gnembon / fabric-carpet

Fabric Carpet
MIT License
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Shulkerboxes stacking inside hoppers after updating to 1.20.6 #1916

Open Patrycjusz362 opened 1 month ago

Patrycjusz362 commented 1 month ago

In the latest versions of fabric-carpet stackableShulkerBoxes setting makes shulker boxes stack inside inventories without player interaction (for example a hopper pushing them into a chest). Previously that wasn't the case and the player needed to either drop them on the ground or stack them by hand.

This new behavior is a huge change which destroys some of my contraptions designed in the past. I found that the changelog for carpet 1.4.134 says that shulker boxes "should just behave like normal stackable items" which suggests that everything is working as intended but its a big pain for me after update. So can i expect a new setting which disables shulker boxes stacking inside containers or i need to change my designs to be optimized for update?

johnnygoboy commented 3 weeks ago

Speaking of which I noticed that I can't manually stack shulkers in containers now. Has this been changed or removed?

Aculoss commented 3 weeks ago

Speaking of which I noticed that I can't manually stack shulkers in containers now. Has this been changed or removed?

Tweakeroo has a work around for now

NickIndustries commented 1 week ago

Breaks contraptions, please fix :)