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Greenlist contracts, scripts and UI #91

Closed samepant closed 1 year ago

samepant commented 2 years ago

This Greenlist strategy supports the existing addresses we have greenlisted, as well as a wildcard mint, wherein anyone with a valid password can mint.

@cristovaoth breakdown of the components:

For the merkle proofdb: We generate three word incantations (passwords). We print those on cards and hand them out. There's a deterministic pure function that transforms each password into an Ethereum Signer - {PrivateKey, PublicKey, Address} We call each of those signers Issuers, because they play a meta role in producing the Signatures that effectively authorize Minting The Issuer addresses are what actually gets included in the MerkleTree as leaves In the minting app:

  • User enters the password (incantation password)
  • Deterministic function maps a password to an Ethereum Signer
  • With the Signer and the ConnectedMetamaskAccount we can build a MintPermit:
    • proof -> use Issuer.Address to fetch the MerkleProof from a backend
    • signature -> use Issuer.PrivateKey to sign a message { to: <wallet address> } (wallet address is the ConnectedMetamaskAccount, AKA the minter AKA sender of mint Tx)

In the contract, we perform three security checks:

  • getIssuer - use ECDSA.recover (uses ecrecover inside) to verify that Signature is from Issuer and it's targeting the current Minter (msg.sender)
  • enforceIsAuthorized - check that Issuer is included the MerkleTree, i.e., is a MerkleLeaf
  • enforceIsFresh - Once a permit is used, it can't be reused

For our workflow: We can keep expanding the tree, and adding more permits on the fly without invalidating earlier ones: we keep track of the leafs, we can just add new permits, recalculate a new root and update the contract. All the tooling is in place for this. The only thing missing is perhaps making the greenlist task automatically post a tx to the GG safe that updates ZodiacWands merkleRoot hash yarn hardhat passwords:generate yarn hardhat spreadsheet:extract yarn hardhat greenlist