gnumpi / esphome_audio

Custom audio components for ESPHome
54 stars 22 forks source link

Slow Audio Output AND MPEG_READER: Not find an effective frame, line:639. #38

Open indevor opened 4 months ago

indevor commented 4 months ago

Hi I'm using your latest code: HW: Max98357 + INMP441 + esp32s3 esphome: 24.5.0

   - source: 
       type: git
       ref: adf-mods
    components: [ api, media_player, speaker, voice_assistant ]  
  - source:
      type: git
      ref: dev-next
    components: [ adf_pipeline, i2s_audio ]

my script, maybe I'm missing something:

  device_name: "test-media-assistant-v2"
  friendly_name: "Test Media Assistant V2"
  device_description: "Media Assistant V2"
  esp_board: "esp32-s3-devkitc-1"
  framework_type: "esp-idf"
    # Mic
  i2s_lrclk_in_pin: GPIO3               # Mic WS 
  i2s_bclk_in_pin: GPIO2                # Mic CK
  i2s_din_pin: GPIO1                    # Mic SD/DA
  auto_gain: 31dBFS                     # MIC gain
  # Speaker
  i2s_lrclk_out_pin: GPIO21              # Spk LRC
  i2s_bclk_out_pin: GPIO14               # Spk BCLK
  i2s_dout_pin: GPIO45                   # Spk DIN 

  # Phases of the Voice Assistant
  # IDLE: The voice assistant is ready to be triggered by a wake-word
  voice_assist_idle_phase_id: '1'
  # LISTENING: The voice assistant is ready to listen to a voice command (after being triggered by the wake word)
  voice_assist_listening_phase_id: '2'
  # THINKING: The voice assistant is currently processing the command
  voice_assist_thinking_phase_id: '3'
  # REPLYING: The voice assistant is replying to the command
  voice_assist_replying_phase_id: '4'
  # NOT_READY: The voice assistant is not ready
  voice_assist_not_ready_phase_id: '10'
  # ERROR: The voice assistant encountered an error
  voice_assist_error_phase_id: '11'
  # MUTED: The voice assistant is muted and will not reply to a wake-word
  voice_assist_muted_phase_id: '12'

  - source:
      type: git
      ref: dev-next
      #type: local
      #path: /Users/siekmann/Privat/Projects/espHome/esphome_audio/esphome/components
    components: [ adf_pipeline, i2s_audio ]
  - source: 
      type: git
      ref: adf-mods
    components: [ api, media_player, speaker, voice_assistant ]

  name: ${device_name}
  comment: ${device_description}
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
  min_version: 2024.2.0
    build_flags: -DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM
    board_build.flash_mode: dio
    #board_upload.maximum_size: 16777216
    priority: 600
      # Run the script to refresh the LED status
      # If after 30 seconds, the device is still initializing (It did not yet connect to Home Assistant), turn off the init_in_progress variable and run the script to refresh the LED status
      - delay: 30s
      - if:
            lambda: return id(init_in_progress);
            - lambda: id(init_in_progress) = false;

  board: ${esp_board}
  variant: ESP32S3
  flash_size: 8MB
    type: ${framework_type}
    version: recommended
      # need to set a s3 compatible board for the adf-sdk to compile
      # board specific code is not used though

      CONFIG_ESP32_S3_BOX_BOARD: "y"

      CONFIG_TCP_WND_DEFAULT: "512000"


  # Global initialisation variable. Initialized to true and set to false once everything is connected. Only used to have a smooth "plugging" experience
  - id: init_in_progress
    type: bool
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: 'true'
  # Global variable tracking the phase of the voice assistant (defined above). Initialized to not_ready
  - id: voice_assistant_phase
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: ${voice_assist_not_ready_phase_id}

  mode: octal
  speed: 80MHz

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "MitAC+hwLqT4vWNVudIUXyYcIS89yx/NAadUsGTiBXk="

  password: "f48e29bb666abfe11cffe5904612ce9d"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
    # Optional manual IP

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Freenove-Cam01 Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "48zf4JyppQ8P"

i2s_audio:                              # I2s audio pins
  - id: i2s_in
    i2s_lrclk_pin: $i2s_lrclk_in_pin    # Mic WS
    i2s_bclk_pin: $i2s_bclk_in_pin      # Mic CK
  - id: i2s_out
    i2s_lrclk_pin: $i2s_lrclk_out_pin   # Spk LRC
    i2s_bclk_pin: $i2s_bclk_out_pin     # Spk BCLK

adf_pipeline:                           # ADF pieline pins
  - platform: i2s_audio
    type: audio_out
    id: adf_i2s_out
    i2s_audio_id: i2s_out
    i2s_dout_pin: GPIO45
    bits_per_sample: 32bit                 # Spk DIN

  - platform: i2s_audio
    type: audio_in
    id: adf_i2s_in
    i2s_audio_id: i2s_in
    i2s_din_pin: $i2s_din_pin           # Mic SD/DA
    channel: left
    sample_rate: 16000
    bits_per_sample: 32bit
    pdm: false

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_microphone
    keep_pipeline_alive: false
      - adf_i2s_in
      - self

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_media_player
    name: media_player
    keep_pipeline_alive: false
    internal: false
      - self
      - resampler
      - adf_i2s_out

  model: alexa
      - media_player.stop:
      - light.turn_on:
          id: led_ring
          blue: 0%
          red: 0%
          green: 100%
          brightness: 75%
          effect: pulse
      - voice_assistant.start:

  microphone: adf_microphone
  media_player: adf_media_player

  use_wake_word: false
  #vad_threshold: 3

  noise_suppression_level: 4
  auto_gain: 31dBFS
  volume_multiplier: 4.0

    - lambda: id(init_in_progress) = false;
    - if:
          switch.is_on: use_wake_word
          - micro_wake_word.start:
          - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_idle_phase_id};
          - script.execute: reset_led
          - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_muted_phase_id};

    - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_not_ready_phase_id};
    - voice_assistant.stop
    - micro_wake_word.stop
    - light.turn_on:
          id: led_ring
          blue: 0%
          red: 100%
          green: 100%
          brightness: 50%
          effect: connecting

    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ring
        blue: 100%
        red: 0%
        green: 0%
        brightness: 25%
        effect: wakeword

    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ring
        blue: 0%
        red: 0%
        green: 100%
        brightness: 75%
        effect: pulse

        - light.turn_off:
            id: led_ring
        - voice_assistant.stop
        - wait_until:
        - script.execute: reset_led
        - if:
              switch.is_on: use_wake_word
              - micro_wake_word.start:
    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ring
        blue: 0%
        red: 100%
        green: 0%
        brightness: 100%
        effect: none
    - delay: 1s
    - script.execute: reset_led
    - script.wait: reset_led
    - lambda: |-
        if (code == "wake-provider-missing" || code == "wake-engine-missing") {
    - if:
          switch.is_on: use_wake_word
          - micro_wake_word.start:
          - script.execute: reset_led

  - id: reset_led
      - if:
            switch.is_on: use_wake_word
            - light.turn_on:
                id: led_ring
                blue: 100%
                red: 0%
                green: 0%
                brightness: 25%
                effect: none
            - light.turn_off: led_ring

  - platform: restart
    id: restart_btn
    name: "${friendly_name} REBOOT"

  - platform: template
    name: Enable Voice Assistant
    id: use_wake_word
    optimistic: true
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON
    icon: mdi:assistant
    # When the switch is turned on (on Home Assistant):
    # Start the voice assistant component
    # Set the correct phase and run the script to refresh the LED status
      - logger.log: "switch on"
      - if:
            lambda: return !id(init_in_progress);
            - logger.log: "condition 1"
            - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_idle_phase_id};
            - voice_assistant.stop
            - delay: 1s
            - if:
                    - voice_assistant.is_running
                  - logger.log: "Starting MWW"
                  #- voice_assistant.start_continuous
                  - micro_wake_word.start:
      - script.execute: reset_led
      - if:
            lambda: return !id(init_in_progress);
            - voice_assistant.stop
            - micro_wake_word.stop
            - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_muted_phase_id};
      - script.execute: reset_led

  - platform: template
    name: Pipeline
    id: pipeline_switch
    optimistic: true
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF

      - media_player.stop

      - media_player.play_media: ""

  - platform: esp32_rmt_led_strip
    id: led_ring
    name: "${friendly_name} Light"
    pin: GPIO48
    num_leds: 1
    rmt_channel: 0
    rgb_order: GRB
    chipset: ws2812
    default_transition_length: 0s
      - pulse:
          name: "Pulse"
          transition_length: 0.5s
          update_interval: 0.5s
      - addressable_twinkle:
          name: "Working"
          twinkle_probability: 5%
          progress_interval: 4ms
      - addressable_color_wipe:
          name: "Wakeword"
            - red: 0%
              green: 50%
              blue: 0%
              num_leds: 12
          add_led_interval: 20ms
          reverse: false
      - addressable_color_wipe:
          name: "Connecting"
            - red: 60%
              green: 60%
              blue: 60%
              num_leds: 12
            - red: 60%
              green: 60%
              blue: 0%
              num_leds: 12
          add_led_interval: 100ms
          reverse: true

1) The response from the voice assistant is spoken in a slow voice. There is also a wait after you say a voice command. I have noticed that the louder the command is spoken, the less the pause. On average there is a pause of 10-12 seconds after the command is said. Method of phrase ending: aggressive. 2) If you play this file WAV 44100, 706 kbps, 16bit, mono

  [20:59:55][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 1)
[20:59:55][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 0, while in MP state IDLE
[20:59:55][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE
[20:59:55][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[20:59:55][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[20:59:55][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[20:59:55][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 1)
[20:59:55][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 0, while in MP state IDLE
[20:59:55][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE
[20:59:55][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[20:59:55][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[20:59:55][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[20:59:56][D][media_player:061]: 'media_player' - Setting
[20:59:56][D][media_player:068]:   Media URL:
[20:59:56][D][esp_audio_sources:058]: Set new uri:
[20:59:56][D][adf_media_player:047]: Got control call in state IDLE
[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:060]: Starting request, current state UNINITIALIZED
[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING. (REQ: 0)
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 1, while in MP state IDLE
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (823011) MP3_DECODER: MP3 init

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (823014) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=512, dma_buf_count=4

[20:59:56][D][i2s_audio:072]: Installing driver : yes
[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 0, http
[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 1, decoder
[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 2, resampler
[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 3, i2s_out
[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (823024) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d820e94, tag:http, rb:0x3d821610

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (823026) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d821144, tag:decoder, rb:0x3d822650

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (823028) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d8212e0, tag:resampler, rb:0x3d823690

[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:496]: Setting up event listener.
[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from INITIALIZING to CREATED. (REQ: 0)
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 2, while in MP state IDLE
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from CREATED to PREPARING. (REQ: 0)
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 3, while in MP state IDLE
[20:59:56][D][adf_i2s_out:127]: Set final i2s settings: 44100
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[20:59:56][D][esp_audio_sources:063]: Prepare elements called (initial_call)!
[20:59:56][D][esp_audio_sources:097]: Use fixed settings: no
[20:59:56][D][esp_audio_sources:098]: Streamer status: 1
[20:59:56][D][esp_audio_sources:099]: decoder status: 1
[20:59:56][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [http]...
[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (823078) AUDIO_THREAD: The http task allocate stack on external memory

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (823080) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [http-0x3d820e94] Element task created

[20:59:56][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [decoder]...
[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (823082) AUDIO_THREAD: The decoder task allocate stack on external memory

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (823084) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder-0x3d821144] Element task created

[20:59:56][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [resampler]...
[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (823096) AUDIO_THREAD: The resampler task allocate stack on external memory

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (823098) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [resampler-0x3d8212e0] Element task created

[20:59:56][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [i2s_out]...
[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (823110) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_out-0x3d821498] Element task created

[20:59:56][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [http]...
[20:59:56][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [http] Sending resume command.
[20:59:56][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [decoder]...
[20:59:56][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [decoder] Sending resume command.
[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (823137) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] AEL_MSG_CMD_RESUME,state:1

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (823154) MP3_DECODER: MP3 opened

[20:59:56][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [http] Checking State, got 78
[20:59:56][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [decoder] Checking State, got 72
[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: E (823532) MPEG_READER: Not find an effective frame, line:639.

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: E (823536) MPEG_READER: resync error (line 405)

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: E (823540) MP3_DECODER: Encountered error reading when MP3 init

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: E (823543) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] AEL_STATUS_ERROR_OPEN,-1

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: W (823547) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] audio_element_on_cmd_error,7

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (823550) MP3_DECODER: Closed

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000][http]: W (823553) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[http] AEL_IO_ABORT

[20:59:56][E][esp_adf_pipeline:215]: HTTPStreamReader got in error state while PREPARING. Stopping pipeline!
[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from PREPARING to ABORTING. (REQ: 1)
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 10, while in MP state PLAYING
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[20:59:56][E][esp_adf_pipeline:238]: Timeout while PREPARING. Stopping pipeline!
[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from ABORTING to ABORTING. (REQ: 1)
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 10, while in MP state PLAYING
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[20:59:56][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [decoder] Checking State for stopping, got 7
[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: E (823597) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] Element already stopped

[20:59:56][E][esp_adf_pipeline:215]: HTTPStreamReader got in error state while STOPPING. Stopping pipeline!
[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from ABORTING to DESTROYING. (REQ: 4)
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 11, while in MP state PLAYING
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[20:59:56][E][esp_adf_pipeline:238]: Timeout while STOPPING. Stopping pipeline!
[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to DESTROYING. (REQ: 4)
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 11, while in MP state PLAYING
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:507]: Called deinit_all
[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (823635) AUDIO_PIPELINE: audio_pipeline_unlinked

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: W (823637) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [http] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: W (823639) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: W (823641) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [resampler] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: W (823643) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_out] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[20:59:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (823646) I2S: DMA queue destroyed

[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 4)
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 0, while in MP state PLAYING
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[20:59:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 4)
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 0, while in MP state IDLE
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[20:59:56][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes

3) Also RadioBrowser does not work.


