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libosmo-dsp LIBTOOL error #68

Open drws opened 7 years ago

drws commented 7 years ago

I'm using PyBOMBS v2.3.0 on CentOS 7 (x64) and gnuradio-stable (as well as gnuradio-default) is building and installing properly. However, libosmo-dsp build is failing due to the following error:

PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Installing package: libosmo-dsp
Configuring: (100%)
PyBOMBS.Packager.source - WARNING - Configuration failed. Re-trying with higher verbosity.
src/ error: Libtool library used but 'LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/   The usual way to define 'LIBTOOL' is to add 'LT_INIT'
src/   to '' and run 'aclocal' and 'autoconf' again.
src/   If 'LT_INIT' is in '', make sure
src/   its definition is in aclocal's search path.
autoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1
PyBOMBS.Packager.source - ERROR - Configuration failed after running at least twice.
PyBOMBS.Packager.source - ERROR - Problem occurred while building package libosmo-dsp:
Configuration failed
PyBOMBS.install_manager - ERROR - Error installing package libosmo-dsp. Aborting.

Autoconf as well as libtool are installed. Did I miss something?

mbr0wn commented 7 years ago

Argh, I've seen this before, but can't put a finger on it. I think it might be a libtool version issue. Or maybe it can't find libtool? That would explain why LIBTOOL is undefined. How did you install libtool? Which version do you have?

estatz commented 7 years ago

I've been down this road before, as well. This issue arises for CentOS 7 because you'll have a newer version of autoconf installed in your pybombs prefix, but the libtool you want to use is system libtool installed under /usr. autoconf in the pybombs prefix doesn't know to look in /usr/share/aclocal for your libtool macros

The workaround I've been using is to make the libosmo-dsp configure do: autoreconf -i -I /usr/share/aclocal

I got distracted before I found a solution that was clean enough to check in to the libosmo-dsp recipe and/or pybombs as a true fix

drws commented 7 years ago

@mbr0wn libtool (2.4.2-21.el7_2) was installed from the official CentOS 7 repository with yum

@estatz adding the -I flag with the corresponding path to the autoreconf line in libosmo-dsp.lwr also fixed it for me

mbr0wn commented 7 years ago

Is there a way we can fix this generically?