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Proxy support broke in Gitea 1.18 #22335

Open zfLQ2qx2 opened 1 year ago

zfLQ2qx2 commented 1 year ago


I run gitea as a tor service so that I do not have to expose ports on my home firewall. Applications on my tor server do not have direct access to the internet, instead the tor daemon acts as a socks5 proxy and is responsible for name resolution and forwarding outgoing traffic through the tor network.

To have gitea work with tor I added the following lines to my app.ini:

[proxy] ENABLED = true PROXY_URL = socks:// PROXY_HOSTS = *

In versions upto 1.16.1 this worked correctly and I setup mirrors of a number repos from github, gitlab, and .onion domains without issue.

I jumped from 1.16.1 to 1.18.0 and in the latest version all of my mirror connections fail with DNS resolution errors which suggests that gitea is still trying to resolve the names itself instead of entrusting them to the socks5 proxy. This makes it impossible to reach onion addresses also since only the tor client can resolve those.

My test cases to show tor is working are:

ALL_PROXY=socks5h:// curl -vvv http://github.com/ ALL_PROXY=socks5h:// curl -vvv http://eweiibe6tdjsdprb4px6rqrzzcsi22m4koia44kc5pcjr7nec2rlxyad.onion/

(the later is the gitlab run by the tor project)

I should point out that in curl there is a difference, socks5 and socks5h, where the former uses the libc resolver and the later uses the socks5 resolver. The golang base libraries don't have a distinction.

Gitea Version


Can you reproduce the bug on the Gitea demo site?


Log Gist

No response


No response

Git Version

No response

Operating System


How are you running Gitea?

gitea-1.18.0-linux-amd64 from github releases



zeripath commented 1 year ago

Have you tried adding *.onion to [migrations] ALLOWED_DOMAINS ?

zfLQ2qx2 commented 1 year ago

@zeripath I will try that, but all of the connections are failing. The majority are GitHub (dozens) a couple Gitlab, and a couple .onion.

zeripath commented 1 year ago

Then have you tried setting ALLOWED_DOMAINS=* presumably your proxy is not going to allow connections to local machines?

zfLQ2qx2 commented 1 year ago

@zeripath Apologies, it took me a while to try these. I added a migrations section and tried adding ALLOWED_DOMAINS=*, although the documentation says that by default all domains are allowed so I don't think this is needed, and got the same result. I also tried adding ALLOW_LOCALNETWORKS=true under migrations because the way Tor works it maps resolved onion names to a local address and then requests to that address get forwarded to the onion address. I had no luck with this either. So I think we are back to something having changed in Gitea 1.18 (or 1.17, the last version this worked for sure was 1.16) where Gitea is attempting to resolve the addresses itself rather than allowing the Socks5 proxy to do it.

So to test I need to configure tor to answer DNS queries on and we'll see if that is a workaround for this new behavior.

zfLQ2qx2 commented 1 year ago

@zeripath So I did need [migrations] with ALLOWED_DOMAINS=* in order to update the host in the mirroring config. It looks like the Tor project changed the address of their git server which is the test case I used at start of this ticket.

I verified that the gitea user and resolve the onion address and reach it via socks 4, 5, and 5h - onion addresses resolve from command line via Test case which works is:

ALL_PROXY=socks:// curl -v -v -v http://gzgme7ov25seqjbphab4fkcph3jkobfwwpivt5kzbv3kqx2y2qttl4yd.onion:80/tor.git

Error from gitea is now:

Failed to update mirror repository '/home/gitea/gitea-repositories/tor/tor.git': fatal: unable to access 'http://gzgme7ov25seqjbphab4fkcph3jkobfwwpivt5kzbv3kqx2y2qttl4yd.onion/tor.git/': Failed to connect to gzgme7ov25seqjbphab4fkcph3jkobfwwpivt5kzbv3kqx2y2qttl4yd.onion port 80 after 0 ms: Connection refused
error: Could not fetch origin

Which is not a resolution error so thats ok now but seems like Gitea is not using the Socks proxy for outgoing connections - otherwise would take more then 0ms to fail.

It looks like [proxy] ENABLED is now [proxy] PROXY_ENABLED, made that change but did not help.

I tried changing [proxy] PROXY_HOSTS to *, *, ",*", and .onion (four different settings) but did not help.

I'm not sure what other settings there are or how I can diagnose further. If gitea uses the socks proxy on like curl does, it should have no issue connecting out.

zeripath commented 1 year ago

So the error is now coming from git not being able to resolve the host which implies that it isn't using the tor proxy.

This is strange because the proxy settings should set it.

zfLQ2qx2 commented 1 year ago

@zeripath In the gitea user's .gitconfig I also have an [http] proxy = socks5h:// setting, if I do '''git clone http://gzgme7ov25seqjbphab4fkcph3jkobfwwpivt5kzbv3kqx2y2qttl4yd.onion/tor.git''' I get a "repository not found" error from the remote which is significant in that it shows the git binary itself can talk to the remove server. The error itself is completely different issue, I need to open an issue with the tor project, neither their new or old onion addresses seem to allow git requests. The "gzgme..." address is the one they list on the bottom of their page https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git ...

zfLQ2qx2 commented 1 year ago

Now looking at https://github.com/xjasonlyu/tun2socks as a workaround which does not depend on gitea or git having explicit knowledge of the proxy.

lunny commented 11 months ago

Is this still a problem?