gnosisguild / wand-nft
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How to handle long wand names #25

Closed jfschwarz closed 2 years ago

jfschwarz commented 2 years ago
samepant commented 2 years ago

That's pretty rough. We'll need to change the naming system to only allow for a maximum character limit.

nginnever commented 2 years ago

this is an interesting challenge, we were using random seeds to select the names which implies we would need check each word and its length and then find a way to get smaller words if over..

Maybe there is a simple approach.

i'll keep thinking about this too

samepant commented 2 years ago

One really simple (maybe too simple) approach could be to replace the word list with shorter words, so any combination of 4 will never be longer than the max amount. I think @keikreutler was tinkering with replacing some of the wordlist at some point as well.

samepant commented 2 years ago

Talked to marv on discord a bit about this, and he brought up animating the name — i kinda love it, it's all in SVG, and it would allow names of any length.

pushed this demo code into the animated-title branch

samepant commented 2 years ago

fixed in #47