   [22:43:33][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 4)
[22:43:33][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 0, while in MP state PLAYING
[22:43:33][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE
[22:43:33][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[22:43:33][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[22:43:33][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[22:43:33][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 4)
[22:43:33][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 0, while in MP state IDLE
[22:43:33][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE
[22:43:33][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[22:43:33][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[22:43:33][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[22:43:56][D][media_player:061]: 'media_player' - Setting
[22:43:56][D][media_player:068]:   Media URL:
[22:43:56][D][esp_audio_sources:058]: Set new uri:
[22:43:56][D][adf_media_player:047]: Got control call in state IDLE
[22:43:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:060]: Starting request, current state UNINITIALIZED
[22:43:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING. (REQ: 0)
[22:43:56][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 1, while in MP state IDLE
[22:43:56][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE
[22:43:56][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[22:43:56][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[22:43:56][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[22:43:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7063696) MP3_DECODER: MP3 init

[22:43:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7063699) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=1024, dma_buf_count=4

[22:43:56][D][i2s_audio:072]: Installing driver : yes
[22:43:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 0, http
[22:43:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 1, decoder
[22:43:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 2, resampler
[22:43:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 3, i2s_out
[22:43:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7063708) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d820e94, tag:http, rb:0x3d821514

[22:43:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7063710) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d821048, tag:decoder, rb:0x3d822554

[22:43:56][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7063712) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d8211e4, tag:resampler, rb:0x3d823594

[22:43:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:496]: Setting up event listener.
[22:43:56][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from INITIALIZING to CREATED. (REQ: 0)
[22:43:56][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 2, while in MP state IDLE
[22:43:56][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE
[22:43:56][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[22:43:56][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[22:43:56][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[22:43:57][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from CREATED to PREPARING. (REQ: 0)
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 3, while in MP state IDLE
[22:43:57][D][adf_i2s_out:127]: Set final i2s settings: 48000
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[22:43:57][D][esp_audio_sources:063]: Prepare elements called (initial_call)!
[22:43:57][D][esp_audio_sources:097]: Use fixed settings: no
[22:43:57][D][esp_audio_sources:098]: Streamer status: 1
[22:43:57][D][esp_audio_sources:099]: decoder status: 1
[22:43:57][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [http]...
[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7063759) AUDIO_THREAD: The http task allocate stack on external memory

[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7063761) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [http-0x3d820e94] Element task created

[22:43:57][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [decoder]...
[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7063764) AUDIO_THREAD: The decoder task allocate stack on external memory

[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7063765) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder-0x3d821048] Element task created

[22:43:57][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [resampler]...
[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7063777) AUDIO_THREAD: The resampler task allocate stack on external memory

[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7063779) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [resampler-0x3d8211e4] Element task created

[22:43:57][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [i2s_out]...
[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7063790) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_out-0x3d82139c] Element task created

[22:43:57][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [http]...
[22:43:57][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [http] Sending resume command.
[22:43:57][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [decoder]...
[22:43:57][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [decoder] Sending resume command.
[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (7063800) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] AEL_MSG_CMD_RESUME,state:1

[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (7063802) MP3_DECODER: MP3 opened

[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: W (7063806) AUDIO_ELEMENT: IN-[decoder] AEL_IO_ABORT

[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: E (7063809) MP3_DECODER: failed to read audio data (line 117)

[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: W (7063813) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] AEL_IO_ABORT, -3

[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (7063815) MP3_DECODER: Closed

[22:43:57][E][esp_adf_pipeline:215]: HTTPStreamReader got in error state while PREPARING. Stopping pipeline!
[22:43:57][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from PREPARING to ABORTING. (REQ: 1)
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 10, while in MP state PLAYING
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[22:43:57][E][esp_adf_pipeline:238]: Timeout while PREPARING. Stopping pipeline!
[22:43:57][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from ABORTING to ABORTING. (REQ: 1)
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 10, while in MP state PLAYING
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[22:43:57][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [http] Checking State for stopping, got 7
[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000]: E (7063855) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [http] Element already stopped

[22:43:57][E][esp_adf_pipeline:215]: HTTPStreamReader got in error state while STOPPING. Stopping pipeline!
[22:43:57][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from ABORTING to DESTROYING. (REQ: 4)
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 11, while in MP state PLAYING
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[22:43:57][E][esp_adf_pipeline:238]: Timeout while STOPPING. Stopping pipeline!
[22:43:57][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to DESTROYING. (REQ: 4)
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 11, while in MP state PLAYING
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[22:43:57][D][esp_adf_pipeline:507]: Called deinit_all
[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7063887) AUDIO_PIPELINE: audio_pipeline_unlinked

[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000]: W (7063889) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [http] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000]: W (7063890) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000]: W (7063892) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [resampler] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000]: W (7063894) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_out] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[22:43:57][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7063896) I2S: DMA queue destroyed

[22:43:57][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 4)
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 0, while in MP state PLAYING
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes
[22:43:57][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 4)
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 0, while in MP state IDLE
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false
[22:43:57][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false

indevor commented 4 months ago

freez on detect "wake_word" log:

`[22:51:39][D][micro_wake_word:362]: Wake word sliding average probability is 0.692 and most recent probability is 0.996
[22:51:39][D][micro_wake_word:128]: Wake Word Detected
[22:51:39][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from DETECTING_WAKE_WORD to STOP_MICROPHONE
[22:51:39][D][micro_wake_word:134]: Stopping Microphone
[22:51:39][D][esp_adf_pipeline:070]: Called 'stop' while in RUNNING state.
[22:51:39][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from STOP_MICROPHONE to STOPPING_MICROPHONE
[22:51:39][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from RUNNING to ABORTING. (REQ: 1)
[22:51:39][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [i2s_in] Checking State for stopping, got 3
[22:51:39][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [pcm_reader] Checking State for stopping, got 3
[22:51:39][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (7526630) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[22:51:39][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (7526632) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[22:51:39][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (7526635) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[22:51:39][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (7526638) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[22:51:39][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from ABORTING to STOPPED. (REQ: 1)
[22:51:39][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from STOPPING_MICROPHONE to IDLE
[22:51:39][D][media_player:061]: 'media_player' - Setting
[22:51:39][D][media_player:065]:   Command: STOP
[22:51:39][D][esp_adf_pipeline:070]: Called 'stop' while in UNINITIALIZED state.
[22:51:39][D][light:036]: 'Test Media Assistant V2 Light' Setting:
[22:51:39][D][light:051]:   Brightness: 75%
[22:51:39][D][light:059]:   Red: 0%, Green: 100%, Blue: 0%
[22:51:39][D][light:109]:   Effect: 'Pulse'
[22:51:39][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from STOPPED to DESTROYING. (REQ: 1)
[22:51:39][D][esp_adf_pipeline:507]: Called deinit_all
[22:51:39][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7526662) AUDIO_PIPELINE: audio_pipeline_unlinked

[22:51:39][D][esp-idf:000]: W (7526664) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_in] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[22:51:39][D][esp-idf:000]: W (7526665) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [pcm_reader] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[22:51:39][D][esp-idf:000]: I (7526667) I2S: DMA queue destroyed

[22:51:39][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 1)
[22:51:39][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 1)
[22:51:40][D][voice_assistant:447]: State changed from STREAMING_RESPONSE to IDLE
[22:51:40][D][voice_assistant:453]: Desired state set to IDLE`
gnumpi commented 4 months ago
   - source: 
       type: git
       ref: adf-mods
    components: [ api, media_player, speaker, voice_assistant ]  
  - source:
      type: git
      ref: dev-next
    components: [ adf_pipeline, i2s_audio ]

The announcement media_player state has been merged into ESPHome 2024.5.0, so there is no need of including adf-mods anymore.

  1. The response from the voice assistant is spoken in a slow voice. There is also a wait after you say a voice command. I have noticed that the louder the command is spoken, the less the pause. On average there is a pause of 10-12 seconds after the command is said. Method of phrase ending: aggressive.

I just merged a new config parameter for the media_player into dev-next. It lets you configure the audio settings used for announcements. Now, the media_player will try to detect the announcement audio settings if the new config is not set. This consumes some extra time though.

Here is an example:

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_media_player
    name: s3-dev_media_player
    internal: false
    keep_pipeline_alive: false
      sample_rate: 16000
      bits_per_sample: 16
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - resampler
      - adf_i2s_out
  1. If you play this file WAV 44100, 706 kbps, 16bit, mono

currently, only mp3 files are supported. There is a PR in the queue though which will add a couple of other audio codecs.

  1. Also RadioBrowser does not work.

can you try different radio stations and see if there is a pattern which do work and which don't?

indevor commented 4 months ago

Here is an example:

this error occurs here: ( announcement_audio: ) [announcement_audio] is an invalid option for [media_player.adf_pipeline]. Did you mean [on_announcement]?

can you try different radio stations and see if there is a pattern which do work and which don't?

all radio links are working, checked separately. radio less than 128 kbps did not find, but I think it's not the bitrate.

Deutschlandfunk [MP3 128k] ``` [15:08:12][D][media_player:061]: 'media_player' - Setting [15:08:12][D][media_player:068]: Media URL: [15:08:12][D][esp_audio_sources:058]: Set new uri: [15:08:12][D][adf_media_player:047]: Got control call in state IDLE [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:060]: Starting request, current state UNINITIALIZED [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING. (REQ: 0) [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 1, while in MP state IDLE [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: I (3652891) MP3_DECODER: MP3 init [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: I (3652893) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=512, dma_buf_count=4 [15:08:12][D][i2s_audio:072]: Installing driver : yes [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 0, http [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 1, decoder [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 2, resampler [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 3, i2s_out [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: I (3652903) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d820084, tag:http, rb:0x3d820734 [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: I (3652904) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d820234, tag:decoder, rb:0x3d821760 [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: I (3652906) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d8203d0, tag:resampler, rb:0x3d8227a0 [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:496]: Setting up event listener. [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from INITIALIZING to CREATED. (REQ: 0) [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 2, while in MP state IDLE [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from CREATED to PREPARING. (REQ: 0) [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 3, while in MP state IDLE [15:08:12][D][adf_i2s_out:127]: Set final i2s settings: 16000 [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes [15:08:12][D][esp_audio_sources:063]: Prepare elements called (initial_call)! [15:08:12][D][esp_audio_sources:097]: Use fixed settings: no [15:08:12][D][esp_audio_sources:098]: Streamer status: 1 [15:08:12][D][esp_audio_sources:099]: decoder status: 1 [15:08:12][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [http]... [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: I (3652953) AUDIO_THREAD: The http task allocate stack on external memory [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: I (3652955) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [http-0x3d820084] Element task created [15:08:12][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [decoder]... [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: I (3652957) AUDIO_THREAD: The decoder task allocate stack on external memory [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: I (3652959) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder-0x3d820234] Element task created [15:08:12][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [resampler]... [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: I (3652970) AUDIO_THREAD: The resampler task allocate stack on external memory [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: I (3652972) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [resampler-0x3d8203d0] Element task created [15:08:12][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [i2s_out]... [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: I (3652983) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_out-0x3d820588] Element task created [15:08:12][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [http]... [15:08:12][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [http] Sending resume command. [15:08:12][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [decoder]... [15:08:12][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [decoder] Sending resume command. [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (3652993) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] AEL_MSG_CMD_RESUME,state:1 [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (3652996) MP3_DECODER: MP3 opened [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: W (3652999) AUDIO_ELEMENT: IN-[decoder] AEL_IO_ABORT [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: E (3653002) MP3_DECODER: failed to read audio data (line 117) [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: W (3653005) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] AEL_IO_ABORT, -3 [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (3653008) MP3_DECODER: Closed [15:08:12][E][esp_adf_pipeline:215]: HTTPStreamReader got in error state while PREPARING. Stopping pipeline! [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from PREPARING to ABORTING. (REQ: 1) [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 10, while in MP state PLAYING [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes [15:08:12][E][esp_adf_pipeline:238]: Timeout while PREPARING. Stopping pipeline! [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from ABORTING to ABORTING. (REQ: 1) [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 10, while in MP state PLAYING [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes [15:08:12][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [http] Checking State for stopping, got 7 [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: E (3653048) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [http] Element already stopped [15:08:12][E][esp_adf_pipeline:215]: HTTPStreamReader got in error state while STOPPING. Stopping pipeline! [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from ABORTING to DESTROYING. (REQ: 4) [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 11, while in MP state PLAYING [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes [15:08:12][E][esp_adf_pipeline:238]: Timeout while STOPPING. Stopping pipeline! [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to DESTROYING. (REQ: 4) [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 11, while in MP state PLAYING [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:507]: Called deinit_all [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: I (3653079) AUDIO_PIPELINE: audio_pipeline_unlinked [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: W (3653080) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [http] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: W (3653082) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: W (3653084) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [resampler] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: W (3653086) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_out] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE [15:08:12][D][esp-idf:000]: I (3653087) I2S: DMA queue destroyed [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 4) [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 0, while in MP state PLAYING [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes [15:08:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 4) [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 0, while in MP state IDLE [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:08:12][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes ```
Вести ФМ (Vesti FM) [MP3 192k] ``` [15:21:15][D][media_player:061]: 'media_player' - Setting [15:21:15][D][media_player:068]: Media URL: [15:21:15][D][esp_audio_sources:058]: Set new uri: [15:21:15][D][adf_media_player:047]: Got control call in state IDLE [15:21:15][D][esp_adf_pipeline:060]: Starting request, current state UNINITIALIZED [15:21:15][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING. (REQ: 0) [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 1, while in MP state IDLE [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: I (4435841) MP3_DECODER: MP3 init [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: I (4435843) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=512, dma_buf_count=4 [15:21:15][D][i2s_audio:072]: Installing driver : yes [15:21:15][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 0, http [15:21:15][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 1, decoder [15:21:15][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 2, resampler [15:21:15][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 3, i2s_out [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: I (4435853) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d820084, tag:http, rb:0x3d820734 [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: I (4435854) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d82023c, tag:decoder, rb:0x3d821774 [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: I (4435856) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d8203d8, tag:resampler, rb:0x3d8227b4 [15:21:15][D][esp_adf_pipeline:496]: Setting up event listener. [15:21:15][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from INITIALIZING to CREATED. (REQ: 0) [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 2, while in MP state IDLE [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes [15:21:15][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from CREATED to PREPARING. (REQ: 0) [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 3, while in MP state IDLE [15:21:15][D][adf_i2s_out:127]: Set final i2s settings: 16000 [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes [15:21:15][D][esp_audio_sources:063]: Prepare elements called (initial_call)! [15:21:15][D][esp_audio_sources:097]: Use fixed settings: no [15:21:15][D][esp_audio_sources:098]: Streamer status: 1 [15:21:15][D][esp_audio_sources:099]: decoder status: 1 [15:21:15][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [http]... [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: I (4435903) AUDIO_THREAD: The http task allocate stack on external memory [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: I (4435905) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [http-0x3d820084] Element task created [15:21:15][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [decoder]... [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: I (4435907) AUDIO_THREAD: The decoder task allocate stack on external memory [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: I (4435909) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder-0x3d82023c] Element task created [15:21:15][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [resampler]... [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: I (4435921) AUDIO_THREAD: The resampler task allocate stack on external memory [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: I (4435922) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [resampler-0x3d8203d8] Element task created [15:21:15][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [i2s_out]... [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: I (4435934) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_out-0x3d820590] Element task created [15:21:15][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [http]... [15:21:15][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [http] Sending resume command. [15:21:15][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [decoder]... [15:21:15][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [decoder] Sending resume command. [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (4435951) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] AEL_MSG_CMD_RESUME,state:1 [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 11, while in MP state PLAYING [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes [15:21:15][E][esp_adf_pipeline:238]: Timeout while STOPPING. Stopping pipeline! [15:21:15][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to DESTROYING. (REQ: 4) [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 11, while in MP state PLAYING [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: PLAYING [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes [15:21:15][D][esp_adf_pipeline:507]: Called deinit_all [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: I (4435981) AUDIO_PIPELINE: audio_pipeline_unlinked [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: W (4435983) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [http] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: W (4435985) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: W (4435987) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [resampler] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: W (4435988) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_out] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE [15:21:15][D][esp-idf:000]: I (4435990) I2S: DMA queue destroyed [15:21:15][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 4) [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 0, while in MP state PLAYING [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes [15:21:15][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 4) [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:167]: got new pipeline state: 0, while in MP state IDLE [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:226]: current mp state: IDLE [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:227]: anouncement: false [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:228]: play_intent: false [15:21:15][I][adf_media_player:229]: current_uri_: yes ```
gnumpi commented 4 months ago

[announcement_audio] is an invalid option for [media_player.adf_pipeline]. Did you mean [on_announcement]?

please try adding a refresh parameter:

- source:
      type: git
      ref: dev-next

    components: [ adf_pipeline, i2s_audio ]
    refresh: 0s
indevor commented 4 months ago

the sound is fine now.

the problem with freezing remains: wake up by voice (ok) - give a command (ok) - give a second command (freez, pulse green light)

  model: alexa
      - media_player.stop:
      - light.turn_on:
          id: led_ring
          blue: 0%
          red: 0%
          green: 100%
          brightness: 75%
          effect: pulse
      - voice_assistant.start:
INFO Processing expected disconnect from ESPHome API for test-media-assistant-v2 @
WARNING Disconnected from API
INFO Successfully connected to test-media-assistant-v2 @ in 1.054s
INFO Successful handshake with test-media-assistant-v2 @ in 0.086s
[16:13:26][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from IDLE to START_MICROPHONE
[16:13:26][D][light:036]: 'Test Media Assistant V2 Light' Setting:
[16:13:26][D][light:051]:   Brightness: 25%
[16:13:26][D][light:059]:   Red: 0%, Green: 0%, Blue: 100%
[16:13:26][D][micro_wake_word:115]: Starting Microphone
[16:13:26][D][esp_adf_pipeline:060]: Starting request, current state UNINITIALIZED
[16:13:26][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from START_MICROPHONE to STARTING_MICROPHONE
[16:13:26][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:26][D][esp-idf:000]: I (6354) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=1024, dma_buf_count=4

[16:13:26][D][i2s_audio:072]: Installing driver : yes
[16:13:26][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 0, i2s_in
[16:13:26][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 1, pcm_reader
[16:13:26][D][esp-idf:000]: I (6360) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d8200c0, tag:i2s_in, rb:0x3d82039c

