S', 'B', 'V', 'H') AND in ('', 'v')
AND msgs.quar_type <> ''
ORDER BY msgs.time_num DESC
[DEBUG SQL QUERY]: SELECT CONVERT(mail_text USING utf8) AS mail_text FROM quarantine WHERE mail_id=? [DEBUG SQL QUERY]: [DEBUG SQL QUERY]: SELECT msgs.time_num, msgs.secret_id, msgs.subject, msgs.from_addr, msgs.spam_level,,,, msgs.content, msgs.quar_type, msgs.quar_loc FROM msgs INNER JOIN msgrcpt ON msgs.mail_id=msgrcpt.mail_id LEFT JOIN maddr AS sender ON LEFT JOIN maddr AS recip ON WHERE AND msgs.mail_id=? [DEBUG SQL QUERY]: SELECT msgs.time_num, msgs.secret_id, msgs.subject, msgs.from_addr, msgs.spam_level,,,, msgs.content, msgs.quar_type, msgs.quar_loc FROM msgs INNER JOIN msgrcpt ON msgs.mail_id=msgrcpt.mail_id LEFT JOIN maddr AS sender ON LEFT JOIN maddr AS recip ON WHERE AND msgs.mail_id=? Error[1242]: Subquery returns more than 1 row SQLSTATE=21000 There was an error executing your query UPDATE msgrcpt SET rs=? WHERE mail_id=? AND rid=(SELECT id FROM maddr WHERE email=?) `
Edit : When I tried to release a quarantined email, I got the "SQLSTATE=21000" error... but, and I haven't seen it, the mail has been released anyway. => It's not true for deleting a quarantined email where the error occurs and the email is not deleted.
I will check the sql query closer, but my first ide would be to look into the maddr table, and check if you may have more that one entry for the email address, which is an unexpected state of the maddr table. I will try to find the detailed description why there should be only 1 row per mailaddress
Yes i remember that there should only be one result for one e-mail adress:
provide unique id for each e-mail address, avoids storing copies
partition_tag integer DEFAULT 0, -- see $partition_tag
email varbinary(255) NOT NULL, -- full mail address
domain varchar(255) NOT NULL, -- only domain part of the email address
-- with subdomain fields in reverse
CONSTRAINT part_email UNIQUE (partition_tag,email)
Yes i remember that there should only be one result for one e-mail adress:
provide unique id for each e-mail address, avoids storing copies
CREATE TABLE maddr ( partition_tag integer DEFAULT 0, -- see $partition_tag id bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, email varbinary(255) NOT NULL, -- full mail address domain varchar(255) NOT NULL, -- only domain part of the email address -- with subdomain fields in reverse CONSTRAINT part_email UNIQUE (partition_tag,email) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
I think you put the finger on the problem ... I have duplicates email in "email" field of my "maddr" table
Here is the result of the SHOW CREATE TABLE maddr; for my "maddr" table ...
partition_tagint(11) DEFAULT 0,
idbigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
emailvarbinary(255) NOT NULL,
domainvarchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (
Interesting is, that your mysql does not yell at you because you have UNIQUE KEY part_email (partition_tag,email)
which means the combination of the two fields have to be unique in your table:
to be honest i cant imagine how that was possible to insert, but remove the duplicates one-by-one with
DELETE FROM maddr WHERE id=<duplicatedid>
also if you had inconsistencies there, you might have also such hiccups on other tables too.
I have some maintenance SQL queries, which clean out garbage from the amavis tables, but that was also not constructed for clean up inconsistent data.
Cleaning up deleted and not referenced items:
DELETE msgs FROM msgs LEFT JOIN msgrcpt ON msgrcpt.mail_id = msgs.mail_id WHERE = 'D';
DELETE FROM quarantine WHERE mail_id IN (SELECT mail_id FROM msgrcpt WHERE rs = 'D');
DELETE FROM msgrcpt WHERE rs = 'D';
DELETE FROM maddr WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT sid FROM msgs) AND id NOT IN (SELECT rid FROM msgrcpt);
Backup done !
I deleted every duplicates in "maddr" table
I run your 4 SQL Delete => no error
After that, I removed an index named "part_email" to be able to run the following SQL request to add constraint
ALTER TABLE maddr ADD CONSTRAINT part_email UNIQUE (partition_tag,email);
=> no error.
