gnosis / dex-contracts

Smart contracts for the Gnosis Protocol v1
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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[Feature] Decentralized Dispute Resolution Mechanism #87

Closed fleupold closed 4 years ago

fleupold commented 5 years ago

The purpose of this issue is to track different ways with which we can resolve disputes about the correctness of a state transition or auction settlements.

The main aspects of a solution are:

Since deposit and withdrawals only contain state transitions they can be seen as a sub-problem of auction settlement and thus a suitable dispute resolution method for the latter should work for them as well.

The main points of a solution that can be challenged are:

Each challenge can be done independent of one another and one successful challenge is enough to render a solution invalid.

The different resolution ways to implement resolution can be discussed below.

fleupold commented 5 years ago

On Chain Solidity Resolution

One option for dispute resolution would be to write the verification logic in solidity and deploy a smart contract that can verify each constraint on demand. A challenger would provide part of the proposed solution data as transaction calldata and choose the aspect of the solution they are challenging. In case the solution is successful the challenger receives a significant reward (taken from the solution proposer's bond)

The general logic for the different challenges could be as follows:

Some of the checks (in particular the state transition and surplus calculation) have to be split up in multiple batches in order to fit in the block gas limit. The intermediate results could either be stored on the smart contract (and would thus require multiple txs to be mined before a decision about validity can be made) or could be committed to by the solution provider when publishing a solution. The latter would allow challenging a specific batch transition in a single transaction and thus simplify the challenging mechanism.

However, we have to keep in mind that extra data sent with the solution will have to be provided in every auction (and thus increase gas costs even in the happy case) whereas data sent with challenges will only cost gas when there is a dispute (which proper economic incentives should mitigate in the first place)


The advantages of this approach are that a challenge can be done immediately (no interactive game with the original solution provider is needed) and that its logic can be written in solidity, which is much simpler to maintain and audit than e.g. zero knowledge options. This would likely make it much simpler to bring such a feature to market.

On the other hand this kind of challenge mechanism doesn't scale very well. While we are likely able to implement all challenges for 2**24 accounts with 32 tokens and 1000 orders per batch within the block gas limit, it is unlikely that we can scale to 10 or 100 thousand orders.

Yet, it might be a good first approach to implement while the ecosystem for using zk proofs in production is still maturing.

Gas Analysis

The on_chain_verifier branch contains a rough sketch of the solidity code for each challenge and was used to collect the following gas estimations for each challenge. All prices are estimated with 20 GWEI and ETH @ $169. We are proving 2**24 accounts with 32 tokens and 1000 orders per batch, assuming that trading amounts can be represented with 32 bit wide fixed point numbers.

* We split up the potentially 1000 state transitions into 200 batches of 5. This cost is per batch. Only one batch is needed to complete the challenge. This increases the amount of data that needs to be provided with each solution by ~500k gas ($1.60) ** We split up the surplus calculation into two batches covering 500 orders each. This cost is per batch. In our implementation both batches are needed to complete the challenge.

fleupold commented 5 years ago

Succinct Zero Knowledge Proofs

Instead of having an on-chain solidity verifier, the challenge logic could also be implemented in an arithmetic circuit and be proven with a succinct fraud proof (e.g. zkSnark/Stark etc). The smart contract would then only verify the validity of such a fraud proof and if valid render the submitted solution as invalid.

The zero knowledge aspect of such a proof would not be used for privacy but rather scalability. All uncompressed data (orders, volumes, prices, etc.) which has to be provided as calldata in the on-chain solidity verifier could be passed into the snark as private input and would therefore not incur any gas cost on-chain. Inside the snark, we would also prove that the private input hashes to the public commitments (which were submitted as part of the solution). Those are already stored in the smart contract and would be the public inputs to the proof:

Public inputs:

Private Inputs

The logic for each challenge snark would be roughly the same as for the on-chain solidity version.


The gas cost for each challenge would be constant (or logarithmic) to the problem size and thus significantly lower than for the on-chain verifier (~1M gas + 100k gas per public input). However, these proofs are only needed in the "bad case" where a significant amount of money in the form of bonds is already at risk. Therefore, gas efficiency is not the top priority as long as submitting such a challenge is possible at all within the gas limit.

An advantage of this gas efficiency however is, that we could easily scale the amount of orders or tokens that are supported in a batch and still validate the proof on-chain. This would give us a long term solution for supporting tens or hundreds of thousands of orders.

At the moment however we are limited to zkSnarks on the alt_bn128 curve and thus to a constraint system with 268 million constraints. We have not yet done a fully optimized constraint analysis of our challenge logic, but assume that we could "only" scale up to 10k accounts, 1k orders, 32 tokens. In particular the number of accounts is very small compared to the other approaches.

For Starks, proof sizes are still a problem as unlike for snarks they are not constant in size and can easily be larger than the calldata we would need to submit in the on-chain solidity. It is possible that in an upcoming hardfork the cost of calldata is reduced in order to facilitate the usage of starks. It is also possible that other elliptic curves, which would allow up to 4 billion constraints or even allow recursive snarks (leading to infinite scalability with respect to on-chain gas cost) could be added to the EVM.

A major drawback of zkSnarks in particular is the trusted setup, which is a complex multi-party computation that has not yet been successfully executed in the context of Ethereum. Even if a universal trusted setup for all possible constraint systems (e.g. SONIC) was to be created, getting a zero knowledge proof circuit into a production ready state (implementation, audits, formal verification) has yet to be proven.

We therefore expect this approach to take much longer to implement than the ones that rely on solidity.

This fact combined with the rapid development in the space and the uncertainty which technology will prevail (Snarks, Starks, Sharks, etc.) suggest we should pursue this approach once scaling is actually needed.

fleupold commented 5 years ago

True Bit Resolution

Truebit is a scalable verification system for blockchains. Instead of running the entirety of the challenged computation on-chain, the challenger and responder play an interactive game which resembles a binary search over all intermediate computations steps.

The challenger asks the responder for the state of their computation (or a concise commitment to it) at half of the computation steps. Upon response the challenger can now compare if this state matches the one they believe is the correct half point state. In case the state is correct, they know that the "wrong computation step" has to have happened in the second half of the computation. They therefore request the computation state at 3/4th of the steps. Otherwise they know that the wrong computation has happened in the first half and ask for the computation state at 1/4th of the steps.

This is repeated until the incorrect step has been identified (taking log(all_steps) iterations). The disputed computation step can then be verified by the smart contract and will cost only a fraction of gas the overall computation cost.

If at any point in time a party becomes irresponsive for longer than a threshold they are assumed to have lost the game.

This approach could be used to implement the challenge logic presented in the on-chain resolution approach and make it much more gas efficient and scale to problems of infinite size (since each step is still constant).


The big downside of an interactive game like this is that it can potentially take a long time until the smart contract has achieved consensus and thus finality over which solution is correct. It requires both the solution provider as well as the challenger to stay online for potentially a long time and interact regularly. Correct selection for timeouts that balance between timely resolution but protect players from DOS attacks is a challenging subtask.

The time to resolution scales logarithmic with the computation steps and thus increases as the problem size scales up.

In general, this approach has undesirable UX implications (requirement to stay online) and makes it harder to reason about the finality of a state. It also imposes a larger attack surface for e.g. DOS attacks against one of the party playing (since repeated interaction is required).

We therefore see Truebit as a last resort and would prefer one of the other solutions.