gnembon / fabric-carpet

Fabric Carpet
MIT License
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Empty shulkerboxes stack inside hoppers and containers #1934

Open Smonki255 opened 1 week ago

Smonki255 commented 1 week ago

When i for example put 1728 shulker boxes in a chest and there is a hopper connected the hopper will now take 5 stacks of shulkers instead of just 5 is there any fix for this?

sakura-ryoko commented 1 week ago

It's a new vanilla feature of stacking shulkers -- they will stack everywhere now when they are set to 64, even in hoppers.

NickIndustries commented 1 week ago

Would it be possible to add a feature that reverts this new vanilla behaviour? The new stacking boxes can break contraptions.

Smonki255 commented 1 week ago

it sucks and breaks so many contraptions