[16:13:26][D][esp_adf_pipeline:496]: Setting up event listener.
[16:13:26][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from INITIALIZING to CREATED. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:26][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from CREATED to PREPARING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:26][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [i2s_in]...
[16:13:26][D][esp-idf:000]: I (6371) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_in-0x3d8200c0] Element task created

[16:13:26][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [pcm_reader]...
[16:13:26][D][esp-idf:000]: I (6376) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [pcm_reader-0x3d820254] Element task created

[16:13:26][D][esp_audio_sinks:054]: Set bitdepth to 32
[16:13:26][D][esp_adf_pipeline:334]: wait for preparation, done
[16:13:26][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from PREPARING to STARTING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:26][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [i2s_in]...
[16:13:26][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [i2s_in] Sending resume command.
[16:13:26][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: I (6387) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_in] AEL_MSG_CMD_RESUME,state:1

[16:13:26][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [pcm_reader] Checking State, got 64
[16:13:26][I][esp_adf_pipeline:124]: [ i2s_in ] status: 12
[16:13:26][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [i2s_in] Checking State, got 78
[16:13:26][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from STARTING to RUNNING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:26][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from STARTING_MICROPHONE to DETECTING_WAKE_WORD
[16:13:31][D][micro_wake_word:362]: Wake word sliding average probability is 0.713 and most recent probability is 0.980
[16:13:31][D][micro_wake_word:128]: Wake Word Detected
[16:13:31][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from DETECTING_WAKE_WORD to STOP_MICROPHONE
[16:13:31][D][micro_wake_word:134]: Stopping Microphone
[16:13:31][D][esp_adf_pipeline:070]: Called 'stop' while in RUNNING state.
[16:13:31][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from STOP_MICROPHONE to STOPPING_MICROPHONE
[16:13:31][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from RUNNING to ABORTING. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:31][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [i2s_in] Checking State for stopping, got 3
[16:13:31][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (11299) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[16:13:31][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (11301) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[16:13:31][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (11303) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[16:13:31][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (11305) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[16:13:31][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from ABORTING to STOPPED. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:31][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from STOPPING_MICROPHONE to IDLE
[16:13:31][D][media_player:061]: 'media_player' - Setting
[16:13:31][D][media_player:065]:   Command: STOP
[16:13:31][D][esp_adf_pipeline:070]: Called 'stop' while in UNINITIALIZED state.
[16:13:31][D][light:036]: 'Test Media Assistant V2 Light' Setting:
[16:13:31][D][light:051]:   Brightness: 75%
[16:13:31][D][light:059]:   Red: 0%, Green: 100%, Blue: 0%
[16:13:31][D][light:109]:   Effect: 'Pulse'
[16:13:31][D][voice_assistant:439]: State changed from IDLE to START_MICROPHONE
[16:13:31][D][voice_assistant:445]: Desired state set to START_PIPELINE
[16:13:31][D][voice_assistant:163]: Starting Microphone
[16:13:31][D][esp_adf_pipeline:060]: Starting request, current state STOPPED
[16:13:31][D][voice_assistant:439]: State changed from START_MICROPHONE to STARTING_MICROPHONE
[16:13:31][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from STOPPED to PREPARING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:31][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [i2s_in]...
[16:13:31][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [pcm_reader]...
[16:13:31][D][esp_adf_pipeline:334]: wait for preparation, done
[16:13:31][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from PREPARING to STARTING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:31][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [i2s_in]...
[16:13:31][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [i2s_in] Sending resume command.
[16:13:31][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: I (11366) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_in] AEL_MSG_CMD_RESUME,state:1

[16:13:31][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [pcm_reader] Checking State, got 65
[16:13:31][I][esp_adf_pipeline:124]: [ i2s_in ] status: 12
[16:13:31][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [i2s_in] Checking State, got 78
[16:13:31][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from STARTING to RUNNING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:31][D][voice_assistant:439]: State changed from STARTING_MICROPHONE to START_PIPELINE
[16:13:31][D][voice_assistant:210]: Requesting start...
[16:13:31][D][voice_assistant:439]: State changed from START_PIPELINE to STARTING_PIPELINE
[16:13:31][D][voice_assistant:460]: Client started, streaming microphone
[16:13:31][D][voice_assistant:439]: State changed from STARTING_PIPELINE to STREAMING_MICROPHONE
[16:13:31][D][voice_assistant:445]: Desired state set to STREAMING_MICROPHONE
[16:13:31][D][voice_assistant:563]: Event Type: 1
[16:13:31][D][voice_assistant:566]: Assist Pipeline running
[16:13:31][D][voice_assistant:563]: Event Type: 3
[16:13:31][D][voice_assistant:577]: STT started
[16:13:31][D][light:036]: 'Test Media Assistant V2 Light' Setting:
[16:13:31][D][light:051]:   Brightness: 25%
[16:13:31][D][light:059]:   Red: 0%, Green: 0%, Blue: 100%
[16:13:31][D][light:109]:   Effect: 'Wakeword'
[16:13:32][D][voice_assistant:563]: Event Type: 11
[16:13:32][D][voice_assistant:717]: Starting STT by VAD
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:563]: Event Type: 12
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:721]: STT by VAD end
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:439]: State changed from STREAMING_MICROPHONE to STOP_MICROPHONE
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:445]: Desired state set to AWAITING_RESPONSE
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:070]: Called 'stop' while in RUNNING state.
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:439]: State changed from STOP_MICROPHONE to STOPPING_MICROPHONE
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from RUNNING to ABORTING. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [i2s_in] Checking State for stopping, got 3
[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [pcm_reader] Checking State for stopping, got 3
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:563]: Event Type: 4
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:591]: Speech recognised as: "включи даст"
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:563]: Event Type: 5
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:596]: Intent started
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (13907) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (13909) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (13911) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (13914) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from ABORTING to STOPPED. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:439]: State changed from STOPPING_MICROPHONE to AWAITING_RESPONSE
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from STOPPED to DESTROYING. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:507]: Called deinit_all
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (13925) AUDIO_PIPELINE: audio_pipeline_unlinked

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: W (13927) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_in] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: W (13929) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [pcm_reader] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (13931) I2S: DMA queue destroyed

[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:563]: Event Type: 6
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:563]: Event Type: 7
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:619]: Response: "объекта даст не существует"
[16:13:34][D][light:036]: 'Test Media Assistant V2 Light' Setting:
[16:13:34][D][light:051]:   Brightness: 100%
[16:13:34][D][light:059]:   Red: 100%, Green: 0%, Blue: 0%
[16:13:34][D][light:109]:   Effect: 'Pulse'
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:563]: Event Type: 8
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:639]: Response URL: ""
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:439]: State changed from AWAITING_RESPONSE to STREAMING_RESPONSE
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:445]: Desired state set to STREAMING_RESPONSE
[16:13:34][D][media_player:061]: 'media_player' - Setting
[16:13:34][D][media_player:068]:   Media URL:
[16:13:34][D][media_player:074]:  Announcement: yes
[16:13:34][D][esp_audio_sources:058]: Set new uri:
[16:13:34][D][adf_media_player:054]: Got control call in state IDLE
[16:13:34][D][adf_media_player:055]: req_track stream uri:
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:060]: Starting request, current state UNINITIALIZED
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:563]: Event Type: 2
[16:13:34][D][voice_assistant:653]: Assist Pipeline ended
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 1, while in MP state IDLE
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: IDLE
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: false
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: yes
[16:13:34][D][light:036]: 'Test Media Assistant V2 Light' Setting:
[16:13:34][D][light:047]:   State: OFF
[16:13:34][D][light:109]:   Effect: 'None'
[16:13:34][D][light:036]: 'Test Media Assistant V2 Light' Setting:
[16:13:34][D][light:047]:   State: ON
[16:13:34][D][light:051]:   Brightness: 25%
[16:13:34][D][light:059]:   Red: 0%, Green: 0%, Blue: 100%
[16:13:34][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from IDLE to START_MICROPHONE
[16:13:34][D][micro_wake_word:115]: Starting Microphone
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:060]: Starting request, current state UNINITIALIZED
[16:13:34][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from START_MICROPHONE to STARTING_MICROPHONE
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14182) MP3_DECODER: MP3 init

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14185) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=2048, dma_buf_count=4

[16:13:34][D][i2s_audio:072]: Installing driver : yes
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 0, http
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 1, decoder
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 2, resampler
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 3, i2s_out
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14195) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d820084, tag:http, rb:0x3d82075c

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14196) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d820270, tag:decoder, rb:0x3d82179c

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14198) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d82040c, tag:resampler, rb:0x3d8227dc

[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:496]: Setting up event listener.
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from INITIALIZING to CREATED. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 2, while in MP state IDLE
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: IDLE
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: false
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: yes
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14212) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=1024, dma_buf_count=4

[16:13:34][D][i2s_audio:072]: Installing driver : yes
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 0, i2s_in
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 1, pcm_reader
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14219) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d823134, tag:i2s_in, rb:0x3d8233f0

[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:496]: Setting up event listener.
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from INITIALIZING to CREATED. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from CREATED to PREPARING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 3, while in MP state IDLE
[16:13:34][D][adf_i2s_out:127]: Set final i2s settings: 16000
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: PLAYING
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: false
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: yes
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from CREATED to PREPARING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:34][D][esp_audio_sources:063]: Prepare elements called (initial_call)!
[16:13:34][D][esp_audio_sources:097]: Use fixed settings: no
[16:13:34][D][esp_audio_sources:098]: Streamer status: 1
[16:13:34][D][esp_audio_sources:099]: decoder status: 1
[16:13:34][D][esp_audio_sources:100]: stream uri:
[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [http]...
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14248) AUDIO_THREAD: The http task allocate stack on external memory

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14250) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [http-0x3d820084] Element task created

[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [decoder]...
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14253) AUDIO_THREAD: The decoder task allocate stack on external memory

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14255) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder-0x3d820270] Element task created

[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [i2s_in]...
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14259) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_in-0x3d823134] Element task created

[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [resampler]...
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14262) AUDIO_THREAD: The resampler task allocate stack on external memory

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14264) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [resampler-0x3d82040c] Element task created

[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [pcm_reader]...
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14267) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [pcm_reader-0x3d8232a8] Element task created

[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [i2s_out]...
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14270) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_out-0x3d8205c4] Element task created

[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:334]: wait for preparation, done
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from PREPARING to STARTING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [i2s_in]...
[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [i2s_in] Sending resume command.
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: I (14280) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_in] AEL_MSG_CMD_RESUME,state:1

[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [i2s_in] Checking State, got 78
[16:13:34][I][esp_adf_pipeline:124]: [ i2s_in ] status: 12
[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [http] Checking State, got 72
[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [decoder] Checking State, got 72
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from STARTING to RUNNING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:34][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from STARTING_MICROPHONE to DETECTING_WAKE_WORD
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000][http]: I (14298) HTTP_CLIENT: Body received in fetch header state, 0x3fccffab, 1440

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000][http]: I (14301) HTTP_STREAM: total_bytes=21210

[16:13:34][I][HTTPStreamReader:193]: [ * ] Receive music info from mp3 decoder, sample_rates=24000, bits=16, ch=1
[16:13:34][D][adf_i2s_out:114]: update i2s clk settings: rate:24000 bits:16 ch:1
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000]: I (14350) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=1024, dma_buf_count=4

[16:13:34][D][adf_i2s_out:127]: Set final i2s settings: 24000
[16:13:34][D][esp_audio_processors:090]: Received request from: HTTPStreamReader
[16:13:34][D][esp_audio_processors:095]: New settings: SRC: rate: 24000, ch: 1 DST: rate: 24000, ch: 1 
[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [http]...
[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [decoder]...
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: W (14361) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[decoder] AEL_IO_ABORT

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: W (14364) MP3_DECODER: output aborted -3

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (14367) MP3_DECODER: Closed

[16:13:34][D][esp_audio_sources:153]: Preparation done!
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:334]: wait for preparation, done
[16:13:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from PREPARING to STARTING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 5, while in MP state PLAYING
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: PLAYING
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: false
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[16:13:34][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: yes
[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [http]...
[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [http] Sending resume command.
[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [decoder]...
[16:13:34][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [decoder] Sending resume command.
[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (14428) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] AEL_MSG_CMD_RESUME,state:1

[16:13:34][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (14436) MP3_DECODER: MP3 opened

[16:13:34][I][esp_adf_pipeline:124]: [ decoder ] status: 12
[16:13:34][I][HTTPStreamReader:193]: [ * ] Receive music info from mp3 decoder, sample_rates=24000, bits=16, ch=1
[16:13:35][D][esp-idf:000][http]: W (15399) HTTP_STREAM: No more data,errno:0, total_bytes:21210, rlen = 0

[16:13:35][D][esp-idf:000][http]: I (15402) AUDIO_ELEMENT: IN-[http] AEL_IO_DONE,0

[16:13:35][I][esp_adf_pipeline:124]: [ http ] status: 15
[16:13:35][I][esp_adf_pipeline:127]: current state: RUNNING
[16:13:35][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from RUNNING to FINISHING. (REQ: 0)
[16:13:35][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 7, while in MP state PLAYING
[16:13:35][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: PLAYING
[16:13:35][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: false
[16:13:35][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[16:13:35][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: yes
[16:13:36][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (15783) AUDIO_ELEMENT: IN-[decoder] AEL_IO_DONE,-2

[16:13:36][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (15973) MP3_DECODER: Closed

[16:13:36][I][esp_adf_pipeline:124]: [ decoder ] status: 15
[16:13:36][I][esp_adf_pipeline:127]: current state: FINISHING
[16:13:36][D][esp-idf:000][resampler]: I (16058) AUDIO_ELEMENT: IN-[resampler] AEL_IO_DONE,-2

[16:13:36][I][esp_adf_pipeline:124]: [ resampler ] status: 15
[16:13:36][I][esp_adf_pipeline:127]: current state: FINISHING
[16:13:36][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_out]: I (16122) AUDIO_ELEMENT: IN-[i2s_out] AEL_IO_DONE,-2

[16:13:36][I][esp_adf_pipeline:124]: [ i2s_out ] status: 15
[16:13:36][I][esp_adf_pipeline:127]: current state: FINISHING
[16:13:36][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from FINISHING to STOPPED. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 4, while in MP state PLAYING
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: IDLE
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: false
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: yes
[16:13:36][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from STOPPED to DESTROYING. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 11, while in MP state IDLE
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: IDLE
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: false
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: yes
[16:13:36][D][esp_adf_pipeline:507]: Called deinit_all
[16:13:36][D][esp-idf:000]: I (16333) AUDIO_PIPELINE: audio_pipeline_unlinked

[16:13:36][D][esp-idf:000]: W (16335) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [http] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[16:13:36][D][esp-idf:000]: W (16336) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[16:13:36][D][esp-idf:000]: W (16338) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [resampler] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[16:13:36][D][esp-idf:000]: W (16340) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_out] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[16:13:36][D][esp-idf:000]: I (16342) I2S: DMA queue destroyed

[16:13:36][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 0, while in MP state IDLE
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: IDLE
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: false
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: yes
[16:13:36][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 0, while in MP state IDLE
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: IDLE
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: false
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[16:13:36][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: yes
[16:13:42][D][micro_wake_word:362]: Wake word sliding average probability is 0.731 and most recent probability is 0.992
[16:13:42][D][micro_wake_word:128]: Wake Word Detected
[16:13:42][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from DETECTING_WAKE_WORD to STOP_MICROPHONE
[16:13:42][D][micro_wake_word:134]: Stopping Microphone
[16:13:42][D][esp_adf_pipeline:070]: Called 'stop' while in RUNNING state.
[16:13:42][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from STOP_MICROPHONE to STOPPING_MICROPHONE
[16:13:42][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from RUNNING to ABORTING. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:42][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [i2s_in] Checking State for stopping, got 3
[16:13:42][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [pcm_reader] Checking State for stopping, got 3
[16:13:42][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (21573) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[16:13:42][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (21575) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[16:13:42][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (21577) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[16:13:42][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (21580) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[16:13:42][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from ABORTING to STOPPED. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:42][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from STOPPING_MICROPHONE to IDLE
[16:13:42][D][media_player:061]: 'media_player' - Setting
[16:13:42][D][media_player:065]:   Command: STOP
[16:13:42][D][esp_adf_pipeline:070]: Called 'stop' while in UNINITIALIZED state.
[16:13:42][D][light:036]: 'Test Media Assistant V2 Light' Setting:
[16:13:42][D][light:051]:   Brightness: 75%
[16:13:42][D][light:059]:   Red: 0%, Green: 100%, Blue: 0%
[16:13:42][D][light:109]:   Effect: 'Pulse'
[16:13:42][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from STOPPED to DESTROYING. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:42][D][esp_adf_pipeline:507]: Called deinit_all
[16:13:42][D][esp-idf:000]: I (21604) AUDIO_PIPELINE: audio_pipeline_unlinked

