gnzlbg / static_vector

A dynamically-resizable vector with fixed capacity and embedded storage
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Incorporate LWG feedback #37

Open gnzlbg opened 5 years ago

gnzlbg commented 5 years ago

LWG gave the following feedback on the second revision. I'll open new issues to tackle controversial change. I have tried to call out UNCLEAR and NON ACTIONABLE requests. A ticked checkbox indicates that the issue has been fixed on the master branch:

General comments

Section 5.1

Section 5.2 Constructors

5.3 Destructor

5.4 Size and capacity

5.6 Modifies

5.7 specialized algorithms

cc @mclow @BRevzin @dietmarkuehl @jwakely @CaseyCarter

Note to self: once I finish incorporating all the feedback in the proposal it will be time to update the implementation to match the proposal.

mclow commented 5 years ago

UNCLEAR: Exceeding the container capacity (e.g. on push_back): in revision 2 this is a pre-condition violation. Is LWG recommending that this should std::abort instead? The notes are unclear.

What I remember saying is that IMO this should throw an exception. If you build with exceptions turned off, then both libc++ and libstdc++ will call abort instead of throwing an exception.

mclow commented 5 years ago

NON ACTIONABLE: DefaultInserted, CopyInsertable, EmplaceConstructible require an allocator, but static_vector does not have an allocator. Unclear what actionable change can be pursued in the static_vector proposal. Should this proposal modify those concepts ?

No - don't modify those concepts.

What this means is that you'll have to scavenge wording from somewhere else, instead of using these pre-existing concepts. You can either copy the wording from those concepts, removing the allocator bits, but I would look at array first - since it is also a non-allocator aware container.

CaseyCarter commented 5 years ago

UNCLEAR: Exceeding the container capacity (e.g. on push_back): in revision 2 this is a pre-condition violation. Is LWG recommending that this should std::abort instead? The notes are unclear.

What I remember saying is that IMO this should throw an exception. If you build with exceptions turned off, then both libc++ and libstdc++ will call abort instead of throwing an exception.

This design decision was discussed at length and approved in LEWG. One of the primary use cases for this container is embedded/freestanding: people don't want exceptions in the interface. UB allows throwing an exception, so you are free to do so in your implementation.

CaseyCarter commented 5 years ago

NON ACTIONABLE: DefaultInserted, CopyInsertable, EmplaceConstructible require an allocator, but static_vector does not have an allocator. Unclear what actionable change can be pursued in the static_vector proposal. Should this proposal modify those concepts ?

No - don't modify those concepts.

What this means is that you'll have to scavenge wording from somewhere else, instead of using these pre-existing concepts. You can either copy the wording from those concepts, removing the allocator bits, but I would look at array first - since it is also a non-allocator aware container.

The allocation concepts do not require an allocator; "If X is not allocator-aware, the terms below are defined as if A were allocator<T> — no allocator object needs to be created and user specializations of allocator<T> are not instantiated". That said, I'd be happier to replace these requirements with Concepts now that we have them.

CaseyCarter commented 5 years ago

LWG recommended moving this into the <vector> header. The <static_vector> header is free-standing. Will the <vector> header be made free-standing?

It may some day, but almost certainly not for C++20. I don't think the freestanding nature was clear to LWG during their review. We need to add an entry to the table in [headers] for <static_vector>, and - most importantly - a row to the table that lists the freestanding headers in [compliance]. The latter would have avoided confusion about the freestanding nature of static_vector.

mclow commented 5 years ago

I'm not enthusiastic about "we need a new header because it's freestanding". Not to mention the fact that "what is freestanding" is decidedly unclear - and changing.

CaseyCarter commented 5 years ago

I'm not enthusiastic about "we need a new header because it's freestanding".

Would you prefer that it goes into one of the pre-existing freestanding headers? The choices are:

None of these seem appropriate to me.

EDIT: I'm being facetious, but the fact remains that we can either put this in its own header or a pre-existing header. <vector> is almost certainly not provided by freestanding implementations since it requires allocation; <array> would be at least borderline.

CaseyCarter commented 5 years ago

Remove conditional noexcept on copy-constructors and copy-assignment?

I don't recall specific discussion of this noexcept in LEWG. Our general policy is to only use conditional noexcept on moves and swaps. Going against the general policy requires discussion and approval of the rationale in LEWG and (ideally) a recorded poll of LEWG's approval in the paper so LWG knows that discussion and approval occurred.

