gnieboer / GNURadio_Windows_Build_Scripts

A series of Powershell scripts to automatically download, build from source, and install GNURadio and -all- it's dependencies as 64-bit native binaries then package as an msi using Visual Studio 2015
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Enabling gr-gsm's compilation #31

Closed ptrkrysik closed 6 years ago

ptrkrysik commented 6 years ago

Gr-gsm now can be compiled with MSVC. I therefore uncommented gr-gsm parts and fixed a bit cmake command (added missing swig path and cxx flags).

I also removed part adding examples to the gr-gsm distribution. Probably this part is from the time when all applications were in 'examples' directory. Currently more complete application are moved to 'apps' directory. The examples are not meant for distribution and they are not distributed in the Debian/Ubuntu package.

There were some issues with compilation of GNU Radio also, but they were fixed and current revisions can be compiled with MSVC as well.

ptrkrysik commented 6 years ago

I just realized that default GNU Radio won't work as it points to old version of VOLK that doesn't compile with MSVC. I tried to make the head of VOLK compile under MSVC (by fixing and creating an issue) but recent changes to volk_32f_8u_polarbutterfly_32f.h kernel made it not work with GNU Radio master at all :/. I will create a separate pull request with a version of script that select working GNU Radio and VOLK pair.

dkozel commented 6 years ago

@ptrkrysik You may want to wait just a few days until the GNU Radio 3.7.12 release which will have an updated VOLK pointer.

noc0lour commented 6 years ago

Actually an updated volk release, hopefully :)

gnieboer commented 6 years ago

That's great news! I will ensure this is merged in with the 3.7.12 binary release.

gnieboer commented 6 years ago

Merging. Built and ran successful (with slightly modified volk/3.7.12 code as discussed above). Will be included in the final 3.7.12 binaries.