gnembon / fabric-carpet

Fabric Carpet
MIT License
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Decorated pots extract items from hoppers above them. #1895

Open palmmc opened 2 months ago

palmmc commented 2 months ago

I'd love to see decorated pots be able to able to extract items from hoppers above them. Basically, if there is any hopper above them, regardless of where it is facing, decorated pots will try to insert the item in the first slot of the hopper into themselves.

Reddit user sgei_ better demonstrates this idea with the following diagram. image I'm not sure how hard or even possible this would be to implement, but it would be great to have.

altrisi commented 1 month ago

What benefits does that have vs a hopper in place of the pot?

palmmc commented 1 month ago

What benefits does that have vs a hopper in place of the pot?

If locked the same way a hopper can be, the decorated pot can only hold one type of item, which makes it a more intuitive choice for auto-sorters in my opinion.