gnosygnu / xowa

xowa offline wiki application
375 stars 41 forks source link

import button not working on the webinterface, can't download or import any wikis #862

Open ThatCoffeeGuy opened 2 years ago

ThatCoffeeGuy commented 2 years ago

As title suggest. Couple of other buttons are also simply not working. Tried in chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Running under Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS x64:

My starter file:

XOWA_DIR=$(dirname $0)
export SWT_GTK3=0 && java -Xmx256m -splash:$XOWA_DIR/bin/any/xowa/file/app.general/waiting.gif -jar $XOWA_DIR/xowa_linux_64.jar --app_mode http_server --http_server_port 8181```
ThatCoffeeGuy commented 2 years ago

Some links are also broken:


ThatCoffeeGuy commented 2 years ago

Okay, after some investigation on their official site (with expired SSL cert BTW)

It seems it's known to be not functioning.


I guess it could be removed or some notes wouldn't hurt about it. I installed it specifically to host it on my network.

schnells commented 2 years ago

I think you could download the wikis without the app_mode http_server and once downloaded, restart with the http_server flag.

schnells commented 2 years ago

Side note: I added items to the download queue without the http_server flag and restarted it with the flag and can download wiki files with the download center
