go-ego / riot

Go Open Source, Distributed, Simple and efficient Search Engine; Warning: This is V1 and beta version, because of big memory consume, and the V2 will be rewrite all code.
Apache License 2.0
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Q: Incremental persistent storage #116

Open suntong opened 3 years ago

suntong commented 3 years ago

I've read that riot supports

and I've also read that

...the Persistent storage data is stored to the hard disk solely when the program closes. The data is then restored from the hard disk when the program restarts ( https://github.com/go-ego/riot/blob/master/docs/zh/persisten... )...

and I've tried to read the examples/codelab/search_server.go,all in trying to understand how the whole thing works.

However, there is still one thing that I am still unable to figure out.

the examples/codelab/search_server.go

However, what if my blog is built day by day. I.e.,

I.e., how to build such persistent storage or searching capability incrementally? THX!