gnars-dao / gnars-frontend
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Integrate USDC into the options for ask on proposals #8

Open benbodhi opened 8 months ago

benbodhi commented 8 months ago

When creating a proposal, you can hit the "ETH" button to request ETH or you can setup other contract calls by manually adding contract addresses. We should add an option to request USDC to avoid having to put the USDC contract address, selecting the transfer function, then adding the receiver and the amount of USDC (plus 6 zeroes). This process is an extra layer of complexity for most proposers that would be nice to avoid by integrating USDC requests as a built in option and using simple/intuitive dollar amounts.

bagelface commented 7 months ago

Grabbing this one.

I had to do this when creating and between the weird number of 0s and manually adding in the contract address, I can see this as a huge opportunity for mistakes. Also would expect quite a few props to request USDC with that being the form most of the funding takes.

bagelface commented 7 months ago

Pausing development on this for now since we're planning to migration to builder and won't be needing this frontend anymore post bridge.