[16:13:42][D][esp-idf:000]: W (21606) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_in] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[16:13:42][D][esp-idf:000]: W (21607) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [pcm_reader] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[16:13:42][D][esp-idf:000]: I (21609) I2S: DMA queue destroyed

[16:13:42][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 1)
[16:13:42][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 1)

If you turn on the music in the player after that everything is ok, but the voice assistant doesn't respond ( pulse green light still ).

indevor commented 4 months ago

first command

[16:46:29][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 1)
[16:46:29][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 1)
[16:46:29][D][voice_assistant:563]: Event Type: 6
[16:46:29][D][voice_assistant:563]: Event Type: 7

[16:46:29][D][voice_assistant:563]: Event Type: 6 - doesn't happen after the second command [16:46:29][D][voice_assistant:563]: Event Type: 7 - doesn't happen after the second command, I think there's something wrong.

gnumpi commented 4 months ago

yes, I just found a bug which prevents setting the MP_ANNOUNCE define correctly. I am about to submit a fix, just waiting for some tests to finish

gnumpi commented 4 months ago

yes, I just found a bug which prevents setting the MP_ANNOUNCE define correctly. I am about to submit a fix, just waiting for some tests to finish

done! Could you try again?

indevor commented 4 months ago

yes, I just found a bug which prevents setting the MP_ANNOUNCE define correctly. I am about to submit a fix, just waiting for some tests to finish

done! Could you try again?

cool, I'm already compiling, testing and will report back. thanks for your work and speed

indevor commented 4 months ago

the response speed became slow, but the freeze error disappeared

my code

  device_name: "test-media-assistant-v2"
  friendly_name: "Test Media Assistant V2"
  device_description: "Media Assistant V2"
  esp_board: "esp32-s3-devkitc-1"
  framework_type: "esp-idf"
    # Mic
  i2s_lrclk_in_pin: GPIO3               # Mic WS 
  i2s_bclk_in_pin: GPIO2                # Mic CK
  i2s_din_pin: GPIO1                    # Mic SD/DA
  auto_gain: 31dBFS                     # MIC gain
  # Speaker
  i2s_lrclk_out_pin: GPIO21              # Spk LRC
  i2s_bclk_out_pin: GPIO14               # Spk BCLK
  i2s_dout_pin: GPIO45                   # Spk DIN 

  # Phases of the Voice Assistant
  # IDLE: The voice assistant is ready to be triggered by a wake-word
  voice_assist_idle_phase_id: '1'
  # LISTENING: The voice assistant is ready to listen to a voice command (after being triggered by the wake word)
  voice_assist_listening_phase_id: '2'
  # THINKING: The voice assistant is currently processing the command
  voice_assist_thinking_phase_id: '3'
  # REPLYING: The voice assistant is replying to the command
  voice_assist_replying_phase_id: '4'
  # NOT_READY: The voice assistant is not ready
  voice_assist_not_ready_phase_id: '10'
  # ERROR: The voice assistant encountered an error
  voice_assist_error_phase_id: '11'
  # MUTED: The voice assistant is muted and will not reply to a wake-word
  voice_assist_muted_phase_id: '12'

  - source:
      type: git
      ref: dev-next

    components: [ adf_pipeline, i2s_audio ]
    refresh: 0s
  #- source: 
      #type: git
      #ref: adf-mods
    #components: [ api, media_player, speaker, voice_assistant ]

  name: ${device_name}
  comment: ${device_description}
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
  min_version: 2024.2.0
    build_flags: -DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM
    board_build.flash_mode: dio
    #board_upload.maximum_size: 16777216
    priority: 600
      # Run the script to refresh the LED status
      # If after 30 seconds, the device is still initializing (It did not yet connect to Home Assistant), turn off the init_in_progress variable and run the script to refresh the LED status
      - delay: 30s
      - if:
            lambda: return id(init_in_progress);
            - lambda: id(init_in_progress) = false;

  board: ${esp_board}
  variant: ESP32S3
  flash_size: 8MB
    type: ${framework_type}
    version: recommended
      # need to set a s3 compatible board for the adf-sdk to compile
      # board specific code is not used though

      CONFIG_ESP32_S3_BOX_BOARD: "y"

      CONFIG_TCP_WND_DEFAULT: "512000"


  # Global initialisation variable. Initialized to true and set to false once everything is connected. Only used to have a smooth "plugging" experience
  - id: init_in_progress
    type: bool
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: 'true'
  # Global variable tracking the phase of the voice assistant (defined above). Initialized to not_ready
  - id: voice_assistant_phase
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: ${voice_assist_not_ready_phase_id}

  mode: octal
  speed: 80MHz

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "MitAC+hwLqT4vWNVudIUXyYcIS89yx/NAadUsGTiBXk="

  password: "f48e29bb666abfe11cffe5904612ce9d"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
    # Optional manual IP

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Freenove-Cam01 Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "48zf4JyppQ8P"

i2s_audio:                              # I2s audio pins
  - id: i2s_in
    i2s_lrclk_pin: $i2s_lrclk_in_pin    # Mic WS
    i2s_bclk_pin: $i2s_bclk_in_pin      # Mic CK
  - id: i2s_out
    i2s_lrclk_pin: $i2s_lrclk_out_pin   # Spk LRC
    i2s_bclk_pin: $i2s_bclk_out_pin     # Spk BCLK

adf_pipeline:                           # ADF pieline pins
  - platform: i2s_audio
    type: audio_out
    id: adf_i2s_out
    i2s_audio_id: i2s_out
    i2s_dout_pin: GPIO45
    sample_rate: 16000
    bits_per_sample: 32bit                 # Spk DIN

  - platform: i2s_audio
    type: audio_in
    id: adf_i2s_in
    i2s_audio_id: i2s_in
    i2s_din_pin: $i2s_din_pin           # Mic SD/DA
    channel: left
    sample_rate: 16000
    bits_per_sample: 32bit
    pdm: false

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_microphone
    gain_log2: 3
    keep_pipeline_alive: false
      - adf_i2s_in
      - self

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_media_player
    name: media_player
    keep_pipeline_alive: false
    internal: false
      sample_rate: 16000
      bits_per_sample: 16
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - resampler
      - adf_i2s_out

  model: alexa
      - media_player.stop:
      - light.turn_on:
          id: led_ring
          blue: 0%
          red: 0%
          green: 100%
          brightness: 75%
          effect: pulse
      - voice_assistant.start:

  microphone: adf_microphone
  media_player: adf_media_player

  use_wake_word: false
  #vad_threshold: 3

  noise_suppression_level: 4
  auto_gain: 31dBFS
  volume_multiplier: 4.0

    - lambda: id(init_in_progress) = false;
    - if:
          switch.is_on: use_wake_word
          - micro_wake_word.start:
          - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_idle_phase_id};
          - script.execute: reset_led
          - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_muted_phase_id};

    - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_not_ready_phase_id};
    - voice_assistant.stop
    - micro_wake_word.stop
    - light.turn_on:
          id: led_ring
          blue: 0%
          red: 100%
          green: 100%
          brightness: 50%
          effect: connecting

    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ring
        blue: 100%
        red: 0%
        green: 0%
        brightness: 25%
        effect: wakeword

    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ring
        blue: 0%
        red: 100%
        green: 0%
        brightness: 100%
        effect: pulse

        - light.turn_off:
            id: led_ring
        - voice_assistant.stop
        - wait_until:
        - script.execute: reset_led
        - if:
              switch.is_on: use_wake_word
              - micro_wake_word.start:
    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ring
        blue: 0%
        red: 100%
        green: 0%
        brightness: 100%
        effect: none
    - delay: 1s
    - script.execute: reset_led
    - script.wait: reset_led
    - lambda: |-
        if (code == "wake-provider-missing" || code == "wake-engine-missing") {
    - if:
          switch.is_on: use_wake_word
          - micro_wake_word.start:
          - script.execute: reset_led

  - id: reset_led
      - if:
            switch.is_on: use_wake_word
            - light.turn_on:
                id: led_ring
                blue: 100%
                red: 0%
                green: 0%
                brightness: 25%
                effect: none
            - light.turn_off: led_ring

  - platform: restart
    id: restart_btn
    name: "${friendly_name} REBOOT"

  - platform: template
    name: Enable Voice Assistant
    id: use_wake_word
    optimistic: true
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON
    icon: mdi:assistant
    # When the switch is turned on (on Home Assistant):
    # Start the voice assistant component
    # Set the correct phase and run the script to refresh the LED status
      - logger.log: "switch on"
      - if:
            lambda: return !id(init_in_progress);
            - logger.log: "condition 1"
            - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_idle_phase_id};
            - voice_assistant.stop
            - delay: 1s
            - if:
                    - voice_assistant.is_running
                  - logger.log: "Starting MWW"
                  #- voice_assistant.start_continuous
                  - micro_wake_word.start:
      - script.execute: reset_led
      - if:
            lambda: return !id(init_in_progress);
            - voice_assistant.stop
            - micro_wake_word.stop
            - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_muted_phase_id};
      - script.execute: reset_led

  - platform: template
    name: Pipeline
    id: pipeline_switch
    optimistic: true
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF

  - platform: esp32_rmt_led_strip
    id: led_ring
    name: "${friendly_name} Light"
    pin: GPIO48
    num_leds: 1
    rmt_channel: 0
    rgb_order: GRB
    chipset: ws2812
    default_transition_length: 0s
      - pulse:
          name: "Pulse"
          transition_length: 0.5s
          update_interval: 0.5s
      - addressable_twinkle:
          name: "Working"
          twinkle_probability: 5%
          progress_interval: 4ms
      - addressable_color_wipe:
          name: "Wakeword"
            - red: 0%
              green: 50%
              blue: 0%
              num_leds: 12
          add_led_interval: 20ms
          reverse: false
      - addressable_color_wipe:
          name: "Connecting"
            - red: 60%
              green: 60%
              blue: 60%
              num_leds: 12
            - red: 60%
              green: 60%
              blue: 0%
              num_leds: 12
          add_led_interval: 100ms
          reverse: truethe response speed became slow, but the freeze error disappeared
gnumpi commented 4 months ago

If I see it correctly in your logs, then you are using a TTS voice with 24000 sampling rate, you should set this value in the announcement_audio settings.

indevor commented 4 months ago

If I see it correctly in your logs, then you are using a TTS voice with 24000 sampling rate, you should set this value in the _announcementaudio settings.

yes, but it worked in the previous step. if you have made changes to this, I will update the script.

gnumpi commented 4 months ago

If I see it correctly in your logs, then you are using a TTS voice with 24000 sampling rate, you should set this value in the _announcementaudio settings.

yes, but it worked in the previous step. if you have made changes to this, I will update the script.

because of the bug I just fixed, the new announcement_audio settings were not used. But they are now ...

you can also leave announcement_audio unset, then it should detected the audio format automatically, but this takes a while which can be problematic if you request playing an audio stream via voice command.

indevor commented 4 months ago

Got it, thanks. It's working now. No error, continuing the test. The radio is not working yet. The mp3 from the media folder plays without problems.

indevor commented 4 months ago

if you give commands quickly, it happens again.

[19:54:11][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from ABORTING to STOPPED. (REQ: 1)
[19:54:11][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from STOPPING_MICROPHONE to IDLE
[19:54:11][D][media_player:061]: 'media_player' - Setting
[19:54:11][D][media_player:065]:   Command: STOP
[19:54:11][D][esp_adf_pipeline:070]: Called 'stop' while in UNINITIALIZED state.
[19:54:11][D][light:036]: 'Test Media Assistant V2 Light' Setting:
[19:54:11][D][light:051]:   Brightness: 75%
[19:54:11][D][light:059]:   Red: 0%, Green: 100%, Blue: 0%
[19:54:11][D][light:109]:   Effect: 'Pulse'
[19:54:11][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from STOPPED to DESTROYING. (REQ: 1)
[19:54:11][D][esp_adf_pipeline:507]: Called deinit_all
[19:54:11][D][esp-idf:000]: I (49163) AUDIO_PIPELINE: audio_pipeline_unlinked

[19:54:11][D][esp-idf:000]: W (49164) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_in] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[19:54:11][D][esp-idf:000]: W (49166) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [pcm_reader] Element has not create when AUDIO_ELEMENT_TERMINATE

[19:54:11][D][esp-idf:000]: I (49168) I2S: DMA queue destroyed

[19:54:11][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from DESTROYING to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 1)
[19:54:11][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to UNINITIALIZED. (REQ: 1)
[19:54:11][D][voice_assistant:439]: State changed from STREAMING_RESPONSE to IDLE
[19:54:11][D][voice_assistant:445]: Desired state set to IDLE
indevor commented 4 months ago

I've also noticed this error:

[19:57:33][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from PREPARING to STARTING. (REQ: 0)
[19:57:33][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [i2s_in]...
[19:57:33][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [i2s_in] Sending resume command.
[19:57:33][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: I (45377) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_in] AEL_MSG_CMD_RESUME,state:1

[19:57:33][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [pcm_reader] Checking State, got 64
[19:57:33][I][esp_adf_pipeline:124]: [ i2s_in ] status: 12
[19:57:33][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [i2s_in] Checking State, got 78
[19:57:33][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from STARTING to RUNNING. (REQ: 0)
[19:57:33][D][micro_wake_word:177]: State changed from STARTING_MICROPHONE to DETECTING_WAKE_WORD
[19:57:33][D][esp_adf_pipeline:334]: wait for preparation, done
[19:57:33][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from PREPARING to STARTING. (REQ: 0)
[19:57:33][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 5, while in MP state ANNOUNCING
[19:57:33][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: ANNOUNCING
[19:57:33][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: yes
[19:57:33][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[19:57:33][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: false
[19:57:33][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [http]...
[19:57:33][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [http] Sending resume command.
[19:57:33][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [decoder]...
[19:57:33][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [decoder] Sending resume command.
[19:57:33][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (45417) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] AEL_MSG_CMD_RESUME,state:1

[19:57:33][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (45441) MP3_DECODER: MP3 opened

[19:57:33][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [i2s_out]...
[19:57:33][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [i2s_out] Sending resume command.
ERROR Fatal error: protocol.data_received() call failed.
protocol: <aioesphomeapi._frame_helper.noise.APINoiseFrameHelper object at 0x7fbe364b85c0>
transport: <_SelectorSocketTransport fd=6 read=polling write=<idle, bufsize=0>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/asyncio/", line 1009, in _read_ready__data_received
  File "aioesphomeapi/_frame_helper/", line 136, in aioesphomeapi._frame_helper.noise.APINoiseFrameHelper.data_received
  File "aioesphomeapi/_frame_helper/", line 163, in aioesphomeapi._frame_helper.noise.APINoiseFrameHelper.data_received
  File "aioesphomeapi/_frame_helper/", line 319, in aioesphomeapi._frame_helper.noise.APINoiseFrameHelper._handle_frame
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/noise/", line 74, in decrypt_with_ad
    plaintext = self.cipher.decrypt(self.k, self.n, ad, ciphertext)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/noise/backends/default/", line 13, in decrypt
    return self.cipher.decrypt(nonce=self.format_nonce(n), data=ciphertext, associated_data=ad)
  File "src/chacha20poly1305_reuseable/", line 127, in chacha20poly1305_reuseable.ChaCha20Poly1305Reusable.decrypt
  File "src/chacha20poly1305_reuseable/", line 147, in chacha20poly1305_reuseable.ChaCha20Poly1305Reusable.decrypt
  File "src/chacha20poly1305_reuseable/", line 263, in chacha20poly1305_reuseable._decrypt_with_fixed_nonce_len
  File "src/chacha20poly1305_reuseable/", line 273, in chacha20poly1305_reuseable._decrypt_data
WARNING test-media-assistant-v2 @ Connection error occurred: test-media-assistant-v2 @ Invalid encryption key: received_name=test-media-assistant-v2
INFO Processing unexpected disconnect from ESPHome API for test-media-assistant-v2 @
WARNING Disconnected from API
INFO Successfully connected to test-media-assistant-v2 @ in 0.003s
INFO Successful handshake with test-media-assistant-v2 @ in 0.068s
[19:57:34][D][esp-idf:000][http]: W (45751) HTTP_STREAM: No more data,errno:0, total_bytes:12993, rlen = 0

[19:57:34][D][esp-idf:000][http]: I (45753) AUDIO_ELEMENT: IN-[http] AEL_IO_DONE,0

[19:57:34][I][esp_adf_pipeline:124]: [ http ] status: 15
[19:57:34][I][esp_adf_pipeline:127]: current state: RUNNING
[19:57:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from RUNNING to FINISHING. (REQ: 0)
[19:57:34][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 7, while in MP state ANNOUNCING
[19:57:34][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: ANNOUNCING
[19:57:34][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: yes
[19:57:34][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[19:57:34][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: false
[19:57:34][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (46114) AUDIO_ELEMENT: IN-[decoder] AEL_IO_DONE,-2

[19:57:34][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (46325) MP3_DECODER: Closed

[19:57:34][I][esp_adf_pipeline:124]: [ decoder ] status: 15
[19:57:34][I][esp_adf_pipeline:127]: current state: FINISHING
[19:57:34][D][esp-idf:000][resampler]: I (46431) AUDIO_ELEMENT: IN-[resampler] AEL_IO_DONE,-2

[19:57:34][I][esp_adf_pipeline:124]: [ resampler ] status: 15
[19:57:34][I][esp_adf_pipeline:127]: current state: FINISHING
[19:57:34][D][esp-idf:000][i2s_out]: I (46484) AUDIO_ELEMENT: IN-[i2s_out] AEL_IO_DONE,-2
gnumpi commented 4 months ago

Got it, thanks. It's working now. No error, continuing the test. The radio is not working yet. The mp3 from the media folder plays without problems.