The "SHOW CREATE TABLE maddr" give me :
partition_tagint(11) DEFAULT 0,
idbigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
emailvarbinary(255) NOT NULL,
domainvarchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (
So now, I try use "mailzu-mailzu-ng-php72" or "mailzu-mailzu-ng-rector" and the good news is there is no more SQL error when trying to delete or release a quarantined email. But... when I delete a quarantined email, there is no error but there is no action :) :) :) because the quarantined email is still in the list ... I tried to delete all the quarantined email and I still got the SQL Error "Error[1242]: Subquery returns more than 1 row SQLSTATE=21000" So I tried to find duplicates in "maddr" to check ... and.... there are new duplicates :( So instead of the constraint, duplicates continue to be written in the table :(
I don't understand ... :/
I stopped amavis, I exported datas form maddr to sql file. I created a new table maddr_2 from "" I imported datas from file to maddr_2 I renamed maddr to maddr_old and maddr_2 to maddr I started amavis ... And new duplicates can still be inserted in table :( Really I don't know what's happen ..
Do you see any repetition behind the duplicated email-s in the madr table? I wonder if there is some minor misconfiguration in the amavis sql storage setup, and maybe the duplicates are written by amavis itself. Check if you have configured some $sql_partition_tag = in your amavis configs
also you can check for yourself if you did some unwanted partitioning somewhere
SELECT id,partition_tag,email FROM maddr ORDER BY email ASC
Reading on, i found this:
Where the code suggest to hardcode the partition_tag into the query:
the old query
(SELECT id FROM maddr WHERE email=?)
would become
(SELECT id FROM maddr WHERE partition_tag=0 AND email=?)
Try to use latest mailzu-ng-php72 branch
also ensure you have set this to zero in amavis config
$sql_store_info_for_all_msgs = 0;
Do you see any repetition behind the duplicated email-s in the madr table? I wonder if there is some minor misconfiguration in the amavis sql storage setup, and maybe the duplicates are written by amavis itself. Check if you have configured some $sql_partition_tag = in your amavis configs
also you can check for yourself if you did some unwanted partitioning somewhere
SELECT id,partition_tag,email FROM maddr ORDER BY email ASC
In my "amavisd.conf" I have : $sql_partitiontag = sub { my($msginfo)=@; iso8601_week($msginfo->rx_time) };
in "maddr" : partition_tag goes from "2" to "44" id goes from "207005" to "221941" and email field contains email addresses from 12 characters to 93 ... but they seemed to be normally
When I check for duplicates :
SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbr_doublon, partition_tag, id, email, domain FROM maddr GROUP BY email HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
=> everything seems to be correctly formated
I use "mailzu-ng-php72" (previously I tried rector version just to check if the behavior was the same)
And "$sql_store_info_for_all_msgs = 0;" was no defined in my conf ... now it's done and amavisd restarted.
FYI : column "To" (Mailzu-ng-php72) only contains "(none)"...
Your problem is caused by this:
$sql_partition_tag = sub { my($msginfo)=@_; iso8601_week($msginfo->rx_time) };
Amavisd process itself does not use the 'partition_tag' field for its own purposes, all records regardless of their 'partition_tag' value are available for example to pen pals lookups, as before.
As you do not have the same email address once, but multiple times, to determine destination, we would need to retrieve the partition_tag for the messages tobe listed, and from there, we would have to provide the same partition_tag for release and delete of messages too.
Your problem is caused by this:
$sql_partition_tag = sub { my($msginfo)=@_; iso8601_week($msginfo->rx_time) };
Amavisd process itself does not use the 'partition_tag' field for its own purposes, all records regardless of their 'partition_tag' value are available for example to pen pals lookups, as before.
So, as mentioned, I set the "sql_partition_tag" to 0 and I have to run the following : ALTER TABLE maddr ADD partition_tag integer DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE msgs ADD partition_tag integer DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE msgrcpt ADD partition_tag integer DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE quarantine ADD partition_tag integer DEFAULT 0;
=> MySQL: ALTER TABLE maddr DROP KEY email, ADD UNIQUE KEY part_email (partition_tag,email);
OK, give me some time, i will have to rewrite multimple parts of the code, because if i am right, msgs
contains the partition_tag, and as such, i can retrieve it for use in the other queries, and in the release request.
OK, give me some time, i will have to rewrite multimple parts of the code, because if i am right,
contains the partition_tag, and as such, i can retrieve it for use in the other queries, and in the release request.
yes, of course... But do I have to replace every values of "partition_tag" by a "0" in every tables maddr, msgs, msgrcpt and quarantine ? And delete duplicates ...
Your problem is caused by this:
$sql_partition_tag = sub { my($msginfo)=@_; iso8601_week($msginfo->rx_time) };
Amavisd process itself does not use the 'partition_tag' field for its own purposes, all records regardless of their 'partition_tag' value are available for example to pen pals lookups, as before.
NO: because you already have the column for partition_Tag, is its not defined to be default 0 maybe you just have to change that..
So, as mentioned, I set the "sql_partition_tag" to 0 and I have to run the following : ALTER TABLE maddr ADD partition_tag integer DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE msgs ADD partition_tag integer DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE msgrcpt ADD partition_tag integer DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE quarantine ADD partition_tag integer DEFAULT 0;
NO: This part is already in effect for you exaclty because you have different partitioning for the same email.
