gnembon / carpet-extra

Extra Features for Carpet Mod
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
291 stars 62 forks source link

Carpet Extra EnderPearlChunkLoading doesn't work #295

Closed LittleLerry closed 7 months ago

LittleLerry commented 1 year ago

The EnderPearlChunkLoading doesn't work for 1.19.4. It seems that the game will not add ENDER_PEARL_TICKET when invokes setPosition(). This issue may be fixed via change the Mixin Injection from this one: @Inject(method = "tick", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Lnet/minecraft/entity/projectile/thrown/ThrownEntity;setPosition(DDD)V")) private void chunkLoadNextChunk(CallbackInfo ci) { // something here } into this one: @Inject(method = "tick()V", at = @At(value = "HEAD")) private void chunkLoadNextChunk(CallbackInfo ci){ // something here }