go-bazzinga / hot-or-not-auth

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New Model for partitioned cookies #68

Closed rupansh closed 4 months ago

rupansh commented 4 months ago

The following is a proposal for a new model which does not rely on 3rd party cookies as they will be removed Note that the trade off with this approach is that we loose sharing anonymous identities across websites Anonymous identities do not require any changes with this model, other than setting the partitioned cookie header. the following diagram showcases the model for google login

    actor X as User
    participant F as SSR Frontend
    participant AS as Auth Server

    X ->> F: Click Login
    create participant A as Auth IFrame
    F ->> A: Renders Auth Iframe
    create participant AW as Auth Window
    A ->> AW: Open Window, pass Partitioned cookies
    loop Check Window Closed (Concurrent)
        A -) AW: Check if Window Closed
        destroy AW
        X -x AW: Close Window
        A -) F: Notify Window Closed
    X ->> AW: Login With Google
    AW ->> A: Post Refresh Token
    A ->> AS: Send Refresh token
    destroy AW
    A -x AW: Close Auth Window
    AS -->> A: Set HTTP only cookie, Send Identity
    A ->> F: Post Delegated Identity

Note that the roundabout communication between Auth Iframe and Auth server is required else the refresh token won't be updated (its http only) There's a minor security escape hatch as refresh token is temporarily available in the Auth Iframe & Auth Window, but both of them will be very minimal, so XSS should be extremely unlikely and thus a worthy trade off.

rosarp-gobazzinga commented 4 months ago

There are some changes in above flow. Depicting that further.

title: Anonymous session to user identification action flow
    actor client as Client Device
    participant ssr as SSR Backend
    participant iframe as iFrame

    client->>ssr: Visits first time
    ssr->>client: Returns page with iFrame
    iframe->>iframe: Loads anonymous_identity<br/>from auth
    create participant auth as Auth Service
    iframe->>auth: Calls generate_session
    auth-->>iframe: stores session in cookie
    client->>iframe: Client clicks login<br/>Sends postMessage
    iframe->>auth: Calls get_redirect_url
    Note over auth: Since cookie contains expiration<br/>which varies, contents will<br/>change for every request
    auth->>iframe: After cookie validation returns<br/>encrypted cookie contents<br/>base64 encoded in redirect_url
    create participant window as Window
    iframe->>window: Opens window with redirect_url
    window--)auth: redirect_url reads encrypted param<br/>sets cookie and redirects to login