gnembon / fabric-carpet

Fabric Carpet
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The command`/track villager breeding`cannot correctly display the beds of villagers. #1936

Open cdqtzrc opened 5 days ago

cdqtzrc commented 5 days ago

After executing the command, using an emerald to right-click on a villager does not correctly display particle lines, and there are error messages in the console. The reason may be that Mojang modified the syntax for particles with additional options after 1.20.5-pre1.

/track villager breeding命令不能正确显示村民的床 执行命令后使用绿宝石右键村民不会正确显示粒子线,并且在控制台会有异常信息,原因可能是Mojang在1.20.5-pre1后修改了有额外选项粒子的语法


James103 commented 5 days ago

there are error messages in the console

Which error messages are you referring to? Can you please post the relevant server logs?

cdqtzrc commented 5 days ago

image latest.log