I'd suggest simply striking these. I find nothing else questionable from a quick audit of the remaining appearances of noexcept in the synopsis.

CaseyCarter commented 5 years ago

There are no deduction guides by design. Should this be mentioned in a note?

No - the reviewers appear to have realized that the capacity can't be deduced, so an iterator-pair deduction guide wouldn't be implementable. I don't think there's any action needed here.

CaseyCarter commented 5 years ago

Spell out move constructor - reviewers mentioned that it is unclear for example if it needs to preserve the elements.

Table 64 in [containers.requirements.general] specifies the semantics of container move constructors - I can only assume the reviewers were confused.

We do need to add static_vector to the subsequent paragraph which states that some operations are linear for array.

EDIT: We should steal [array.cons]/1 - with the exception of the aggregate requirement - to help clarify.

CaseyCarter commented 5 years ago

The iterator constructor complexity should be linear in the distance.

I interpret this as a suggestion that the complexity should literally read "Complexity: Linear in distance(first, last)."

EDIT: We certainly don't want to duplicate vector's defective: "Makes only N calls to the copy constructor of T" wording ;)

gnzlbg commented 5 years ago

So I hope I have addressed all of LWGs comments, and I hope I have properly incorporated all of @CaseyCarter feedback in the @master branch. I have ticked almost all of the boxes on the LWG feedback, but I'm still not 100% sure how to interpret all of it.

It would be really really helpful if, in particular, those who participated in LWGs review could revisit their feedback and see if the changes proposed addresses it or not. I don't really have a way to reach everyone involved although I've tried to CC everyone I could find on github. I understand that nobody has time for this, but I'd like to at least know if I should re-submit it back to LEWG as proposed by the review, or to LWG.

mclow commented 5 years ago

What I remember saying is that IMO this should throw an exception. If you build with exceptions turned off, then both libc++ and libstdc++ will call abort instead of throwing an exception.

This design decision was discussed at length and approved in LEWG. One of the primary use cases for this container is embedded/freestanding: people don't want exceptions in the interface. UB allows throwing an exception, so you are free to do so in your implementation.

We have an entire study group dedicated to reduce the amount of UB in the language and the library. AND we have a bunch of people deliberately trying to put more in.

This seems wrong to me.

mclow commented 5 years ago

What I remember saying is that IMO this should throw an exception. If you build with exceptions turned off, then both libc++ and libstdc++ will call abort instead of throwing an exception.

This design decision was discussed at length and approved in LEWG. One of the primary use cases for this container is embedded/freestanding: people don't want exceptions in the interface. UB allows throwing an exception, so you are free to do so in your implementation.

I've reviewed the current wording for "freestanding", (in [compliance]) and nowhere in there does it talk about not having exceptions.

As for which headers are part of a freestanding implementation, the wording is:

A freestanding implementation has an implementation-defined set of headers. This set shall include at least the headers shown in Table 21.

gnzlbg commented 5 years ago

This seems wrong to me.

@mclow Everybody agrees that this is sub-optimal but the current proposal is the result of the best ideas people had. Pretty much every other approach considered had significant downsides. Do you have a better idea?

What do you think about making this unspecified, but specifying that it does not result in undefined behavior?

That would still allow us to change this to use contracts in the future. In the meantime implementations are still allowed to abort, throw something, loop forever, ... as long as undefined behavior is avoided.

Alternatively, we could make this implementation defined, and provide some options, but changing this to contracts wouldn't be a backwards compatible change (we could add contracts as an alternative in the future, and recommend this, but removing the other options would be a breaking change).

CaseyCarter commented 5 years ago

@mclow Would you mind sending a brief summary of your design concerns to Titus, and requesting that LEWG review the pertinent decisions - ideally on the reflector to save us an extra meeting cycle?

gnzlbg commented 5 years ago

@mclow @CaseyCarter

Would you mind sending a brief summary of your design concerns to Titus, and requesting that LEWG review the pertinent decisions - ideally on the reflector to save us an extra meeting cycle?

Did this happen? If so, is there a link to the discussion in the reflector?

If not, given that the deadline for papers is next week, I will re-submit the paper with these fixes to LEWG so that they can re-evaluate the two major issues about the design that @mclow raised:

I'll try my best to gather all the thoughts expressed about these issues so that LEWG can have a fruitful discussion. It would be helpful if @mclow could send me a bare draft of their concerns, or if, once I commit the concerns to github, @mclow could review that they reflect their opinions accurately (I'll ping them in a PR for that).