gnea / grbl

An open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on a straight Arduino
3.99k stars 1.59k forks source link


Open Don-Girvin opened 3 years ago

Don-Girvin commented 3 years ago
  1. Loaded newest version of Arduino 1.8.13
  2. Loaded GRBL library in C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\grbl
  3. Disconnected all cables from the board except USB and external power supply
  4. Verified communications and baudrate for COM3 (I can communicate with the board)
  5. Reset board, unplug/replug USB, removed power/restored, started/restarted Arduino IDE and compiled multiple times
  6. Edited C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf to change addresses to try and trick Arduino, by recompiling back and forth with changes multiple times. part parent "m328" id = "m328p"; desc = "ATmega328P";

    signature = 0x1e 0x95 0x0F;

    signature = 0x0f 0xca 0x07; ocdrev = 1; ; part parent "m328" id = "m328pb"; desc = "ATmega328PB";

    signature = 0x1e 0x95 0x16;

    signature = 0x0f 0xca 0x07; ocdrev = 1; ; I have attached a "verbose" compile message file and photo of the board. Arduino.pdf Woodpecker CNC board

I don't know what else I can do. Appreciate any help.

PicEngraver commented 3 years ago

Maybe this will help. I have not tried it myself yet. SainSmart Uploading Firmware on a SainSmart CNC Controller.pdf

sanscorp1 commented 3 years ago

Did you ever solve this issue?

PicEngraver commented 3 years ago

Gave up installed regular Arduino and controller.

remias commented 3 years ago


The 100n capacitor on the D12 (:: MISO :: Z-limit) wire can cause a problem. By removing this capacitor (see the link below) I was able to update the CAMXTOOL-V3.5 board firmware to GRBL1.1h [using: ICSP pins of board @ USBasp programmer @ 'Extreme Burner'] . ((After firmware update I soldered-back the 100n capacitor to the D12 wire..))

info link:


sanscorp1 commented 3 years ago

Thank you! Did you flash stock GRBL or does the board need a custom firmware?

remias commented 3 years ago

Hi, download GRBL-CNC-board .HEX file ( :: grbl_v1.1h.20190825.hex) 'Extreme Burner' howto: 'Extreme Burner' info: download 'Extreme Burner 1.4.3': (working successfully :) USBasp board: I bought it from Aliexpress.

If one does not want to desolder and back-solder the 100n capacitor, then a 1kOhm resistor can be inserted in the wire [this CAMXTOOL V3.5 and V3.4 cnc-boards go from the 8x2 header to the ICSP header]: then there is never need to desolder and back-solder the 100n capacitor in case of FW upgrade (if anyone is interested this in my comment above, I will make an explanatory diagram of this as well ..)

sanscorp1 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I will try this. I have several USB programmers but will have to google them to see if they are fit for the atmega's.

remias commented 3 years ago

Hi, more info >> see >>

remias commented 3 years ago

Hi, more info >> see >>

beamzer commented 1 year ago

I had no troubles flashing my board (camxtool v3.5) with grbl 1.1h, just needed to select board ARDUINO Duemilenove Diecimila, no hardware modification nescessary. It doesn't work when you have Arduino Uno selected.