gnembon / scarpet

Public Repository of scarpet programs for Minecraft
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Having issues getting to work on a server #374

Closed tr4k41s closed 1 year ago

tr4k41s commented 1 year ago

No matter which way i name the boxes none of the functions work, running carpet version 1.4.101 - 1.19.4 What i've tried: Reloading the script, reinstalling the script, removing all mods except carpet and fabric api from the server, making a new server with the same world file The script works fine when i use the same world folder in a singleplayer world

rv3r commented 1 year ago

Can you share exactly how you named the boxes and what you tried to do with them?

tr4k41s commented 1 year ago

I have tried "restock same" "swap same" "swap next" I tried all of these both on the singleplayer world and the server, singleplayer worked flawlessly, tested whether they work by leaving about 10 stacks of rockets in the shulker, having 10 in my inventory, used the 10 with "restock same" and, only in singleplayerf, it restocked a full stack, "swap same" and "swap next" also worked as intented. I suspected that Stackable Empty shulkerboxes may cause an issue, which it didn't in singleplayer, but i still tried disabling them restarting the server and it still didn't work. I have one more suspected cause of failure, a mod that let's you use colors whilst renaming items, Colorful Anvils, but if that ain't it then i have no clue.

Edit: tried adding Colorful Anvils to singleplayer/removing it from the server, restock still works on singleplayer, still fails on the server.

rv3r commented 1 year ago

Alright crazy idea but you did load the script right? Doesn't hurt to check. Sorry for the simple requests but, I'm having trouble reproducing this, so I'm probably gonna ask everything.

tr4k41s commented 1 year ago

Well I tried downloading the script manually and then using /script load shulkerboxes, tried /reload multiple times on this aswell, also tried downloading the script using /script download survival/ and then repeating what i did whilst downloading it manually.

Edit: i tried using another scarpet script that replicates the restock function,, and that works, I'm wondering whether this could be an issue on how it recognizes named items, i suspect this may be true due to the Anvil color mod.

Edit 2: I gave myself a shulkerbox with this command "/give @p shulker_box{display:{Name:'[{"text":"restock same","italic":false}]'}} 1", and it's working, definitely caused by the anvil mod, I'm just going to just give myself shulkers with said command to bypass this issue. I'm closing this issue.

rv3r commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the update. I honestly had no clue on this one so I'm glad to hear it was the other mod.