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content: Validator Rewards and Punishments #215

Open peter-gnosis opened 2 years ago

peter-gnosis commented 2 years ago

If you look on this page:

There is a broad description of collective rewards for validators, but there is nothing about exactly how a validator is rewarded and punished. For example, how bad is it to be down for a day as a Gnosis Chain validator? How bad is it to get slashed? Let's say a key double signs some votes to the point where it is slashed and excluded from validation. Is some of the GNO lost? Is all of it lost?

alebanzas commented 2 years ago

Will be published here: /node/rewards-penalties#penalties

alebanzas commented 2 years ago

I'll keep it open because it could be interesting to link, connect or make a tool to calculate how much $ those event represents.