gnea / grbl

An open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on a straight Arduino
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Setting Up Issues #751

Open PCPayne opened 4 years ago

PCPayne commented 4 years ago

Hi Everyone i have NEMA 17 Stepper Motors using a m8 threaded rod.

What should my settings be?

I currently have this?

$0=10 $1=100 $2=0 $3=10 $4=0 $5=0 $6=0 $10=1 $11=0.010 $12=0.002 $13=0 $20=0 $21=0 $22=0 $23=0 $24=25.000 $25=250.000 $26=100 $27=5.000 $30=1000 $31=0 $32=1 $100=42.000 $101=40.000 $102=0.000 $110=2000.000 $111=2000.000 $112=0.000 $120=500.000 $121=500.000 $122=0.000 $130=600.000 $131=600.000 $132=-0.000

PCPayne commented 4 years ago

Haha thanks Jason, ill try changing $27 and see if anything changes.

MeJasonT commented 4 years ago

power down your machine move you axis so they are no where near home position then power up again.

basically it cant move away from home as its already triggered you have made a change to the pull off but grbl may has required a refresh performing the action above will achieve both

PCPayne commented 4 years ago

Its already located in the center, no where near switches. Would the pins need inverting?

MeJasonT commented 4 years ago

what happens is the machine will travel until the end stop is triggered then will move away by the $27 value go back and seek the end stop again then pull off the switch to clear it.

im thinking your disable z does not work with the homing command, we may need to search for the answer for the laser software/frontend ? how do others with lasers achieve it

there is a code alteration in config.h file which sorts this out in grbl but like you have said your no coder - it will take a while to get you messing with dragons.

PCPayne commented 4 years ago

Yes ie seen that alo but as its not a arduino i cant access the config.h file to do it.

MeJasonT commented 4 years ago

you are using grbl firmware

MeJasonT commented 4 years ago

did you load the control board with code yourself

MeJasonT commented 4 years ago

for reference these are the links i have open which im using to assist you

PCPayne commented 4 years ago

No it came pre loaded with grbl

PCPayne commented 4 years ago

Ill download the arduino software and see if it picks the controller up.

MeJasonT commented 4 years ago

no reason to do that yet - grbl is loaded and working ok press your reset button - where i have no idea. close the software app then pull the usb plug out then reconnect start fresh then press your home button

MeJasonT commented 4 years ago

did your machine come with the controller you are using

PCPayne commented 4 years ago

No i made the machine myself, bought the controller seperately as i tried with arduino before and couldnt get going.

Ive tried reset now, still motors go to kick in but nothing. apart from the error comes up. Im sure its searching for the Z axis first and as it cannot do that it wont continue.

MeJasonT commented 4 years ago

agreed ok we need to get you to change a config.h file in grbl and re flash the firmware to your controller where are you and what time is it - daft question i know but if its 3am in the morning where you are and i still need to go and get some work done it might not be worth starting the dragon hunt until we both have time.

PCPayne commented 4 years ago

Im in the UK so 12:30 mid day currently. Im due to go out soon also.

I have Teamviewer installed if thats any good for you? I will be back later on this evening. Again i really appretiate all your hard work and help.

MeJasonT commented 4 years ago

That's good your just down the road. get the arduino ide and latest release of grbl from this site (not the hex code) and we can kick it all off later.

MeJasonT commented 4 years ago

If you have sufficient ability to save grbl into the arduino library folder then do that - overwrite the old one if its in their ie you tried grbl before and no longer need it - ie you use it for another machine you are using. open windows explorer find the arduino library folder and locate config.h

its then just a case of opening it in a text editor and making the changes suggested in the link from above.

then open arduino ide go to examples locate and open grbl and load as a sketch/project to your controller

what can go wrong - well?

PCPayne commented 4 years ago

Ok i think i have it all setup for upload.

But what board to i tell it to upload to as its not a arduino or does it not matter? And is there a way to backup whats on their already? Incase it all goes tits up.

PCPayne commented 4 years ago

Ok downloaded the .zip tried to compile the main file before editing & still wouldnt came up with errors. Did you fancy connecting to my pc via teamviewer as im sure you could do it alot easier haha

FelisucoVFR commented 4 years ago

@PCPayne You can save a copy of the hex running using avrdudess. There are some YouTube’s. Also this link may help using the standard avrdude.


You can trate it as an Arduino. Worst case is needed a different pin assignment but usually manufacturers use the grbl standards.

FelisucoVFR commented 4 years ago

It says Woodpecker. Those seem to use same Atmega328 than the Arduino UNO. Check it in this location: BD3526C9-4C8D-409C-8CDC-36E4E53306D5

MeJasonT commented 4 years ago

How are you getting on.

PCPayne commented 4 years ago

Arduino IDE wouldnt let me upload for some reason, kept showing errors. So no progress yet.

FelisucoVFR commented 4 years ago

@PCPayne I have another Woodpecker board and I have uploaded it to grbl 1.1h but was not easy through IDE. Most probably it is the same case and it doesn’t have a bootloader installed. This means you still can do it but you need to upload the .hex created by IDE using another Arduino as ISP or a separate ISP. I would recommend going ahead as you are and once working, take time to study how to update to latest grbl. Some programs doesn’t work well with grbl 0.9 but others can do it. You can try another gcode sender compatible with 0.9 instead, until you have this working. $$ settings will be the same once you have all ready to upgrade.

Just a suggestion.... If you feel brave to upgrade, I can search for the way I used in mine, but you would need to find the proper connections in yours to find the MISO, MOSI, etc

3RD-Dimension commented 4 years ago

FYI dont think its been said - Alarm 8 is "Homing fail. Pull off travel failed to clear limit switch. Try increasing pull-off setting or check wiring" so if Z is indeed disabled for homing and no matter where you have the axis to start with- are the switches or settings correct for them? Ie is GRBL looking for NO but switches are wired NC? or Vise Versa?