gnembon / fabric-carpet

Fabric Carpet
MIT License
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[@: Can only manipulate existing players] keeps forming #1814

Closed Anson-MC closed 9 months ago

Anson-MC commented 9 months ago

[@: Can only manipulate existing players] I have added a player, and then I kill it, and then It log out and the console is like this [@: Can only manipulate existing players] [@: Can only manipulate existing players] [@: Can only manipulate existing players] [@: Can only manipulate existing players][@: Can only manipulate existing players]

Anson-MC commented 9 months ago

And if I add it in, it become good

Anson-MC commented 9 months ago

I mean the player

altrisi commented 9 months ago

That looks like there's a command block or something (datapack, scarpet app?) trying to use the removed player.

altrisi commented 9 months ago

Closing this as it shouldn't be an issue with Carpet and there's been no response for a few days.