gnunn1 / tilix

A tiling terminal emulator for Linux using GTK+ 3
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Becomes opaque when full-screen despite transparency setting. #2166

Open HubKing opened 1 year ago

HubKing commented 1 year ago

If I press F11 to switch to full-screen mode, the background becomes fully opaque, despite the transparency value in the profile. Is this a bug or an intentional design? If it is the latter, is there a way to keep the transparency in full-screen mode?

Version 1.9.5

237dmitry commented 1 year ago

Everything works in my environment. The transparency does not disappear. Try to set transparency with dconf:


for i in $(dconf list /com/gexperts/Tilix/profiles/ | grep -v 'list' | sed -E 's/(.+)\/$/\1/')
    dconf write /com/gexperts/Tilix/profiles/$i/background-transparency-percent $1
$ script 10   # 10% of transparency 
HubKing commented 1 year ago

Everything works in my environment. The transparency does not disappear.

I am using Wayland Gnome 43.5. What is your DE?

237dmitry commented 1 year ago

xorg, xfce, i3-wm. I can't test on wayland.

\<off> The project, IMHO, is in a frozen state, the author does not answer questions, there are no significant commits for a long time. \</off>