gnembon / fabric-carpet

Fabric Carpet
MIT License
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Auto pick-up blocks while mining in Fabric multiplayer server. #1906

Open NAPPUS opened 1 month ago

NAPPUS commented 1 month ago

Hello! Hope You can help me. I installed Carpet mod (fabric-carpet-1.20.5-1.4.140+v240423) in a fabric multiplayer server (0.15.10) for Minecraft 1.20.5. Everytime i pick-up a block mined with pickaxe, shovel etc. it goes directly in the inventory and the blocks stacks in groups of two inside the inventory. See photo. I don't have any other mods installed. Thanks for your help! 2024-04-30_20 26 59

altrisi commented 1 month ago

That shouldn't happen if you don't have other mods installed, what rules do you have enabled, and do you have any scarpet apps/scripts?

NAPPUS commented 1 month ago

That shouldn't happen if you don't have other mods installed, what rules do you have enabled, and do you have any scarpet apps/scripts?

No, i tried it without any other mods, script etc.,
I am using the experimental features.

gps08 commented 3 weeks ago

I think I found the issue, it's this check in script: && current:2 == item_nbt due item_nbt also including counts now for example: {count:1,id:"minecraft:stone"} this only matches once with the inventory slot and then never again. So workaround fix is to just change this condition to read like this: && current:2~'id' == item_nbt~'id' which only compares the id inside the nbt.