gnustavo / JIRA-REST

Thin wrapper around Jira's REST API
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Add support for Config::Identity #8

Closed xdg closed 7 years ago

xdg commented 7 years ago

This commit refactors credential search to first try Net::Netrc and then fallback to Config::Identity.

Config::Identity allows gpg-encrypted credentials, which is an advantage over using a .netrc file.

xdg commented 7 years ago

Sorry this took a while. Fixing Config::Identity wound up on my back-burner list. I've tested this locally and love it!

gnustavo commented 7 years ago

Thank you, David. I didn't know yet about Config::Identity and I already have other ideas about where to use it! :-)

I'm going to merge in a moment.

gnustavo commented 7 years ago

I just released v0.013 with your change.

xdg commented 7 years ago

Awesome! Thank you!