PyBOMBS (Python Build Overlay Managed Bundle System) is the GNU Radio install management system for resolving dependencies and pulling in out-of-tree projects.
I am a new to gnuradio. I use the pybombs install gnuradio and uhd.
my order is "pybombs -v prefix init /home/oai-5gc/workspace/ -R gunradio38", and then it started installing Volk, UHD and finally gnuradio. until everything is ok , I can open the gnuradio-companion and the result of "pybombs inv" is
[INFO] Prefix Python version is : 3.6.9
[INFO] pybombs version 2.3.5
showing package state:
uhd : installed
libvolk : installed
soapysdr : installed
gnuradio : installed
it seems that all is installed. but when I open the python3 shell and execute code "from gnuradio import uhd", it occurs an error that "can't import name 'uhd' ". so what's worry with it ? Did I miss any settings?
I am a new to gnuradio. I use the pybombs install gnuradio and uhd. my order is "pybombs -v prefix init /home/oai-5gc/workspace/ -R gunradio38", and then it started installing Volk, UHD and finally gnuradio. until everything is ok , I can open the gnuradio-companion and the result of "pybombs inv" is
it seems that all is installed. but when I open the python3 shell and execute code "from gnuradio import uhd", it occurs an error that "can't import name 'uhd' ". so what's worry with it ? Did I miss any settings?