That's strange that none of the radio streams is working for you. I also have some issues with 192kbp mp3 streams which fail to decode every now and then. With 128kbp I don't have any issues. The http client somehow detects the mp3 stream sometimes as an aac stream, I don't see why. Also I don't know if the decoder even uses this information, unfortunately these codecs are closed source. Debugging the adf-sdk exceeds the time I want to spend for a private project like this, so I won't do it at the moment.

gnumpi commented 4 months ago

if you give commands quickly, it happens again.

oh, thanks for reporting. It seems it tries to free some components which haven't been setup yet when stopping directly after starting the creation process. I will look into that.

gnumpi commented 4 months ago

I've also noticed this error:

Do you use logging via Wifi? I think this error is not related to the media player itself.

indevor commented 4 months ago

That's strange that none of the radio streams is working for you. I also have some issues with 192kbp mp3 streams which fail to decode every now and then. With 128kbp I don't have any issues. The http client somehow detects the mp3 stream sometimes as an aac stream, I don't see why. Also I don't know if the decoder even uses this information, unfortunately these codecs are closed source. Debugging the adf-sdk exceeds the time I want to spend for a private project like this, so I won't do it at the moment.

can you send me a link to the 128kbs radio that works for you?

Do you use logging via Wifi? I think this error is not related to the media player itself.

I don't know what you mean.

indevor commented 4 months ago

Oh I get it, yes all logs go through wifi, not through UART or wire

gnumpi commented 4 months ago

can you send me a link to the 128kbs radio that works for you?

sure, e.g these never make any problems on any of my devices:

while e.g. this refuses to work every now and then:

while copying I realised that this is also the only https stream, this could also be the reason

indevor commented 4 months ago

All your links work through programs like VLC or AIMP, but not through the media player. I don't understand how to open your link through a media player. I have a little idea:

  1. Maybe it lacks a buffer for caching.
  2. Stream from radio\media player through ffmpeg, this will solve the problem with aac and other formats
indevor commented 4 months ago

I also came across this:

UDP streaming , I think you can convert everything on the fly via ffmpeg to mp3

gnumpi commented 4 months ago

yes sure, you can also simply use to stream radio stations and Spotify to the adf media_player. This works great.

But it would be nice to know whats going on and to support all streams natively. But you are right, there are workarounds available so let's solve other issues first ;)

indevor commented 4 months ago

yes sure, you can also simply use to stream radio stations and Spotify to the adf media_player. This works great.

But it would be nice to know whats going on and to support all streams natively. But you are right, there are workarounds available so let's solve other issues first ;)

I ran through “music assistant”, with customization (forced mp3 in the player settings) and the radio works without problems

continuing the test

[18:40:03][D][media_player:061]: 'media_player' - Setting
[18:40:03][D][media_player:068]:   Media URL:
[18:40:03][D][esp_audio_sources:058]: Set new uri:
[18:40:03][D][adf_media_player:054]: Got control call in state IDLE
[18:40:03][D][adf_media_player:055]: req_track stream uri:
[18:40:03][D][esp_adf_pipeline:060]: Starting request, current state UNINITIALIZED
[18:40:03][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING. (REQ: 0)
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 1, while in MP state IDLE
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: IDLE
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: false
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: yes
[18:40:03][D][esp-idf:000]: I (77975950) MP3_DECODER: MP3 init

[18:40:03][D][esp-idf:000]: I (77975953) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=1024, dma_buf_count=4

[18:40:03][D][i2s_audio:072]: Installing driver : yes
[18:40:03][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 0, http
[18:40:03][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 1, decoder
[18:40:03][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 2, resampler
[18:40:03][D][esp_adf_pipeline:486]: pipeline tag 3, i2s_out
[18:40:03][D][esp-idf:000]: I (77975963) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d820084, tag:http, rb:0x3d820774

[18:40:03][D][esp-idf:000]: I (77975964) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d820278, tag:decoder, rb:0x3d8217b4

[18:40:03][D][esp-idf:000]: I (77975966) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d820414, tag:resampler, rb:0x3d8227f4

[18:40:03][D][esp_adf_pipeline:496]: Setting up event listener.
[18:40:03][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from INITIALIZING to CREATED. (REQ: 0)
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 2, while in MP state IDLE
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: IDLE
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: false
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: yes
[18:40:03][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from CREATED to PREPARING. (REQ: 0)
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 3, while in MP state IDLE
[18:40:03][D][adf_i2s_out:127]: Set final i2s settings: 44100
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: PLAYING
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: false
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[18:40:03][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: yes
[18:40:03][D][esp_audio_sources:063]: Prepare elements called (initial_call)!
[18:40:03][D][esp_audio_sources:097]: Use fixed settings: no
[18:40:03][D][esp_audio_sources:098]: Streamer status: 1
[18:40:03][D][esp_audio_sources:099]: decoder status: 1
[18:40:03][D][esp_audio_sources:100]: stream uri:
[18:40:03][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [http]...
[18:40:03][D][esp-idf:000]: I (77976015) AUDIO_THREAD: The http task allocate stack on external memory

[18:40:03][D][esp-idf:000]: I (77976017) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [http-0x3d820084] Element task created

[18:40:03][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [decoder]...
[18:40:03][D][esp-idf:000]: I (77976020) AUDIO_THREAD: The decoder task allocate stack on external memory

[18:40:03][D][esp-idf:000]: I (77976022) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder-0x3d820278] Element task created

[18:40:03][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [resampler]...
[18:40:03][D][esp-idf:000]: I (77976033) AUDIO_THREAD: The resampler task allocate stack on external memory

[18:40:03][D][esp-idf:000]: I (77976035) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [resampler-0x3d820414] Element task created

[18:40:03][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [i2s_out]...
[18:40:03][D][esp-idf:000]: I (77976046) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_out-0x3d8205cc] Element task created

[18:40:03][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [http]...
[18:40:03][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [http] Sending resume command.
[18:40:03][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [decoder]...
[18:40:03][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [decoder] Sending resume command.
[18:40:03][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [http] Checking State, got 72
[18:40:03][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [decoder] Checking State, got 8
[18:40:03][D][esp-idf:000][http]: I (77976072) HTTP_STREAM: total_bytes=0

[18:40:03][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [http] Checking State, got 74
[18:40:03][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [decoder] Checking State, got 72
[18:40:05][I][HTTPStreamReader:193]: [ * ] Receive music info from mp3 decoder, sample_rates=44100, bits=16, ch=2
[18:40:05][D][adf_i2s_out:127]: Set final i2s settings: 44100
[18:40:05][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [http]...
[18:40:05][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [decoder]...
[18:40:05][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: W (77977990) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[decoder] AEL_IO_ABORT

[18:40:05][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: W (77977993) MP3_DECODER: output aborted -3

[18:40:05][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (77977996) MP3_DECODER: Closed

[18:40:05][D][esp_audio_sources:153]: Preparation done!
[18:40:05][D][esp_adf_pipeline:334]: wait for preparation, done
[18:40:05][D][esp_adf_pipeline:437]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from PREPARING to STARTING. (REQ: 0)
[18:40:05][I][adf_media_player:189]: got new pipeline state: 5, while in MP state PLAYING
[18:40:05][I][adf_media_player:252]: current mp state: PLAYING
[18:40:05][I][adf_media_player:253]: anouncement: false
[18:40:05][I][adf_media_player:254]: play_intent: false
[18:40:05][I][adf_media_player:255]: current_uri_: yes
[18:40:05][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [http]...
[18:40:05][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [http] Sending resume command.
[18:40:05][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [decoder]...
[18:40:05][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [decoder] Sending resume command.
[18:40:05][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (77978044) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder] AEL_MSG_CMD_RESUME,state:1

[18:40:05][D][esp-idf:000][http]: I (77978055) HTTP_STREAM: total_bytes=0

[18:40:05][D][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (77978053) MP3_DECODER: MP3 opened

[18:40:07][I][esp_adf_pipeline:124]: [ decoder ] status: 12
[18:40:07][I][HTTPStreamReader:193]: [ * ] Receive music info from mp3 decoder, sample_rates=44100, bits=16, ch=2
43ndr1k commented 3 months ago

Hello everyone, i have the same problem. The Audio output is very slow.

Can anyone help me? Many thanks in advance.

The output of the assistant is low and when I play an mp3 file or a radio stream, which also uses mp3, the sound output is very slow.

if i set the announcement_audio settings, then the audio output for the assistant is better but for mp3s it remains slow.

  sample_rate: 16000
  bits_per_sample: 32
  num_channels: 1

here is my used script and log. Using esphome version 2024.5.5 HW: Max98357 + INMP441 + esp32s3

  node_name: esp32-s3-n16r8
  device_name: "media-assistant-buero"
  friendly_name: "Büro Media Assistant"
  device_description: "XIAO ESP32 S3"
  esp_board: "esp32-s3-devkitc-1"
  framework_type: "esp-idf"
  framework_version: "4.4.7" 
  din: "GPIO1"   # MAX98357A - DIN
  lrclk: "GPIO7" # MAX98357A - LRCLK / INMP441 - WS
  bclk: "GPIO8"  # MAX98357A - BCLK / INMP441 - SCK
  sd: "GPIO2"    # INMP441 - SD
  l_r: "left"   # INMP441 - L/R (3.3v = right / GND = left)
  di: "GPIO9"   # WS2812 - DI
  api_key: "xxx"
  # Phases of the Voice Assistant
  # IDLE: The voice assistant is ready to be triggered by a wake-word
  voice_assist_idle_phase_id: '1'
  # LISTENING: The voice assistant is ready to listen to a voice command (after being triggered by the wake word)
  voice_assist_listening_phase_id: '2'
  # THINKING: The voice assistant is currently processing the command
  voice_assist_thinking_phase_id: '3'
  # REPLYING: The voice assistant is replying to the command
  voice_assist_replying_phase_id: '4'
  # NOT_READY: The voice assistant is not ready
  voice_assist_not_ready_phase_id: '10'
  # ERROR: The voice assistant encountered an error
  voice_assist_error_phase_id: '11'
  # MUTED: The voice assistant is muted and will not reply to a wake-word
  voice_assist_muted_phase_id: '12'

  # Global initialisation variable. Initialized to true and set to false once everything is connected. Only used to have a smooth "plugging" experience
  - id: init_in_progress
    type: bool
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: 'true'
  # Global variable tracking the phase of the voice assistant (defined above). Initialized to not_ready
  - id: voice_assistant_phase
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: ${voice_assist_not_ready_phase_id}

  - source:
      type: git
      ref: dev-next
      #type: local
      #path: /Users/siekmann/Privat/Projects/espHome/esphome_audio/esphome/components
    components: [ adf_pipeline, i2s_audio ]
    refresh: 0s

  name: ${device_name}
  min_version: 2024.2.0
    build_flags: -DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM
    board_build.flash_mode: dio
    board_upload.maximum_size: 16777216

    priority: 100
      # Run the script to refresh the LED status
      # If after 30 seconds, the device is still initializing (It did not yet connect to Home Assistant), turn off the init_in_progress variable and run the script to refresh the LED status
      - delay: 30s
      - if:
            lambda: return id(init_in_progress);
            - lambda: id(init_in_progress) = false;
            - light.turn_on:
                id: led_ww
                red: 100%
                brightness: 60%
                effect: fast pulse

  board: ${esp_board}
  variant: ESP32S3
  flash_size: 8MB
    type: ${framework_type}
    version: ${framework_version}
      # need to set a s3 compatible board for the adf-sdk to compile
      # board specific code is not used though

      CONFIG_ESP32_S3_BOX_BOARD: "y"

      CONFIG_TCP_WND_DEFAULT: "512000"

  hardware_uart : UART0
  level: VERBOSE
    micro_wake_word: WARN

  mode: octal
  speed: 80MHz

  output_power: 8.5dB
  enable_rrm: true
  ssid: "xxx"
  password: "xxx"
  fast_connect: true

    key: ${api_key}

  password: "xxx"

  # - id: i2s_in
  #   i2s_lrclk_pin: GPIO5
  #   i2s_bclk_pin: GPIO6
  # - id: i2s_out
  #   i2s_lrclk_pin: GPIO46
  #   i2s_bclk_pin: GPIO9
  - id: i2s_dplx
    i2s_lrclk_pin: ${lrclk}
    i2s_bclk_pin: ${bclk}
    access_mode: duplex

  - platform: i2s_audio
    type: audio_out
    id: adf_i2s_out
    # i2s_audio_id: i2s_out
    # i2s_dout_pin: GPIO10
    i2s_audio_id: i2s_dplx
    i2s_dout_pin: ${din}
    sample_rate: 16000
    bits_per_sample: 32bit
    fixed_settings: true

  - platform: i2s_audio
    type: audio_in
    id: adf_i2s_in
    # i2s_audio_id: i2s_in
    # i2s_din_pin: GPIO4
    i2s_audio_id: i2s_dplx
    i2s_din_pin: ${sd}
    pdm: false
    channel: ${l_r}
    sample_rate: 16000
    bits_per_sample: 32bit
    fixed_settings: true

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_microphone
    #gain_log2: 3
    keep_pipeline_alive: true # unterschied -> true
      - adf_i2s_in
      #- resampler
      - self

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_media_player
    name: ${friendly_name} Media Player
    keep_pipeline_alive: true  # unterschied -> true
    internal: false
      sample_rate: 16000
      bits_per_sample: 32
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - resampler # unterschied
      - adf_i2s_out

  model: okay_nabu
      - media_player.stop:
      - light.turn_on:
          id: led_ww
          blue: 0%
          red: 0%
          green: 100%
          effect: "Slow Pulse"
      - voice_assistant.start:

  microphone: adf_microphone
  media_player: adf_media_player

  use_wake_word: false
  #vad_threshold: 3

  noise_suppression_level: 1
  auto_gain: 31dBFS
  volume_multiplier: 14.0

    - lambda: id(init_in_progress) = false;
    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ww
        blue: 50%
        red: 100%
        green: 100%
        brightness: 50%
        effect: "Slow Pulse"    
    - if:
          switch.is_on: use_wake_word
          - logger.log: "Starting wake word detection on client connecting..."
          - micro_wake_word.start:
          - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_idle_phase_id};
          - script.execute: reset_led
          - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_muted_phase_id};

    - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_not_ready_phase_id};
    - voice_assistant.stop
    - micro_wake_word.stop
    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ww
        blue: 0%
        red: 100%
        green: 100%
        brightness: 50%
        effect: "Slow Pulse"

      - logger.log: "Listening for commands..."
      - light.turn_on:
          id: led_ww
          blue: 100%
          red: 0%
          green: 0%
          brightness: 25%
          effect: "Fast Pulse"

      - logger.log: "Starting TTS..."
      - light.turn_on:
          id: led_ww
          blue: 0%
          red: 0%
          green: 100%
          brightness: 75%
          effect: "Fast Pulse"  

        - logger.log: "Voice assistant session ended."
        - light.turn_off:
            id: led_ww
        - voice_assistant.stop
        - wait_until:
        - script.execute: reset_led
        - if:
              switch.is_on: use_wake_word
              - logger.log: "Restarting wake word detection..."
              #- lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_idle_phase_id};
              - micro_wake_word.start:
              - script.execute: reset_led
    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ww
        blue: 0%
        red: 100%
        green: 0%
        brightness: 100%
        effect: none
    - delay: 1s
    - script.execute: reset_led
    - script.wait: reset_led
    - lambda: |-
        if (code == "wake-provider-missing" || code == "wake-engine-missing") {
    - if:
          switch.is_on: use_wake_word
          - micro_wake_word.start:
          - script.execute: reset_led

  - id: reset_led
      - if:
            switch.is_on: use_wake_word
            - light.turn_on:
                id: led_ww
                blue: 100%
                red: 0%
                green: 0%
                brightness: 25%
                effect: none
            - light.turn_off: led_ww

  - platform: restart
    name: Restart
    entity_category: diagnostic
    disabled_by_default: false
    icon: mdi:restart
    device_class: restart

  - platform: template
    name: Enable Voice Assistant
    id: use_wake_word
    optimistic: true
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON
    icon: mdi:assistant
    # When the switch is turned on (on Home Assistant):
    # Start the voice assistant component
    # Set the correct phase and run the script to refresh the LED status
      - logger.log: "switch on"
      - if:
            lambda: return !id(init_in_progress);
            - logger.log: "condition 1"
            - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_idle_phase_id};
            - voice_assistant.stop:
            - delay: 1s
            - if:
                    - voice_assistant.is_running
                  - logger.log: "Starting MWW"
                  - micro_wake_word.start:
                  - script.execute: reset_led
                  - logger.log: "Voice assistant is still running"

      - if:
            lambda: return !id(init_in_progress);
            - voice_assistant.stop
            - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_muted_phase_id};
      - script.execute: reset_led

  - platform: template
    name: Pipeline
    id: pipeline_switch
    optimistic: true
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF

      - media_player.stop

      - media_player.play_media: ""

  - platform: esp32_rmt_led_strip
    rgb_order: GRB
    pin: GPIO48
    num_leds: 1
    rmt_channel: 0
    chipset: WS2812
    name: "led"
    id: led_ww
    disabled_by_default: false
    #entity_category: diagnostic
    icon: mdi:led-on
    default_transition_length: 0s
      - pulse:
          name: "Slow Pulse"
          transition_length: 250ms
          update_interval: 250ms
          min_brightness: 50%
          max_brightness: 100%
      - pulse:
          name: "Fast Pulse"
          transition_length: 100ms
          update_interval: 100ms
          min_brightness: 50%
          max_brightness: 100%

Voice Assistant log:

09:52:45][C][ota:096]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[09:52:45][C][ota:097]:   Address: media-assistant-buero.local:3232
[09:52:45][C][ota:100]:   Using Password.
[09:52:45][C][ota:103]:   OTA version: 2.
[09:52:45][C][api:139]: API Server:
[09:52:45][C][api:140]:   Address: media-assistant-buero.local:6053
[09:52:45][C][api:142]:   Using noise encryption: YES
[09:52:45][C][esp_adf_pipeline.microphone:020]: ADF-Microphone
[09:52:45][C][adf_media_player:016]: ESP-ADF-MediaPlayer:
[09:52:45][C][adf_media_player:018]:   MP_ANNOUNCE enabled
[09:52:45][C][adf_media_player:024]:   Number of ADFComponents: 3
[09:53:01][D][esp_adf_pipeline:070]: Called 'stop' while in RUNNING state.
[09:53:01][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from RUNNING to ABORTING. (REQ: 1)
[09:53:01][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [i2s_in] Checking State for stopping, got 3
[09:53:01][V][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (35830) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[09:53:01][V][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (35833) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[09:53:01][V][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (35835) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[09:53:01][V][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (35837) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[09:53:01][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from ABORTING to STOPPED. (REQ: 1)
[09:53:01][D][media_player:061]: 'Büro Media Assistant Media Player' - Setting
[09:53:01][D][media_player:065]:   Command: STOP
[09:53:01][D][esp_adf_pipeline:070]: Called 'stop' while in UNINITIALIZED state.
[09:53:01][D][light:036]: 'led' Setting:
[09:53:01][D][light:059]:   Red: 0%, Green: 100%, Blue: 0%
[09:53:01][D][light:109]:   Effect: 'Slow Pulse'
[09:53:01][D][voice_assistant:502]: State changed from IDLE to START_MICROPHONE
[09:53:01][D][voice_assistant:508]: Desired state set to START_PIPELINE
[09:53:01][D][voice_assistant:220]: Starting Microphone
[09:53:01][D][ring_buffer:024]: Created ring buffer with size 16384
[09:53:01][D][esp_adf_pipeline:060]: Starting request, current state STOPPED
[09:53:01][D][voice_assistant:502]: State changed from START_MICROPHONE to STARTING_MICROPHONE
[09:53:01][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from STOPPED to PREPARING. (REQ: 0)
[09:53:01][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [i2s_in]...
[09:53:01][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [pcm_reader]...
[09:53:01][D][esp_adf_pipeline:342]: wait for preparation, done
[09:53:01][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from PREPARING to STARTING. (REQ: 0)
[09:53:01][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [i2s_in]...
[09:53:01][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [i2s_in] Sending resume command.
[09:53:01][V][adf_audio_element:035]: [i2s_in]evt internal cmd = 5
[09:53:01][V][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: I (35987) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_in] AEL_MSG_CMD_RESUME,state:1

[09:53:01][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [i2s_in] Checking State, got 78
[09:53:01][I][esp_adf_pipeline:132]: [ i2s_in ] status: 12
[09:53:01][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [pcm_reader] Checking State, got 65
[09:53:01][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from STARTING to RUNNING. (REQ: 0)
[09:53:01][D][voice_assistant:502]: State changed from STARTING_MICROPHONE to START_PIPELINE
[09:53:01][D][voice_assistant:274]: Requesting start...
[09:53:01][D][voice_assistant:502]: State changed from START_PIPELINE to STARTING_PIPELINE
[09:53:01][D][voice_assistant:523]: Client started, streaming microphone
[09:53:01][D][voice_assistant:502]: State changed from STARTING_PIPELINE to STREAMING_MICROPHONE
[09:53:01][D][voice_assistant:508]: Desired state set to STREAMING_MICROPHONE
[09:53:01][D][voice_assistant:625]: Event Type: 1
[09:53:01][D][voice_assistant:628]: Assist Pipeline running
[09:53:01][D][voice_assistant:625]: Event Type: 3
[09:53:01][D][voice_assistant:639]: STT started
[09:53:01][D][main:690]: Listening for commands...
[09:53:01][D][light:036]: 'led' Setting:
[09:53:01][D][light:051]:   Brightness: 25%
[09:53:01][D][light:059]:   Red: 0%, Green: 0%, Blue: 100%
[09:53:01][D][light:109]:   Effect: 'Fast Pulse'
[09:53:02][D][voice_assistant:625]: Event Type: 11
[09:53:02][D][voice_assistant:779]: Starting STT by VAD
[09:53:03][D][voice_assistant:625]: Event Type: 12
[09:53:03][D][voice_assistant:783]: STT by VAD end
[09:53:03][D][voice_assistant:502]: State changed from STREAMING_MICROPHONE to STOP_MICROPHONE
[09:53:03][D][voice_assistant:508]: Desired state set to AWAITING_RESPONSE
[09:53:03][D][esp_adf_pipeline:070]: Called 'stop' while in RUNNING state.
[09:53:03][D][voice_assistant:502]: State changed from STOP_MICROPHONE to STOPPING_MICROPHONE
[09:53:03][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from RUNNING to ABORTING. (REQ: 1)
[09:53:03][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [i2s_in] Checking State for stopping, got 3
[09:53:03][V][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (37531) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[09:53:03][V][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (37542) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[09:53:03][V][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (37545) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[09:53:03][V][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (37552) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[09:53:03][V][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: W (37562) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[i2s_in] AEL_IO_ABORT

[09:53:03][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from ABORTING to STOPPED. (REQ: 1)
[09:53:03][D][voice_assistant:502]: State changed from STOPPING_MICROPHONE to AWAITING_RESPONSE
[09:53:05][D][voice_assistant:625]: Event Type: 4
[09:53:05][D][voice_assistant:653]: Speech recognised as: "Wie spät."
[09:53:05][D][voice_assistant:625]: Event Type: 5
[09:53:05][D][voice_assistant:658]: Intent started
[09:53:08][D][voice_assistant:625]: Event Type: 6
[09:53:08][D][voice_assistant:625]: Event Type: 7
[09:53:08][D][voice_assistant:681]: Response: "Es ist 11:53 Uhr."
[09:53:08][D][main:981]: Starting TTS...
[09:53:08][D][light:036]: 'led' Setting:
[09:53:08][D][light:051]:   Brightness: 75%
[09:53:08][D][light:059]:   Red: 0%, Green: 100%, Blue: 0%
[09:53:08][D][voice_assistant:625]: Event Type: 8
[09:53:08][D][voice_assistant:701]: Response URL: "http://homeassistant.local:8123/api/tts_proxy/"
[09:53:08][D][voice_assistant:502]: State changed from AWAITING_RESPONSE to STREAMING_RESPONSE
[09:53:08][D][voice_assistant:508]: Desired state set to STREAMING_RESPONSE
[09:53:08][D][media_player:061]: 'Büro Media Assistant Media Player' - Setting
[09:53:08][D][media_player:068]:   Media URL: http://homeassistant.local:8123/api/tts_proxy/
[09:53:08][D][media_player:074]:  Announcement: yes
[09:53:08][D][adf_media_player:057]: Got control call in state IDLE
[09:53:08][D][adf_media_player:058]: req_track stream uri: http://homeassistant.local:8123/api/tts_proxy/
[09:53:08][D][esp_adf_pipeline:060]: Starting request, current state UNINITIALIZED
[09:53:08][D][voice_assistant:625]: Event Type: 2
[09:53:08][D][voice_assistant:715]: Assist Pipeline ended
[09:53:08][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING. (REQ: 0)
[09:53:08][I][adf_media_player:192]: got new pipeline state: 1, while in MP state IDLE
[09:53:08][I][adf_media_player:255]: current mp state: IDLE
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:256]: anouncement: yes
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:257]: play_intent: false
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:258]: current_uri_: false
[09:53:09][D][main:993]: Voice assistant session ended.
[09:53:09][D][light:036]: 'led' Setting:
[09:53:09][D][light:047]:   State: OFF
[09:53:09][D][light:109]:   Effect: 'None'
[09:53:09][D][light:036]: 'led' Setting:
[09:53:09][D][light:047]:   State: ON
[09:53:09][D][light:051]:   Brightness: 25%
[09:53:09][D][light:059]:   Red: 0%, Green: 0%, Blue: 100%
[09:53:09][D][main:1010]: Restarting wake word detection...
[09:53:09][D][light:036]: 'led' Setting:
[09:53:09][D][light:051]:   Brightness: 25%
[09:53:09][D][light:059]:   Red: 0%, Green: 0%, Blue: 100%
[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:060]: Starting request, current state STOPPED
[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from STOPPED to PREPARING. (REQ: 0)
[09:53:09][V][esp-idf:000]: I (43587) MP3_DECODER: MP3 init

[09:53:09][D][i2s_audio:067]: Install driver requested by Writer
[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:494]: pipeline tag 0, http
[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:494]: pipeline tag 1, decoder
[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:494]: pipeline tag 2, resampler
[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:494]: pipeline tag 3, i2s_out
[09:53:09][V][esp-idf:000]: I (43627) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d81d000, tag:http, rb:0x3d81d654

[09:53:09][V][esp-idf:000]: I (43629) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d81d1b8, tag:decoder, rb:0x3d85d694

[09:53:09][V][esp-idf:000]: I (43637) AUDIO_PIPELINE: link el->rb, el:0x3d81d354, tag:resampler, rb:0x3d85e6d4

[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:504]: Setting up event listener.
[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from INITIALIZING to CREATED. (REQ: 0)
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:192]: got new pipeline state: 2, while in MP state IDLE
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:255]: current mp state: IDLE
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:256]: anouncement: yes
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:257]: play_intent: false
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:258]: current_uri_: false
[09:53:09][W][component:237]: Component adf_pipeline.media_player took a long time for an operation (113 ms).
[09:53:09][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [i2s_in]...
[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from CREATED to PREPARING. (REQ: 0)
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:192]: got new pipeline state: 3, while in MP state IDLE
[09:53:09][D][adf_i2s_out:127]: Set final i2s settings: 16000
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:255]: current mp state: ANNOUNCING
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:256]: anouncement: yes
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:257]: play_intent: false
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:258]: current_uri_: false
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [pcm_reader]...
[09:53:09][D][esp_audio_sources:103]: Prepare elements called (initial_call)!
[09:53:09][D][esp_audio_sources:137]: Use fixed settings: yes
[09:53:09][D][esp_audio_sources:138]: Streamer status: 1
[09:53:09][D][esp_audio_sources:139]: decoder status: 1
[09:53:09][D][esp_audio_sources:140]: stream uri: http://homeassistant.local:8123/api/tts_proxy/
[09:53:09][D][adf_i2s_out:127]: Set final i2s settings: 16000
[09:53:09][D][esp_audio_processors:098]: Received request from: HTTPStreamReader
[09:53:09][D][esp_audio_processors:103]: New settings: SRC: rate: 16000, ch: 1 bits: 32, DST: rate: 16000, ch: 2, bits 16
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [http]...
[09:53:09][V][esp-idf:000]: I (43825) AUDIO_THREAD: The http task allocate stack on external memory

[09:53:09][V][esp-idf:000]: I (43842) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [http-0x3d81d000] Element task created

[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [decoder]...
[09:53:09][V][esp-idf:000]: I (43852) AUDIO_THREAD: The decoder task allocate stack on external memory

[09:53:09][V][esp-idf:000]: I (43862) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [decoder-0x3d81d1b8] Element task created

[09:53:09][W][component:237]: Component adf_pipeline.media_player took a long time for an operation (110 ms).
[09:53:09][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [resampler]...
[09:53:09][V][esp-idf:000]: I (43894) AUDIO_THREAD: The resampler task allocate stack on external memory

[09:53:09][V][esp-idf:000]: I (43903) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [resampler-0x3d81d354] Element task created

[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:342]: wait for preparation, done
[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from PREPARING to STARTING. (REQ: 0)
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [i2s_out]...
[09:53:09][V][esp-idf:000]: I (43934) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_out-0x3d81d50c] Element task created

[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [i2s_in]...
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [i2s_in] Sending resume command.
[09:53:09][V][adf_audio_element:035]: [i2s_in]evt internal cmd = 5
[09:53:09][V][esp-idf:000][i2s_in]: I (43965) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [i2s_in] AEL_MSG_CMD_RESUME,state:1

