go-ego / riot

Go Open Source, Distributed, Simple and efficient Search Engine; Warning: This is V1 and beta version, because of big memory consume, and the V2 will be rewrite all code.
Apache License 2.0
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Windows setup #100

Open Arteneko opened 4 years ago

Arteneko commented 4 years ago

I tried to pull the dependency into my project, on my windows computer.

I obtained an error because riot pulls in go-systemd, for some reason.

Why is systemd required? And is there a solution to avoid this error?

E:\Dev\git\artemix-search>go get github.com/go-ego/riot
go: finding github.com/go-ego/riot latest
go: downloading github.com/go-ego/riot v0.0.0-20191215221243-bdbc256e4cbd
go: extracting github.com/go-ego/riot v0.0.0-20191215221243-bdbc256e4cbd
go get: github.com/go-ego/riot@v0.0.0-20191215221243-bdbc256e4cbd requires
        github.com/coreos/go-systemd@v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000: invalid version: unknown revision 000000000000
elvin-du commented 4 years ago

I have the same error on my Mac computer.

phachon commented 4 years ago

I have the same error

I found the go mod replace document

Exclude and replace apply only in the main module's go.mod and are ignored
in dependencies.

If we also use go mod in our project (import riot),riot/go.mod replace are ignored. so report error.

some solutions:

  1. create a new project base on vendor/github.com/coreos/go-systemd , and update code go-systemd import path

  2. upgrade go-systemd version lateast. remove repalce

@vcaesar Hope to have time to solve it as soon as possible


hipig commented 4 years ago

I have the same error on my computer.