gnotclub / xst

st fork that uses Xresources and some pretty good patches
MIT License
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stx does not automatically update data from Xresources when Xresources file is updated/xrdb is ran #112

Closed BombchuLink closed 4 years ago

BombchuLink commented 4 years ago

xst does not automatically update data from Xresources when Xresources is updated. It is required that you close the terminal emulator and re-open it to see the new updates to the font/colours.

How to implement:

1 got to x.c:1972 and pull date last modified from xresources

2 go to the for loop at X.c:1994 and check xresources to original pulled date at x.c:1972

3 call function that sets colours from xresources inside of the checking if statement

4 ????

5 profit

I've managed to do step 1...

    struct tm *timeinit;
    struct tm *timenow;
    struct stat attrib;
    /* Get last-modified time of Xresources*/
    stat("~/.config/Xresources", &attrib);
    timeinit = localtime(&(attrib.st_ctime));

and 2

        /* Check if Xresources was changed since init*/
        stat("~/.config/Xresources", &attrib);
        timenow = localtime(&(attrib.st_ctime));
        if (timeinit->tm_year != timenow->tm_year ||
            timeinit->tm_mon  != timenow->tm_mon  ||
            timeinit->tm_mday != timenow->tm_mday ||
            timeinit->tm_hour != timenow->tm_hour ||
            timeinit->tm_min  != timenow->tm_min
            printf("XRESOURCES IS OUTDATED\n");
            timeinit->tm_year = timenow->tm_year;
            timeinit->tm_mon  = timenow->tm_mon;
            timeinit->tm_mday = timenow->tm_mday;
            timeinit->tm_hour = timenow->tm_hour;
            timeinit->tm_min  = timenow->tm_min;
        else {
            printf("XResources is up to date\n");

However with this method it does put a dependency on <sys/stat.h> and . Also I'm sure there's a better way to write this, but I'm not terribly good at writing C. ;_;

as for step 3... I can't seem to actually get any ground with this one. I'm probably just being stupid but xloadcols(), xinit(), and even changing xw.cmap doesn't seem to get it to re-load the Xresources assets at any point, and thus I'm at a dead end.

Also from what (limited) information I can find, no other terminal does this, so I guess nobody has bothered to make this a thing before (or it's much more difficult to do with terminal emulation than one would think, or it would possibly be a common feature)

Hopefully you all know your way around st better than I do, and you can help push me in the right direction lol. Thanks for your time.

neeasade commented 4 years ago

if you are willing to do this outside the terminal, you may accomplish this with a script -- an example is given below. (using inotify-tools). xst reloads itself through the USR1 signal. An alternative to inotifywait may be entr


while true; do
    if ! inotifywait -e close_write "${HOME}/.Xresources"; then
    echo reloading!
    xrdb -merge "${HOME}/.Xresources"
    pkill -x --signal USR1 xst
BombchuLink commented 4 years ago

Wow, I didn't know that was possible, seems to work absolutely perfectly!

Thank you so much.