go-chat-bot / bot

IRC, Slack, Telegram and RocketChat bot written in go
MIT License
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Rocket.Chat default port for a bot? #129

Open mikebdp2 opened 4 years ago

mikebdp2 commented 4 years ago

I'm setting up a bot to connect to a server which doesn't belong to me and this server is using the default settings for almost everything including ports. Here's my current config:

func main() {
        config := &rocket.Config{
                Server:   "chat.server.com",
                Port:     "?????",
                User:     "test-1-bot",
                Email:    "test-1-bot@server.com",
                Password: "********",
                UseTLS:   false,
                Debug:    os.Getenv("DEBUG") != "",

What is a default ROCKET_PORT value: 3000, 80 or 443 ? I tried using them all, but am getting the following results:

3000: login err: Post http://chat.server.com:3000/api/v1/login: dial tcp ..*.**:3000: connect: connection refused 80: login err: Request error: 405 Method Not Allowed 443: login err: Request error: 400 Bad Request