=> MySQL: ALTER TABLE maddr DROP KEY email, ADD UNIQUE KEY part_email (partition_tag,email);
As i said before, i have looked on the code, and if my assumption is right, you have the same partition_tag in msgs and maddr for a particular message.
OK, give me some time, i will have to rewrite multimple parts of the code, because if i am right,
contains the partition_tag, and as such, i can retrieve it for use in the other queries, and in the release request.yes, of course... But do I have to replace every values of "partition_tag" by a "0" in every tables maddr, msgs, msgrcpt and quarantine ? And delete duplicates ...
NO :D Just help me to ensure the msgs part_id refers to the same as in maddr for a message and its connected email-addresses
not the complete list, but enough to get a picture about the task
request=release (or request=requeue, available since 2.5.1) mail_id=xxxxxxxxxxxx secret_id=xxxxxxxxxxxx (authorizes a release) partition_tag=xx (optional, but recommended if info is available)
$query = "SELECT msgs.time_num, msgs.from_addr, msgs.mail_id, msgs.partition_tag,
$query = 'SELECT msgs.time_num, msgs.secret_id, msgs.partition_tag,
$partition_tag = isset($msg_status['partition_tag']) ? $msg_status['partition_tag'] : 0;
$query = 'UPDATE msgrcpt SET rs=?' . ' WHERE mail_id=?' . ' AND rid=(SELECT id FROM maddr WHERE partition_tag=? AND email=?)';
$values = array($flag, $mail_id, $partition_tag, $mail_rcpt);
@SoniXtrA its time for a new test with the mailzu-ng-php72 branch. last commit was: 1222268
Your problem is caused by this:
$sql_partition_tag = sub { my($msginfo)=@_; iso8601_week($msginfo->rx_time) };
Amavisd process itself does not use the 'partition_tag' field for its own purposes, all records regardless of their 'partition_tag' value are available for example to pen pals lookups, as before.
NO: because you already have the column for partition_Tag, is its not defined to be default 0 maybe you just have to change that..
So, as mentioned, I set the "sql_partition_tag" to 0 and I have to run the following : ALTER TABLE maddr ADD partition_tag integer DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE msgs ADD partition_tag integer DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE msgrcpt ADD partition_tag integer DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE quarantine ADD partition_tag integer DEFAULT 0; and
NO: This part is already in effect for you exaclty because you have different partitioning for the same email.
=> MySQL: ALTER TABLE maddr DROP KEY email, ADD UNIQUE KEY part_email (partition_tag,email); ?
As i said before, i have looked on the code, and if my assumption is right, you have the same partition_tag in msgs and maddr for a particular message.
You could help me if you check is msgs table defines the same partition_tag as it is stored for the connected email
Hi for this morning here :)
I'm not a dude in SQL ... :( but I wrote :
SELECT msgs.mail_id, msgs.partition_tag, maddr.partition_tag from msgs, maddr where = msgs.sid and msgs.partition_tag != maddr.partition_tag
and the result is an empty result :) (0 rows)
So, on my side, the only thing I did on my Amvisd conf is to replace the $sql_partition_tag = sub { my($msginfo)=@_; iso8601_week($msginfo->rx_time) };
by $sql_partition_tag = 0;
and, I've added the following $sql_store_info_for_all_msgs = 0;
now I will try the release of the last "mailzu-ng-php72"
You can even keep your patition_tag setting if i did the right changes. Just test it
So... Now when I enter in "Site Quarantine", the column "TO" show "(none)" for old rows and my email for the recent rows. I can delete those with my email in "TO" column and I'm unable to delete those with "(none")...
If I run the SQL I saw in mailzu debug log,
SELECT msgs.time_num, msgs.from_addr, msgs.mail_id, msgs.partition_tag, msgs.subject, msgs.spam_level, msgs.content,, msgs.quar_type, FROM msgs INNER JOIN msgrcpt ON msgs.mail_id = msgrcpt.mail_id LEFT JOIN maddr AS sender ON msgs.sid = LEFT JOIN maddr AS recip ON msgrcpt.rid = WHERE msgs.content in ('S', 'B', 'V', 'H') AND in ('', 'v') AND msgs.quar_type <> '' ORDER BY msgs.time_num DESC
I get a result with on the last column, recent rows with my email and old with NULL
Actually striking trough your partition_tag settings was a bad idea
Hi, Could it be possible to make Mailzu PHP PDO compliant ? With PHP7.3 (Debian 10) and an up to date MySQL release, some functions are deprecated (PEAR, use of mysqli, etc ... ) :( it seems there is no alternative to manage Amavis Quarantine .... So could it be possible to make the update ? If you need testing, let me know Regards