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META Improve Logging #999

Closed moul closed 5 months ago

moul commented 11 months ago

We've had quite a few chats about improving our logging system. Some things we're thinking about are:

I'm going to leave this issue open for now. It's not a top priority, but we keep coming back to it, so it's handy to have it flagged with an issue number.

moul commented 11 months ago

@gfanton, once you come across this, could you summarize our solutions at Berty and Weshnet? I believe we had a solid approach there.

In essence, we implemented multiple outputs with separate configurations, encompassing a human-readable stderr, a comprehensive machine-friendly log file with log rotation, an in-memory ring facilitating API log consumption, and a dynamic filter selection enabled by configuration.

For further context, here are a few links:,

n0izn0iz commented 11 months ago

Quick experience return: the filtering was a pain for me because the init on mobile was complex and it was hard to make sure the config was properly used IIRC, part of the problem was that there was multiple source of truth for the defaults and the config itself passed by many init routines in different parts of the project

ajnavarro commented 11 months ago

Good and fast library for logging I had been using on my recent projects:

gfanton commented 9 months ago

I've also had a relatively bad experience with logs on GNO. The overflow of logs, coupled with the inability to disable or redirect them to a file, can be problematic, especially when some logs don't utilize the logger.

@moul In Berty, we use zap. However, given the diverse device/platform contexts (iOS, Android, Desktop, etc.) and multiple application layers (React Native -> iOS/Java -> Golang), we had to make a system that allows multiple stream outputs with distinct configurations for each (e.g., rotation logs without filtering to files, error-only logs for the iOS/Java bridge, an ios only driver using os_log with specific formatting, and so on). Additionally, we have a custom namespace filtering system that @moul created, called moul/zapfilter, which uses pattern matching for real-time filtering. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of this approach. I believe such filtering should be user-driven, either by piping it with another application or through a subsequent search using their preferred editor. As long as we can adjust the verbosity level with separate flags, I'm okay with using this type of filtering.

beside that, I think an essential first step would be to move (with a few exceptions) every fmt.[PF]rint() that prints to stdout/stderr to the actual logger. After that, we can maybe make a transition to a different logger.

Good and fast library for logging I had been using on my recent projects: rs/zerolog

I'm not opposed to zerolog. However, even though zap might be more complex to configure, I believe it's better suited for larger projects that demand complex configurations. Moreover, zap is more widely adopted and, as a result, has broader third-party app support.

zivkovicmilos commented 8 months ago


I'll pick up this issue since I've been meaning to tackle it for some time

thehowl commented 8 months ago

Some scattered ideas for various places for improvement relating to the GnoVM I've been meaning to write for a while.


Error handling

The crucial part here is that I think we need to start creating a "class of errors" generated by pkg/gnolang which are "mundane". This should eventually be almost the only error produced by the GnoVM, but the transition there will be long and in many places we will still need to have the full stacktraces to track down the actual error. The reason is that when programming in Gno, almost every error currently leads to a stacktrace.


Debugging tools

moul commented 7 months ago

Based on a discussion with @piux2, we have identified a solution that addresses both the DevX and security requirements.

Here are the proposed changes: