gnarlinsky / fab-lab-signin

Sign in to the Fab Lab space and other things
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Explicit privacy policy -- the prose #37

Open gnarlinsky opened 10 years ago

Geph commented 10 years ago

I believe this one is mine. I'll work something up soon.

Geph commented 10 years ago

Let's just have it link to a webpage so we can make it easy to manage (and also portable so it can be used for the website login later). Go ahead and link to

Geph commented 10 years ago

Alright I think I've done this one then - unless there was a popup function already written that I didn't know about. appears to just generate web fields and I didn't know how to add HTML to it so I just made it an explanation for the section in the base html document. Leaving this open until you confirm I didn't F anything up :)