gnembon / fabric-carpet

Fabric Carpet
MIT License
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`fastRedstoneDust` breaks some redstone contraptions #1793

Open Vulcagon opened 10 months ago

Vulcagon commented 10 months ago

I'm not sure if that's a bug but I always thought the fastRedstoneDust option shouldn't break any contraptions.

For example if you want to create a 0-tick like that (the bottom piston has to be sticky, place the redstone block at the end) 2023-08-06_16 14 08 it is locational if it works or not with fastRedstoneDust enabled but it always works if fastRedstoneDust is disabled (it doesn't work if the pistons are south or east of the redstone dust but it works if they're north or west of the redstone dust).

There are more examples where fastRedstoneDust breaks some 0-ticks but they're more complicated to explain.

This piston door for example doesn't work if fastRedstoneDust is enabled but does work if it is disabled:

altrisi commented 10 months ago

The rule description (also available in-game) mentions that not all behaviour is guaranteed to be exact, so I'd think this would be expected, but I don't know for certain.