gnembon / fabric-carpet

Fabric Carpet
MIT License
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4 in 1 suggestion for Carpet Mod #1902

Open ubernoob69420 opened 1 month ago

ubernoob69420 commented 1 month ago

I have 4 suggestions for new gamerules for Carpet Mod. I'm a bit of a noob at this, so sorry if it doesnt make any sense.

Gamerule 1 name: mobsCanSpawnOnScaffolding. This rule would undo a change in snapshot 22w42a that disabled mob spawning on scaffolding, and would be a survival command.

Gamerule 2: MobsCantPathFindOnScaffolding. This rule would disable the pathfinding of mobs that are on scaffolding.

Gamerule 3: MobsCantPathFindOnDoubleCarpet. This rule would reintroduce a glitch that prevented all mobs on double carpet from pathfinding.

Gamerule 4: VillagerCuresCanStack. This rule would reintroduce the zombification mechanics for villagers prior to 1.20.2