gnosis / gp-v2-services

Off-chain services for Gnosis Protocol v2
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Investigate even more erc20 validity checks using batch calls #475

Closed vkgnosis closed 3 years ago

vkgnosis commented 3 years ago

When I made I thought I was only able to simulate (call) a single transaction which limits what can be checked. For example I thought I wouldn't be able to simulate the user first approving the token and then the allowance manager transfering. Felix suggested that using batch calls this might be possible so I'm using this issue as a reminder to myself to investigate.

vkgnosis commented 3 years ago

Tried this but didn't work:

    async fn foo() {
        let node = "";
        let transport = LoggingTransport::new(web3::transports::Http::new(node).unwrap());
        let web3 = web3::Web3::new(transport.clone());
        let token = contracts::ERC20::at(
        let acc1: H160 = "0x13aec50f5d3c011cd3fed44e2a30c515bd8a5a06"
        let acc2: H160 = "0x7D3f034b9B5A1F3f4208aadAA609a5c86879B1a1"
        let amount = primitive_types::U256::from(10u128.pow(18));
        let mut batch = ethcontract::batch::CallBatch::new(transport);
        let fut1 = token
            .transfer(acc2, amount)
            .batch_call(&mut batch);
        let fut2 = token.balance_of(acc2).from(acc2).batch_call(&mut batch);
        let fut3 = token
            .transfer(acc1, amount)
            .batch_call(&mut batch);


[shared/src/] fut1.await = Ok(
[shared/src/] fut2.await = Ok(
[shared/src/] fut3.await = Err(
    MethodError {
        signature: "transfer(address,uint256):(bool)",
        inner: Revert(

So the first transactions succeeds but we see the balance didn't get updated. Also tried adding block(BlockId::Number(BlockNumber::Pending)) to every transaction but didn't help. Am I doing something wrong?

fleupold commented 3 years ago

Right, this is not possible because the first transaction doesn't actually update any state (it's a read). It might work if it's an actual transaction that is being sent (but in that case the batch might not return until the tx is mined and this is not supported by ethcontracts).

One other option would be to use something like which might allow simulating a transaction followed by a static call (but I'm not sure if this fits our use case, as the msg.sender would be the Multicall contract).

nlordell commented 3 years ago

To summarize what we talked about in the weekly sync:

The idea would be to add a method to simulate a transfer with a balance check to make sure the ERC20 behaves in the "standard" way (i.e. non-deflationary and does not take fees from the transferred amount). This method could be added to a storage accessible reader contract as to not be part of the actual settlement contract. Here is the existing reader contract:

Basically, something like (in pseudo-code):

function checkTokenTransfer(interactions, token, expectedTransfer) {
  address randomAddress = address(uint160(uint256(block.hash)));
  uint256 startingBalance = token.balanceOf(randomAddress);
  foreach (interaction of interactions) {
    // NOTE: allow interactions to the allowance manager
  token.transfer(randomAddress, expectedTransfer);
  uint256 finalBalance = token.balanceOf(randomAddress);
  require(finalBalance - startingBalance == expectedTransfer);

We use interactions so that we can have different ways of transferring the tokens:

vkgnosis commented 3 years ago

Link from Nick:

fleupold commented 3 years ago

One more advantage about the checkTokenTransfer would be that it could potentially give us an exact gas estimate of the baseline trade and thus the appropriate minFee (although that would include the overhead of our routing - at the moment min fee is the cost the user would have if they traded with Uniswap directly).

nlordell commented 3 years ago

Closing as we now have a trace_callMany-based bad token detection.