Line 92: shift the position to analyze up one block to...
Line 96: ...print the label on top of the block, not in the block
Line 97: ...get the light on top of the block, not in the block
Line 100: ...set the text color, again, based on the light on top of the block, not in the block
Upon further review, I might just dm suggestions since I don't know what I thought making a pull would do except, well, make one in the scarpet repo. Whoops!
Line 92: shift the position to analyze up one block to... Line 96: ...print the label on top of the block, not in the block Line 97: ...get the light on top of the block, not in the block Line 100: ...set the text color, again, based on the light on top of the block, not in the block
Upon further review, I might just dm suggestions since I don't know what I thought making a pull would do except, well, make one in the scarpet repo. Whoops!