gnembon / fabric-carpet

Fabric Carpet
MIT License
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whatever happend to tick warp (and entities and health) ? #1867

Closed PlasmaHH closed 4 months ago

PlasmaHH commented 4 months ago

I probably have missed something but since the documentation ( ) still mentions them:

What happend to the tick warp, entities and health commands?

I haven't upgraded my setup setup for a while, now went to 1.20.4 along with fabric-carpet-1.20.3-1.4.128+v231205 and now I don't have the tick warp command anymore ( lan world with "allow cheats" ) but only some basic tick commands

altrisi commented 4 months ago

The /tick command is now in vanilla! Some things were renamed (warp to sprint), and the health and entities subcommands now are only available in /profile from Carpet (they were in both for a while).

Gnembon posted a gist with all the details of the change:

Guess we need to update the wiki! Probably not fully remove it, so it's there for people in older versions.