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Road to mainnet workshop(s) #22

Open moul opened 1 year ago

moul commented 1 year ago

We're launching a series of workshops to refine and explain our long-term vision and strategize our roadmap to and beyond mainnet launch. These workshops will result in an actionable checklist (road to mainnet milestone), a repository of issues with additional ideas, and blogpost for wider sharing.


Your contributions are invaluable - many thanks!

cc @gnolang/core-contributors @gnolang/tech-staff @gnolang/devrels @gnolang/tokenomics @gnolang/partners

waymobetta commented 1 year ago

It may be helpful to articulate the origin story of, including some of the frustrations that we encountered from using existing systems and how these frustrations served as inspiration for a new software. This document on conceptual overviews provides a great starting point to understand some of the shortcomings that exist with various predecessor technologies (Github, AWS, Ethereum) but I wonder if these thoughts are widely known both amongst the team as well as our external community as being some of the chiefest reasons for's creation. In other words, in a sea of information, some of this may have been lost or not yet seen despite how important it is.

Sharing a clear origin as well as defining reasons for's development that can be posted on the website ( as well as within our external communication can build momentum, trust and an ethos that a community can be built around. Additionally, having an origin story that has a clear and direct connection to the future vision will close the loop on a product's purposeful existence as well as its differentiation compared to other offerings on the market, especially a market as diluted as the web3 space where every other day it seems a new chain comes online.

ajnavarro commented 1 year ago

Road to Mainnet ideas

Multiple improvements on the codebase and how to face and accomplish them

We can check here (info obtained getting all the merged PRs, and grouping changes by user and file) that is difficult to have anything merged modifying core parts of Gnoland.

I think we should talk about this, and what are the steps to improve it. Now I'll enumerate several topics that I think need improvements:

Tendermint V2 multinode

We talked about using libp2p to make it works too.

VM state storage format

If we want to have clients diversity and resilience we should simplify and improve the storage format. That format is also important to reduce used space and increase speed.


The VM might benefit a lot from the work done by Marc.

Source code storage format

Same as with VM state, we should improve how source code is stored on the blockchain, and how updates can be implemented to use as less space as possible.

Do we want to keep Gno as close as possible to Go?

There were several discussions about improvements in the language itself. Even if I think we have more important things to do, I don't know if modifying Gno is a path we want to follow. If we want to do that, maybe we should change our elevator pitch about how similar Gno to Go is.

DAO framework

Creating a DAO and linking that dao to different parts of Gnoland shouldn't be difficult. Maybe we should think about a framework that will help us to integrate these DAOs with the VM and other parts that needs to get information from the blockchain itself.

Problems about too big blockchains

We should talk about this and how we want to approach a solution for that.


We have to define what is and what is not Gnolang:

And we should think about delegating more responsibilities among the whole team.

harry-hov commented 1 year ago

I would like to see us prioritizing a few stuff for the mainnet:

moul commented 1 year ago

Roadmap Workshop: Session 2 - Defining Launch Steps

Hello everyone,

We're excited to announce the second session of our Roadmap Workshop, where we'll be focusing on defining the important steps for the launch of our project. The workshop will take place on Thursday 7th sept at 5PM CET and will last for 1 hour.

To prepare for the workshop, please choose one of the following options:

  1. Miro Board: Access our dedicated Miro board. Add your ideas and steps for the launch process to the board.

  2. Prepared List: Create a list of important steps for the launch and bring it to the workshop.

During the workshop, we will collaborate to refine the list of launch steps, ensuring it is actionable and can be shared on GitHub issues. This will help us distribute the workload effectively among contributors.

We look forward to your active participation and valuable contributions to the workshop. Let's work together to create a successful launch plan!

ajnavarro commented 1 year ago

Copy and paste my notes for an opinionated roadmap ordering from here:

Gno Roadmap Notes

This roadmap is getting all the ideas/concerns from gno roadmap workshop and they are ordered by teams/parallelizable sections. All the points inside a section are ordered by priority.


Package/Realms definitions/improvements/specs

User tooling

GoR/Killing apps



Tendermint v2



MichaelFrazzy commented 1 year ago

@ajnavarro You pretty much perfectly covered my current tokenomics/GoR/governance list. We have a meeting today to cover some GoR aspects and to set a time for a regular meeting till that and Evaluation DAO are 100% good to go.

The only thing I'd add to the list on my end is finalizing the fee equation so I can simulate it, which I'll be posting a detailed issue about very soon. Side note, GNOT airdrop simulation/aggregation is essentially complete. If you go here, there is an airdrop python script that will give you an Excel sheet with airdrop results (based on the current snapshot).

The same directory has both the unique votes CSV and snapshot JSON required to run the script. I have a section in there to exclude certain addresses, this could easily be modified to adjust particular addresses if ever needed (CEXs, etc). I really appreciate you putting this together!

thehowl commented 1 year ago

(Not really organized by priority)

Language, tooling, standard libraries