gnarlinsky / fab-lab-signin

Sign in to the Fab Lab space and other things
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Note choice if these sign-in fields are selected, but the follow-up ones aren't? #25

Closed gnarlinsky closed 10 years ago

gnarlinsky commented 10 years ago

Concerning the sign-in fields for type of project, which class, and "other" -- currently, if the user clicks on the main item, but does not select (or fill in) any of the subfields, that choice will not be recorded. Is that what we want?

For example, if the form is submitted like this:


it will be noted that the user chose "Art" as the type of project.

However, if it's submitted like this: image

the project choice will NOT be noted.

gnarlinsky commented 10 years ago

And a related question -- should the user be alerted to this upon submission, e.g.


gnarlinsky commented 10 years ago

Jeff says: If nothing is checked, and nothing is actually filled in for "other", this choice should be just saved as "unspecified" -- i.e. the default setting for "unspecified"

gnarlinsky commented 10 years ago

Currently the text-field is pre-filled with "Unspecified" -- so the user has two options: just leave that field as is (i.e. they're happy with their project being characterized as "unspecified") or change that text to whatever they feel is better. How do we feel about that as a UI choice?

Geph commented 10 years ago

That sounds fine.