[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [i2s_in] Checking State, got 78
[09:53:09][I][esp_adf_pipeline:132]: [ i2s_in ] status: 12
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [pcm_reader] Checking State, got 65
[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [ADFMicrophone] Pipeline changed from STARTING to RUNNING. (REQ: 0)
[09:53:09][D][esp_audio_sources:193]: Preparation done!
[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:342]: wait for preparation, done
[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from PREPARING to STARTING. (REQ: 0)
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:192]: got new pipeline state: 5, while in MP state ANNOUNCING
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:255]: current mp state: ANNOUNCING
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:256]: anouncement: yes
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:257]: play_intent: false
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:258]: current_uri_: false
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [http]...
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [http] Sending resume command.
[09:53:09][V][adf_audio_element:035]: [http]evt internal cmd = 5
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [decoder]...
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [decoder] Sending resume command.
[09:53:09][V][adf_audio_element:035]: [decoder]evt internal cmd = 5
[09:53:09][I][esp_audio_sources:033][http]: Receive http event: 2
[09:53:09][I][esp_audio_sources:033][http]: Receive http event: 4
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [resampler]...
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [resampler] Sending resume command.
[09:53:09][V][adf_audio_element:035]: [resampler]evt internal cmd = 5
[09:53:09][V][esp-idf:000][resampler]: I (44144) AUDIO_ELEMENT: [resampler] AEL_MSG_CMD_RESUME,state:1

[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [i2s_out]...
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [i2s_out] Sending resume command.
[09:53:09][V][adf_audio_element:035]: [i2s_out]evt internal cmd = 5
[09:53:09][I][esp_adf_pipeline:132]: [ resampler ] status: 12
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [http] Checking State, got 72
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [decoder] Checking State, got 72
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [resampler] Checking State, got 74
[09:53:09][I][esp_adf_pipeline:132]: [ i2s_out ] status: 12
[09:53:09][D][adf_audio_element:191]: [i2s_out] Checking State, got 74
[09:53:09][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from STARTING to RUNNING. (REQ: 0)
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:192]: got new pipeline state: 6, while in MP state ANNOUNCING
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:255]: current mp state: ANNOUNCING
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:256]: anouncement: yes
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:257]: play_intent: false
[09:53:09][I][adf_media_player:258]: current_uri_: false
[09:53:11][V][esp-idf:000][http]: I (46450) HTTP_CLIENT: Body received in fetch header state, 0x3fcd183b, 1440

[09:53:11][V][esp-idf:000][http]: I (46455) HTTP_STREAM: total_bytes=35127

[09:53:11][I][HTTPStreamReader:230]: Codec Format reported: 3.
[09:53:12][I][esp_adf_pipeline:132]: [ http ] status: 12
[09:53:12][V][esp-idf:000][http]: W (46530) HTTP_STREAM: No more data,errno:0, total_bytes:35127, rlen = 0

[09:53:12][I][esp_audio_sources:033][http]: Receive http event: 7
[09:53:12][V][esp-idf:000][http]: I (46538) AUDIO_ELEMENT: IN-[http] AEL_IO_DONE,0

[09:53:12][I][esp_adf_pipeline:132]: [ decoder ] status: 12
[09:53:12][I][esp_adf_pipeline:123]: [ http ] byte_pos: 0, total: 35127
[09:53:12][I][esp_adf_pipeline:132]: [ http ] status: 15
[09:53:12][I][esp_adf_pipeline:135]: current state: RUNNING
[09:53:12][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from RUNNING to FINISHING. (REQ: 0)
[09:53:12][I][adf_media_player:192]: got new pipeline state: 7, while in MP state ANNOUNCING
[09:53:12][I][adf_media_player:255]: current mp state: ANNOUNCING
[09:53:12][I][adf_media_player:256]: anouncement: yes
[09:53:12][I][adf_media_player:257]: play_intent: false
[09:53:12][I][adf_media_player:258]: current_uri_: false
[09:53:12][I][HTTPStreamReader:240]: [ * ] Receive music info from decoder, sample_rates=16000, bits=16, ch=1
[09:53:12][I][HTTPStreamReader:243]: [ * ] Receive music info from decoder, codec_fmt=3, bps=55000, duration=4860, bytes=-1170
[09:53:15][V][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (50248) AUDIO_ELEMENT: IN-[decoder] AEL_IO_DONE,-2

[09:53:16][V][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (51205) MP3_DECODER: Closed

[09:53:16][I][esp_adf_pipeline:123]: [ decoder ] byte_pos: 0, total: -1170
[09:53:16][I][esp_adf_pipeline:132]: [ decoder ] status: 15
[09:53:16][I][esp_adf_pipeline:135]: current state: FINISHING
[09:53:16][V][esp-idf:000][resampler]: I (51364) AUDIO_ELEMENT: IN-[resampler] AEL_IO_DONE,-2

[09:53:16][I][esp_adf_pipeline:132]: [ resampler ] status: 15
[09:53:16][I][esp_adf_pipeline:135]: current state: FINISHING
[09:53:16][V][esp-idf:000][i2s_out]: I (51460) AUDIO_ELEMENT: IN-[i2s_out] AEL_IO_DONE,-2

[09:53:17][I][esp_adf_pipeline:123]: [ i2s_out ] byte_pos: 0, total: 0
[09:53:17][I][esp_adf_pipeline:132]: [ i2s_out ] status: 15
[09:53:17][I][esp_adf_pipeline:135]: current state: FINISHING
[09:53:17][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from FINISHING to STOPPED. (REQ: 1)
[09:53:17][I][adf_media_player:192]: got new pipeline state: 4, while in MP state ANNOUNCING
[09:53:17][I][adf_media_player:255]: current mp state: IDLE
[09:53:17][I][adf_media_player:256]: anouncement: false
[09:53:17][I][adf_media_player:257]: play_intent: false
[09:53:17][I][adf_media_player:258]: current_uri_: false
[09:53:17][D][esp32.preferences:114]: Saving 1 preferences to flash...
[09:53:17][V][esp32.preferences:163]: nvs_get_blob('1398651576'): ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND - the key might not be set yet
[09:53:17][V][esp32.preferences:126]: sync: key: 1398651576, len: 7
[09:53:17][D][esp32.preferences:143]: Saving 1 preferences to flash: 0 cached, 1 written, 0 failed
[09:53:19][D][voice_assistant:502]: State changed from STREAMING_RESPONSE to IDLE
[09:53:19][D][voice_assistant:508]: Desired state set to IDLE
[09:57:26][I][ota:117]: Boot seems successful, resetting boot loop counter.
[09:57:26][D][esp32.preferences:114]: Saving 1 preferences to flash...
[09:57:26][V][esp32.preferences:126]: sync: key: 233825507, len: 4
[09:57:26][D][esp32.preferences:143]: Saving 1 preferences to flash: 0 cached, 1 written, 0 failed

Playing a mp3 log:

[10:00:23][D][media_player:061]: 'Büro Media Assistant Media Player' - Setting
[10:00:23][D][media_player:068]:   Media URL: http://homeassistant.local:8123/media/local/danger-143533.mp3?authSig=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJiM2NkYWE4MWY5ZWM0NmVjYWVhZTljZWRlM2ZmMzljMiIsInBhdGgiOiIvbWVkaWEvbG9jYWwvZGFuZ2VyLTE0MzUzMy5tcDMiLCJwYXJhbXMiOltdLCJpYXQiOjE3MTc5MjcyMjMsImV4cCI6MTcxODAxMzYyM30.lizy8f3yyZRhNe1bCdp4eN13H9ydtz0TaItuGN1pfZA
[10:00:23][D][esp_audio_sources:098]: Set new uri: http://homeassistant.local:8123/media/local/danger-143533.mp3?authSig=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJiM2NkYWE4MWY5ZWM0NmVjYWVhZTljZWRlM2ZmMzljMiIsInBhdGgiOiIvbWVkaWEvbG9jYWwvZGFuZ2VyLTE0MzUzMy5tcDMiLCJwYXJhbXMiOltdLCJpYXQiOjE3MTc5MjcyMjMsImV4cCI6MTcxODAxMzYyM30.lizy8f3yyZRhNe1bCdp4eN13H9ydtz0TaItuGN1pfZA
[10:00:23][D][adf_media_player:057]: Got control call in state IDLE
[10:00:23][D][adf_media_player:058]: req_track stream uri: http://homeassistant.local:8123/media/local/danger-143533.mp3?authSig=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJiM2NkYWE4MWY5ZWM0NmVjYWVhZTljZWRlM2ZmMzljMiIsInBhdGgiOiIvbWVkaWEvbG9jYWwvZGFuZ2VyLTE0MzUzMy5tcDMiLCJwYXJhbXMiOltdLCJpYXQiOjE3MTc5MjcyMjMsImV4cCI6MTcxODAxMzYyM30.lizy8f3yyZRhNe1bCdp4eN13H9ydtz0TaItuGN1pfZA
[10:00:23][D][esp_adf_pipeline:060]: Starting request, current state STOPPED
[10:00:23][W][component:237]: Component api took a long time for an operation (101 ms).
[10:00:23][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
[10:00:23][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from STOPPED to PREPARING. (REQ: 0)
[10:00:23][I][adf_media_player:192]: got new pipeline state: 3, while in MP state IDLE
[10:00:23][D][adf_i2s_out:127]: Set final i2s settings: 16000
[10:00:23][I][adf_media_player:255]: current mp state: PLAYING
[10:00:23][I][adf_media_player:256]: anouncement: false
[10:00:23][I][adf_media_player:257]: play_intent: false
[10:00:23][I][adf_media_player:258]: current_uri_: yes
[10:00:23][D][esp_audio_sources:103]: Prepare elements called (initial_call)!
[10:00:23][D][esp_audio_sources:137]: Use fixed settings: no
[10:00:23][D][esp_audio_sources:138]: Streamer status: 6
[10:00:23][D][esp_audio_sources:139]: decoder status: 6
[10:00:23][D][esp_audio_sources:140]: stream uri: http://homeassistant.local:8123/media/local/danger-143533.mp3?authSig=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJiM2NkYWE4MWY5ZWM0NmVjYWVhZTljZWRlM2ZmMzljMiIsInBhdGgiOiIvbWVkaWEvbG9jYWwvZGFuZ2VyLTE0MzUzMy5tcDMiLCJwYXJhbXMiOltdLCJpYXQiOjE3MTc5MjcyMjMsImV4cCI6MTcxODAxMzYyM30.lizy8f3yyZRhNe1bCdp4eN13H9ydtz0TaItuGN1pfZA
[10:00:23][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [http]...
[10:00:23][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [decoder]...
[10:00:23][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [resampler]...
[10:00:23][D][adf_audio_element:108]: Preparing [i2s_out]...
[10:00:23][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [http]...
[10:00:23][D][adf_audio_element:172]: [http] Sending resume command.
[10:00:23][V][adf_audio_element:035]: [http]evt internal cmd = 5
[10:00:23][D][adf_audio_element:165]: Resuming [decoder]...
ERROR Fatal error: protocol.data_received() call failed.
protocol: <aioesphomeapi._frame_helper.noise.APINoiseFrameHelper object at 0xffff976c3cc0>
transport: <_SelectorSocketTransport fd=6 read=polling write=<idle, bufsize=0>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/asyncio/", line 1009, in _read_ready__data_received
  File "aioesphomeapi/_frame_helper/", line 136, in aioesphomeapi._frame_helper.noise.APINoiseFrameHelper.data_received
  File "aioesphomeapi/_frame_helper/", line 163, in aioesphomeapi._frame_helper.noise.APINoiseFrameHelper.data_received
  File "aioesphomeapi/_frame_helper/", line 319, in aioesphomeapi._frame_helper.noise.APINoiseFrameHelper._handle_frame
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/noise/", line 74, in decrypt_with_ad
    plaintext = self.cipher.decrypt(self.k, self.n, ad, ciphertext)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/noise/backends/default/", line 13, in decrypt
    return self.cipher.decrypt(nonce=self.format_nonce(n), data=ciphertext, associated_data=ad)
  File "src/chacha20poly1305_reuseable/", line 127, in chacha20poly1305_reuseable.ChaCha20Poly1305Reusable.decrypt
  File "src/chacha20poly1305_reuseable/", line 147, in chacha20poly1305_reuseable.ChaCha20Poly1305Reusable.decrypt
  File "src/chacha20poly1305_reuseable/", line 263, in chacha20poly1305_reuseable._decrypt_with_fixed_nonce_len
  File "src/chacha20poly1305_reuseable/", line 273, in chacha20poly1305_reuseable._decrypt_data
WARNING media-assistant-buero @ Connection error occurred: media-assistant-buero @ Invalid encryption key: received_name=media-assistant-buero
INFO Processing unexpected disconnect from ESPHome API for media-assistant-buero @
WARNING Disconnected from API
INFO Successfully connected to media-assistant-buero @ in 8.041s
INFO Successful handshake with media-assistant-buero @ in 0.077s
[10:00:34][D][media_player:061]: 'Büro Media Assistant Media Player' - Setting
[10:00:34][D][media_player:065]:   Command: STOP
[10:00:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:070]: Called 'stop' while in RUNNING state.
[10:00:34][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from RUNNING to ABORTING. (REQ: 1)
[10:00:34][I][adf_media_player:192]: got new pipeline state: 10, while in MP state PLAYING
[10:00:34][I][adf_media_player:255]: current mp state: PLAYING
[10:00:34][I][adf_media_player:256]: anouncement: false
[10:00:34][I][adf_media_player:257]: play_intent: false
[10:00:34][I][adf_media_player:258]: current_uri_: false
[10:00:34][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [http] Checking State for stopping, got 3
[10:00:34][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [decoder] Checking State for stopping, got 3
[10:00:35][V][esp-idf:000][decoder]: W (489513) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[decoder] AEL_IO_ABORT

[10:00:35][V][esp-idf:000][decoder]: W (489518) MP3_DECODER: output aborted -3

[10:00:35][V][esp-idf:000][decoder]: I (489522) MP3_DECODER: Closed

[10:00:35][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [resampler] Checking State for stopping, got 3
[10:00:35][V][esp-idf:000][resampler]: W (489534) AUDIO_ELEMENT: OUT-[resampler] AEL_IO_ABORT

[10:00:35][D][adf_audio_element:324]: [i2s_out] Checking State for stopping, got 3
[10:00:35][D][esp_adf_pipeline:445]: [MediaPlayer] Pipeline changed from ABORTING to STOPPED. (REQ: 1)
[10:00:35][I][adf_media_player:192]: got new pipeline state: 4, while in MP state PLAYING
[10:00:35][I][adf_media_player:255]: current mp state: IDLE
[10:00:35][I][adf_media_player:256]: anouncement: false
[10:00:35][I][adf_media_player:257]: play_intent: false
[10:00:35][I][adf_media_player:258]: current_uri_: false

thank you very much!!!!

indevor commented 3 months ago

what kind of hardware are you using? Try my config, no problem with that. There are small problems with fast dictation of commands. The rest works fine

43ndr1k commented 3 months ago

I am using as Hardware Max98357A + INMP441 + esp32s3 n16r8

gnumpi commented 3 months ago

In duplex mode the channel format for the input and output needs to be the same as well, unfortunately. Can't you use dedicated clock pins for both components, not running in duplex mode saves you from many troubles.

indevor commented 3 months ago

In duplex mode the channel format for the input and output needs to be the same as well, unfortunately. Can't you use dedicated clock pins for both components, not running in duplex mode saves you from many troubles.

if you had time to deal with this problem: sequential dictation of commands with a small pause causes the processing pipeline to freeze. What data can I provide?

gnumpi commented 3 months ago

In duplex mode the channel format for the input and output needs to be the same as well, unfortunately. Can't you use dedicated clock pins for both components, not running in duplex mode saves you from many troubles.

if you had time to deal with this problem: sequential dictation of commands with a small pause causes the processing pipeline to freeze. What data can I provide?

are you using the dev-next branch?

indevor commented 3 months ago

yes my code is below, I just upgraded to 24.5.5 when I saw the mention of ring buffer hoping it would solve something, but no.

