gnembon / fabric-carpet

Fabric Carpet
MIT License
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Running `/player <name> spawn` in non-Overworld dimension results in bot spawning in Overworld at same coordinates #1935

Open ASchneider-GitHub opened 6 days ago

ASchneider-GitHub commented 6 days ago

Mod Version: fabric-carpet-1.21-1.4.147+v240613.jar Fabric API: fabric-api-0.100.3+1.21.jar Fabric Loader: v0.15.11

When running the command /player <name> spawn in either the Nether or The End the bot that spawns will arrive in the Overworld, but will keep the coordinates of where you were standing in the non-Overworld dimension. See screenshots for explanation.

Nether - Command: NetherCommand

Nether - Result: NetherResult

The End - Command: TheEndCommand

The End - Result: TheEndResult