gnosisguild / wand-nft
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Birthchart calculation #10

Closed jfschwarz closed 2 years ago

jfschwarz commented 2 years ago

The PR adds the calculation of the birthchart to the playground app to show how it can be integrated into the future minting app

samepant commented 2 years ago

this is looking awesome!!

one thing i've noticed:

jfschwarz commented 2 years ago

aspect lines that are within ~5 points of being perfectly horizontal or vertical mess up the gradients applied to the aspect lines -__-

This one is a bit tricky but I found a hack to workaround the problem of degenerate bounding boxes by using paths instead of lines and adding an invisible 25x25 square to the bounding boxes of each line. 🤷 Wdyt, @samepant?