gnembon / carpet-autoCraftingTable

autoCraftingTable extension for carpet-mod
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
80 stars 27 forks source link

1.20.2 Autocrafting table crashes the game when in use #73

Open Yadokingu opened 11 months ago

Yadokingu commented 11 months ago

The game crashed whilst ticking block entity Error: java.lang.ClassCastException: class net.minecraft.class_8786 cannot be cast to class net.minecraft.class_3955 (net.minecraft.class_8786 and net.minecraft.class_3955 are in unnamed module of loader net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader @52aa2946)

Aculoss commented 11 months ago

Can confirm.

Astronomy20 commented 11 months ago

I can confirm too

johnnygoboy commented 11 months ago

Can this be updated? or is there a way to do it ourselves?

Yadokingu commented 11 months ago

Can this be updated? or is there a way to do it ourselves?

Anybody can fork this. But you'd have to know Java to do the actual fixing. I hope Gnembon will give us a final update for 1.20.2 and 1.20.3. I assume this addon will stop being developed once 1.21, with the official crafter, is out. Which is amazing and much better than the auto crafting table, btw.

Aculoss commented 11 months ago

I disagree, as the SS is not the same with the new auto crafter. Plus the locked slots still transmit a SS.

Yadokingu commented 11 months ago

I disagree, as the SS is not the same with the new auto crafter. Plus the locked slots still transmit a SS.

You might not want to use cryptic short hand. Took me way too long to figure that one out. What does it matter that the two output different signal strength? Also I know that the new crafter is not the same. I already said it was way better. That implies it's different. I assume we can thank Gnembon for it too, since it's suspiciously reminiscent to his prefered dropper crafting method.

johnnygoboy commented 10 months ago

What do i need to do to get the mod to work on the new version? I guess I can open the java files in notepad?

SirRemus commented 10 months ago

got a working version till the official release

johnnygoboy commented 10 months ago

got a working version till the official release

awesome. thanks. I wish I knew how to fork it.

BegleitPanzer commented 9 months ago

got a working version till the official release

what was the problem with the current one

johnnygoboy commented 8 months ago

Can it be updated to 1.20.4 - or can someone tell me how to do it?