  device_name: "test-media-assistant-v2"
  friendly_name: "Test Media Assistant V2"
  device_description: "Media Assistant V2"
  esp_board: "esp32-s3-devkitc-1"
  framework_type: "esp-idf"
    # Mic
  i2s_lrclk_in_pin: GPIO3               # Mic WS 
  i2s_bclk_in_pin: GPIO2                # Mic CK
  i2s_din_pin: GPIO1                    # Mic SD/DA

  # Speaker
  i2s_lrclk_out_pin: GPIO21              # Spk LRC
  i2s_bclk_out_pin: GPIO14               # Spk BCLK
  i2s_dout_pin: GPIO45                   # Spk DIN 

  # Phases of the Voice Assistant
  # IDLE: The voice assistant is ready to be triggered by a wake-word
  voice_assist_idle_phase_id: '1'
  # LISTENING: The voice assistant is ready to listen to a voice command (after being triggered by the wake word)
  voice_assist_listening_phase_id: '2'
  # THINKING: The voice assistant is currently processing the command
  voice_assist_thinking_phase_id: '3'
  # REPLYING: The voice assistant is replying to the command
  voice_assist_replying_phase_id: '4'
  # NOT_READY: The voice assistant is not ready
  voice_assist_not_ready_phase_id: '10'
  # ERROR: The voice assistant encountered an error
  voice_assist_error_phase_id: '11'
  # MUTED: The voice assistant is muted and will not reply to a wake-word
  voice_assist_muted_phase_id: '12'

  - source:
      type: git
      ref: dev-next

    components: [ adf_pipeline, i2s_audio ]
    refresh: 0s
  #- source: 
      #type: git
      #ref: adf-mods
    #components: [ api, media_player, speaker, voice_assistant ]

  name: ${device_name}
  comment: ${device_description}
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
  min_version: 2024.2.0
    build_flags: -DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM
    board_build.flash_mode: dio
    #board_upload.maximum_size: 16777216
    priority: 600
      # Run the script to refresh the LED status
      # If after 30 seconds, the device is still initializing (It did not yet connect to Home Assistant), turn off the init_in_progress variable and run the script to refresh the LED status
      - delay: 30s
      - if:
            lambda: return id(init_in_progress);
            - lambda: id(init_in_progress) = false;

  board: ${esp_board}
  variant: ESP32S3
  flash_size: 8MB
    type: ${framework_type}
    version: recommended
      # need to set a s3 compatible board for the adf-sdk to compile
      # board specific code is not used though

      CONFIG_ESP32_S3_BOX_BOARD: "y"

      CONFIG_TCP_WND_DEFAULT: "512000"


  # Global initialisation variable. Initialized to true and set to false once everything is connected. Only used to have a smooth "plugging" experience
  - id: init_in_progress
    type: bool
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: 'true'
  # Global variable tracking the phase of the voice assistant (defined above). Initialized to not_ready
  - id: voice_assistant_phase
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: ${voice_assist_not_ready_phase_id}

  mode: octal
  speed: 80MHz

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "MitAC+hwLqT4vWNVudIUXyYcIS89yx/NAadUsGTiBXk="

  password: "f48e29bb666abfe11cffe5904612ce9d"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
    # Optional manual IP

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Freenove-Cam01 Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "48zf4JyppQ8P"

i2s_audio:                              # I2s audio pins
  - id: i2s_in
    i2s_lrclk_pin: $i2s_lrclk_in_pin    # Mic WS
    i2s_bclk_pin: $i2s_bclk_in_pin      # Mic CK
  - id: i2s_out
    i2s_lrclk_pin: $i2s_lrclk_out_pin   # Spk LRC
    i2s_bclk_pin: $i2s_bclk_out_pin     # Spk BCLK

adf_pipeline:                           # ADF pieline pins
  - platform: i2s_audio
    type: audio_out
    id: adf_i2s_out
    i2s_audio_id: i2s_out
    i2s_dout_pin: GPIO45
    channel: right_left

    sample_rate: 16000
    bits_per_sample: 32bit                 # Spk DIN

  - platform: i2s_audio
    type: audio_in
    id: adf_i2s_in
    i2s_audio_id: i2s_in
    i2s_din_pin: $i2s_din_pin           # Mic SD/DA
    channel: left
    sample_rate: 16000
    bits_per_sample: 32bit
    pdm: false

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_microphone
    gain_log2: 3
    keep_pipeline_alive: false
      - adf_i2s_in
      - self

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_media_player
    name: media_player
    keep_pipeline_alive: false
    internal: false

      sample_rate: 24000
      bits_per_sample: 16
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - resampler
      - adf_i2s_out

  model: alexa
      - media_player.stop:
      - light.turn_on:
          id: led_ring
          blue: 0%
          red: 0%
          green: 100%
          brightness: 75%
          effect: pulse
      - voice_assistant.start:

  microphone: adf_microphone
  media_player: adf_media_player

  use_wake_word: false
  #vad_threshold: 3

  noise_suppression_level: 1.0
  #auto_gain: 31dBFS
  volume_multiplier: 5.0

    - lambda: id(init_in_progress) = false;
    - if:
          switch.is_on: use_wake_word
          - micro_wake_word.start:
          - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_idle_phase_id};
          - script.execute: reset_led
          - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_muted_phase_id};

    - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_not_ready_phase_id};
    - voice_assistant.stop
    - micro_wake_word.stop
    - light.turn_on:
          id: led_ring
          blue: 0%
          red: 100%
          green: 100%
          brightness: 50%
          effect: connecting

    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ring
        blue: 100%
        red: 0%
        green: 0%
        brightness: 25%
        effect: wakeword

    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ring
        blue: 0%
        red: 100%
        green: 0%
        brightness: 100%
        effect: pulse

        - light.turn_off:
            id: led_ring
        - voice_assistant.stop
        - wait_until:
        - script.execute: reset_led
        - if:
              switch.is_on: use_wake_word
              - micro_wake_word.start:
    - light.turn_on:
        id: led_ring
        blue: 0%
        red: 100%
        green: 0%
        brightness: 100%
        effect: none
    - delay: 1s
    - script.execute: reset_led
    - script.wait: reset_led
    - lambda: |-
        if (code == "wake-provider-missing" || code == "wake-engine-missing") {
    - if:
          switch.is_on: use_wake_word
          - micro_wake_word.start:
          - script.execute: reset_led

  - id: reset_led
      - if:
            switch.is_on: use_wake_word
            - light.turn_on:
                id: led_ring
                blue: 100%
                red: 0%
                green: 0%
                brightness: 25%
                effect: none
            - light.turn_off: led_ring

  - platform: restart
    id: restart_btn
    name: "${friendly_name} REBOOT"

  - platform: template
    name: Enable Voice Assistant
    id: use_wake_word
    optimistic: true
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON
    icon: mdi:assistant
    # When the switch is turned on (on Home Assistant):
    # Start the voice assistant component
    # Set the correct phase and run the script to refresh the LED status
      - logger.log: "switch on"
      - if:
            lambda: return !id(init_in_progress);
            - logger.log: "condition 1"
            - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_idle_phase_id};
            - voice_assistant.stop
            - delay: 1s
            - if:
                    - voice_assistant.is_running
                  - logger.log: "Starting MWW"
                  #- voice_assistant.start_continuous
                  - micro_wake_word.start:
      - script.execute: reset_led
      - if:
            lambda: return !id(init_in_progress);
            - voice_assistant.stop
            - micro_wake_word.stop
            - lambda: id(voice_assistant_phase) = ${voice_assist_muted_phase_id};
      - script.execute: reset_led

  - platform: template
    name: Pipeline
    id: pipeline_switch
    optimistic: true
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF

  - platform: esp32_rmt_led_strip
    id: led_ring
    name: "${friendly_name} Light"
    pin: GPIO48
    num_leds: 1
    rmt_channel: 0
    rgb_order: GRB
    chipset: ws2812
    default_transition_length: 0s
      - pulse:
          name: "Pulse"
          transition_length: 0.5s
          update_interval: 0.5s
      - addressable_twinkle:
          name: "Working"
          twinkle_probability: 5%
          progress_interval: 4ms
      - addressable_color_wipe:
          name: "Wakeword"
            - red: 0%
              green: 50%
              blue: 0%
              num_leds: 12
          add_led_interval: 20ms
          reverse: false
      - addressable_color_wipe:
          name: "Connecting"
            - red: 60%
              green: 60%
              blue: 60%
              num_leds: 12
            - red: 60%
              green: 60%
              blue: 0%
              num_leds: 12
          add_led_interval: 100ms
          reverse: true
indevor commented 3 months ago

the stopping point is here:

  model: alexa
      - media_player.stop:
      - light.turn_on:
          id: led_ring
          blue: 0%
          red: 0%
          green: 100%
          brightness: 75%
          effect: pulse
      - voice_assistant.start:

LED blinks green

indevor commented 3 months ago

I apologize, but this is a new error: 24.5.5 , I2S PCM5102A + INMP441 + esp32s3 Сonnect the HW for the first time - say the command - the response will be said in a slow voice, say the new command - the response will be said in a normal voice. The video shows how it happens and also shows how it hangs when the pause is too short

43ndr1k commented 3 months ago

In duplex mode the channel format for the input and output needs to be the same as well, unfortunately. Can't you use dedicated clock pins for both components, not running in duplex mode saves you from many troubles.

ah ok, I understand that i am testing the same code and pins which have indevor.

43ndr1k commented 3 months ago

In duplex mode the channel format for the input and output needs to be the same as well, unfortunately. Can't you use dedicated clock pins for both components, not running in duplex mode saves you from many troubles.

ah ok, I understand that i am testing the same code and pins which have indevor.

So I am tested the another code, thats work better. Thanks.

HA-TB303 commented 3 months ago

(I think) after updating to the latest esphome version, I have this slow audio playback problem again.

Relevant config:

  - source:
      type: git
      ref: dev-next
    components: [ adf_pipeline, i2s_audio ]
    refresh: 0s

  - id: i2s_in
    i2s_lrclk_pin: GPIO7
    i2s_bclk_pin: GPIO16
  - id: i2s_out
    i2s_lrclk_pin: GPIO8
    i2s_bclk_pin: GPIO18

  - platform: i2s_audio
    type: audio_out
    id: adf_i2s_out
    i2s_audio_id: i2s_out
    i2s_dout_pin: GPIO17

  - platform: i2s_audio
    type: audio_in
    id: adf_i2s_in
    i2s_audio_id: i2s_in
    i2s_din_pin: GPIO15
    pdm: false
    channel: right
    sample_rate: 16000
    bits_per_sample: 32bit

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_microphone
    keep_pipeline_alive: true
      - adf_i2s_in
      - self

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_media_player
    name: "${friendly_name} Media Player"
    keep_pipeline_alive: true
    internal: false
      - self
      - resampler
      - adf_i2s_out
mstamp20 commented 3 months ago

I was having the same problem with the slow voice assistant audio. I made the sample rate change to 24000 and tested but was still getting the same result. Out of curiosity I doubled the bits per sample to 32 and the voice assistant is back to normal. I don't use mine to play music or anything so I can't comment on the affects of that.

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_media_player
    name: s3-dev_media_player
    keep_pipeline_alive: false
    internal: false
      sample_rate: 24000
      bits_per_sample: 32
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - adf_i2s_out
      - resampler
HA-TB303 commented 3 months ago

Hi, yesterday I did play around with those parameters and also tried your suggestion then. When using 24000/32 I get high pitched audio the first time, second time no audio at all.

When using:

  sample_rate: 24000
  bits_per_sample: 16
  num_channels: 1

I get low pitched audio the first time, second time and after it is correct. So now it only sounds low-pitched the very fist time after booting.

gnumpi commented 3 months ago

if you remove the announcement_audio section completely from you media_player config, the right settings should get auto detected. It takes slightly longer though...

HA-TB303 commented 3 months ago

When using:

  - source:
      type: git
      ref: annoucement_fixed_settings_config
    components: [ adf_pipeline, i2s_audio ]
    refresh: 0s

It works just fine, so it must be something in the latest dev-next changes.

Removing the:

  sample_rate: 24000
  bits_per_sample: 16
  num_channels: 1

Does not help.

gnumpi commented 3 months ago

thx, thats really helpful information. I will check.

gnumpi commented 3 months ago

@HA-TB303, can you try setting your bits_per_sample explicitly in the pipeline settings:

  - platform: i2s_audio
    type: audio_out
    id: adf_i2s_out
    i2s_audio_id: i2s_out
    i2s_dout_pin: GPIO17
    bits_per_sample: 16bit

  - platform: i2s_audio
    type: audio_in
    id: adf_i2s_in
    i2s_audio_id: i2s_in
    i2s_din_pin: GPIO15
    pdm: false
    channel: right
    sample_rate: 16000
    bits_per_sample: 32bit

and please share some logs, if it doesn't help

gnumpi commented 3 months ago

@mstamp20, can you try changing the order of the resampler and i2s-output in your media player config: and set bits_per_sample to 16bit

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_media_player
    name: s3-dev_media_player
    keep_pipeline_alive: false
    internal: false
      sample_rate: 24000
      bits_per_sample: 16
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - resampler
      - adf_i2s_out
HA-TB303 commented 3 months ago

@HA-TB303, can you try setting your bits_per_sample explicitly in the pipeline settings:

and please share some logs, if it doesn't help

It now sounds fine from the first time.


  - id: i2s_in
    i2s_lrclk_pin: GPIO7
    i2s_bclk_pin: GPIO16
  - id: i2s_out
    i2s_lrclk_pin: GPIO8
    i2s_bclk_pin: GPIO18

  - platform: i2s_audio
    type: audio_out
    id: adf_i2s_out
    i2s_audio_id: i2s_out
    i2s_dout_pin: GPIO17
    bits_per_sample: 16bit

  - platform: i2s_audio
    type: audio_in
    id: adf_i2s_in
    i2s_audio_id: i2s_in
    i2s_din_pin: GPIO15
    pdm: false
    channel: right
    sample_rate: 16000
    bits_per_sample: 32bit

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_microphone
    keep_pipeline_alive: true
      - adf_i2s_in
      - self

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_media_player
    name: "${friendly_name} Media Player"
    keep_pipeline_alive: true
    internal: false
      - self
      - resampler
      - adf_i2s_out
mstamp20 commented 3 months ago

@mstamp20, can you try changing the order of the resampler and i2s-output in your media player config: and set bits_per_sample to 16bit

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_media_player
    name: s3-dev_media_player
    keep_pipeline_alive: false
    internal: false
      sample_rate: 24000
      bits_per_sample: 16
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - resampler
      - adf_i2s_out

I tried this and it went back to slow motion for the first response and then worked fine the rest of the time.

I did a few different tests as well. I went through all the variations without resampler and all with resampler. Here are the results I had:

      sample_rate: 16000
      bits_per_sample: 16
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - adf_i2s_out

The above audio came back slow motion.

      sample_rate: 24000
      bits_per_sample: 16
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - adf_i2s_out

The above was a little faster but still slow motion.

      sample_rate: 16000
      bits_per_sample: 32
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - adf_i2s_out

The above was slightly better than the previous, still low and slow.

      sample_rate: 24000
      bits_per_sample: 32
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - adf_i2s_out

The above played perfectly normal the entire time!

  - platform: adf_pipeline
    id: adf_media_player
    name: s3-dev_media_player
    keep_pipeline_alive: false
    internal: false
      - self
      - resampler
      - adf_i2s_out

Removing announcement audio and adding resampler played slow on the first response and normal the rest of the time.

      sample_rate: 16000
      bits_per_sample: 16
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - resampler
      - adf_i2s_out

This was extremely slow the first response and slow the rest of the time.

      sample_rate: 24000
      bits_per_sample: 16
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - resampler
      - adf_i2s_out

This was slow on the first response and normal the rest of the time.

      sample_rate: 16000
      bits_per_sample: 32
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - resampler
      - adf_i2s_out

This was fast the first response and then slow the rest of the time.

      sample_rate: 24000
      bits_per_sample: 32
      num_channels: 1
      - self
      - resampler
      - adf_i2s_out

This was extremely fast the first response and then normal the rest of the time.

I hope this helps!

gnumpi commented 3 months ago

thx, first of all I need to find out why it behaves differently the first time compared to the other times, this should definitely not be the case. thx for pointing at this.