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fix(docs): JSX error #2381

Closed albttx closed 18 hours ago

albttx commented 1 week ago

Tested locally and it's work fine.

leohhhn commented 1 week ago


For this case specifically, the "tag" was used as a long-help in the gnodev CLI. It seems docusaurus didn't like that.

Maybe we should not have <> in CLI help outputs.

moul commented 1 week ago

We should add a linter to this repository, as suggested in my second option. Then, we should either manually add the backslashes or have our automatic documentation generation scripts handle that task automatically.

I'm comfortable keeping the <> in the CLI output, as that appears to be a common standard for mandatory parameters that I'm accustomed to. However, I'm open to removing them if more people believe we should.

leohhhn commented 1 week ago

I can add the <> lint to the linter after #2125. Let's merge this now

moul commented 1 week ago

The problem is that issue #2125 will likely never be merged. Can you implement your linter now?

leohhhn commented 18 hours ago

Superseded by #2394 & other docs-linter PRs.